Real Empress from a Noble Family

Chapter 455 - Kui Xiannan Passed Away

Chapter 455 - Kui Xiannan Passed Away

Chapter 455 Kui Xiannan Passed Away

“Mi Yinyin was kind of crazy already when she was in the Mansion of Sir Jibei, and then the Thirteenth Young Master wrote the divorce letter to her after she was sent back to her maiden family. Although it became a peaceful divorce after Madame Shi intermediated, she was no longer the thirteenth madame after all. Mi Yinyin became even crazier after she knew it.” Su He gossiped about the things she overheard, “She was tossing around at home every day and it made everyone miserable. Although Old Madame Mi and Madame Chu loved her, they couldn’t leave her to disturb the lives of other family members. So, they pampered and persuaded her into being sent away to stay at the village outside the city.”

Qiu Yelan asked, “When was this?”

“It was the days around last Lunar New Year’s Eve. I think they were afraid that she might spoil the auspicious atmosphere of the festival, right?” Su He made her guess, “She stayed in the village for over a month. After the first lunar month, she was getting better slowly. Madame, you know Mi Yinyin was so loved in her maiden family. She was sent to the village only because there was no alternative. So, when her mother and grandmother knew she was doing well, they were so delighted that they invited her back to the city again. She stayed there till the end of the second lunar month. They saw her behavior had recovered to be normal so they made arrangements to find her a new husband.”

“This made sense. It’s a liberal society now and families that truly love their daughters will never follow the rule of ‘one husband till the end of the life’. Some time back, Ruan Ciyi had been married for over ten years and given birth to two children yet after her breaking up with Fang Nongyan. But she was forced into another marriage by Qiu Jinglan, not to mention that Mi Yinyin was only in her early twenties, just in her prime form.”

“Was there something wrong with the husband the Mi Family found for her?” Qiu Yelan guessed, “But what has it got to do with our fourth branch? Or maybe they have their eyes on someone related to our branch.” She thought about Xun Yuxi, who was the grandson-in-law to be of the Xue Family. The Mi Family would not wishfully think that they could possibly compete with the Xue Family. However, the engagement between Xun Yuxi and Xue Nongqing happened in April. There was no news about it at all by the end of February.josei

Fortunately, things were not that dramatic yet. Su He shook her head, “Mi Yinyin used to be the madame of our house after all. It would be awkward if she married someone in Jing City again. Moreover, her peaceful divorce with the Thirteenth Young Master led to a lot of judgements of her being jealous, none-virtuous, and childless. So, decent families in Jing City would naturally not want her. Therefore, the Mi Family matched her with the son of a non-local Prefect in the hope that the gossips wouldn’t travel that far, and a low-rank magistrate wouldn’t look down upon her. Well, there was nothing wrong with the Prefect’s family, but Mi Yinyin went mad again after knowing the truth behind her marriage.”

Qiu Yelan rubbed her forehead, “How was she mad?”

“She jumped into the lake and off the building, hanged herself, and swallowed gold… She tried all means to kill herself!” Su He shrugged her shoulders, “The Mi Family had no other way but to call off the marriage, and sent her to the village outside the city again.”

“What did this have to do with our branch? Why did Mi Yinyin’s mother ask Commandry Princess Lihui to send the message to me secretly?” Qiu Yelan was confused and asked, “Did she think her daughter’s madness had something to do with our branch?”

Su He said, “This was not the end yet. She was sent back to the village at the beginning of March and she was mad for more than ten days. By mid-March, she seemed to get the right idea again. But the Mi Family couldn’t trust her entirely again this time and sent someone to test her. Mi Yinyin admitted her foolish behaviors in the past and confessed her regret of dismissing all the family support… Her words even made the tester cry, who then reported honestly back to the Mi Family. Afterwards, the Mi Family took her back and started again looking for a new husband candidate.”

Qiu Yelan felt tangled, “Tell me the result. Why did Madame Chu ask us to inquire about her situation?”

“It is said that Mi Yinyin has been normal since she was invited back in mid-March. The person who she is going to marry was chosen and he is Jiang Hao, the nephew of the Prefectural Governor of Songzhou.” Su He pursed her lips, “Jiang Hao lives with his uncle in Songzhou. Therefore, Mi Yinyin doesn’t know if she could go back to Jing City again for the rest of her life after this marriage. She wishes to see her female friends before she goes.”

“So, this is!” Qiu Yelan nodded her head. No wonder on the day of Zhuang Man’s marriage, Commandery Princess Lihui hinted to Jiang Qizheng and her euphemistically that something had happened in the Mi Family. She didn’t say it specifically but emphasized that she delivered this message only because she was the relative. Now Mi Yinyin was a divorced woman and the divorce was caused by her own aunt who forced her son to do it. Only to speak of the resentment between Empress and her, how many persons would come to see her off for her marriage, even they were invited?

All had changed after all and the carefree young ladies in those days were already wives or moreover mothers. The one like Zhuang Man was not allowed to be capricious, let alone the others. Even if there was someone who felt sorry for what happened to Mi Yinyin and would like to visit her, she had to think about if The Empress would be offended!

Besides, Qiu Yelan was the best female friend of Empress. If Qiu Yelan’s compassion brought her to the visit, the others wouldn’t need to have any qualm.

However, the nobles knew that the relationship between Qiu Yelan and Empress was established when Empress was at odds with Mi Yinyin. How would Qiu Yelan annoy Empress for Mi Yinyin?

Therefore, no matter how Madame Chu implored at her, the best thing Commandery Princess Lihui compromised on was to imply Qiu Yelan to inquire about what happened in the Mi Family. In this way, if Qiu Yelan was willing to visit Mi Yinyin out of pity, it was the best. Or if she would not go, Commandery Princess Lihui could save the embarrassment by telling the story face to face and avoid offending Empress if the story traveled to her ears.

“Of course, I am not going.” Qiu Yelan made the decision without even thinking much, “Forget about how preoccupied I am already with all the family chores. Even if I do go, it will give Empress a headache. I haven’t really known Mi Yinyin well but I do know that she has always been weak since little and spoiled by her family. After marriage, she was also pampered like a daughter by the sixth aunt. People like her tend to be sensitive and fragile. When she competed with others in the past, she couldn’t even cope with a few compliments to her opponents, let alone all the challenges recently. You never know what she might be struggling with right now. I am not afraid of her but why do I invite extra troubles?”

After understanding what Commandery Princess Lihui hinted on that day, Qiu Yelan just left it aside.

The worst thing about choosing a side was to swing back and forward. Moreover, Mi Yinyin was at a young age, and her experience of repeated madness was indeed pitiful. But as it was said that the one who was pitiful must have done something hatred. Looking back at when she just got married, she was spoiled and pampered by her aunt and Jiang Yalan always gave in to her. She was accountable to get herself into the current situation from the superiority she had before.

However, Jiang Qizheng struggled after getting to know this. After much pondering, she came to discuss it with Qiu Yelan, “Yinyin is about to be married far away and has invited some old friends for a gathering. I know you are not going, but it may be difficult for me to do the same.”

“You’d better make a notice to Empress if you’d like to go there.” Qiu Yelan reminded her.

She knew Jiang Qizheng had a different situation. The first time Qiu Yelan saw Mi Yinyin, Jiang Qizheng invited her to Jinxiu Slope. It was not a few years ago and they had never been so close to each other. It made sense she was not invited this time since they were only shallow acquaintances to each other.

But Jiang Qizheng and Mi Yinyin grew up together. Back to the year under the Jinxiu Slope, Jiang Qiyun and Jiang Qisheng quarreled with Jiang Qizheng for Qiu Yelan’s sake. They asked their female friends to leave to embarrass Jiang Qizheng when she had the disputes with Gu E’nuo. At that time, even He Shuijin, who was the best friend to Jiang Qizheng, left since she was afraid of offending her prospective sister-in-law. Empress did not intend to leave at first, but she left at last to find the cat which was entrusted to her by her beloved one’s sister. Mi Yinyin was the only one who stayed and she fought at the side of Jiang Qizheng.

Just for this reason, Jiang Qizheng had to go there this time now that she was invited by Mi Yinyin.

When she heard what Qiu Yelan said, she implored, “Please help me explain it to Empress!”

Jiang Qizheng didn’t pick up the side in the dispute between Empress and Mi Yinyin, but Mi Yinyin grew up with her while Xin Fubing was brought back to Jing City when she was a bit elder. So, the friendship with the latter was not as good as it was with the former. However, the latter was Empress then. She could not be offended.

Qiu Yelan answered positively, “I am going to send someone to Dizi Hill tomorrow. I have something for Ruan Ciyi. It is a good chance to ask her to tell Man’er so that Man’er can explain the details to Empress.”

Since it was not proper for the Jiang Family to accompany Emperor for the summer holidays, Ruan Ciyi had planned not to go this year. However, Li Qianzhi said, “It is as hot as a stove in Jing City every year. Even the adults find it unbearable if we don’t use ice. But if we use ice, the house will be stuffy inside and it is not pleasant. Our children are young and weak, we can’t let them suffer, can we? It is safe to go to the mountain for the natural coolness. If you think about Qiu Yelan, send someone to visit her often. The summer vacation is only a few months and you can’t see her every day even you stay in Jing City, can you?”

Ruan Ciyi changed her mind then.

Qiu Yelan knew it and in order to make Ruan Ciyi feel at ease in Dizi Hill, she promised to send the message of safety frequently. She calculated the time and thought Emperor should just arrive at the Summer Palace. By the time her people arrived, it was estimated that Ruan Ciyi had cleaned up the side hall and had time to summon visitors. In fact, Qiu Yelan could send someone to ask for a visit to Zhuang Man directly and not through Ruan Ciyi. This arrangement of her was out of some personal consideration. She would like Ruan Ciyi to have more chances to show her face to the seniors and make Jiang Qizheng remember the favor of Ruan Ciyi.

This couldn’t be said to be a deliberate scheme against Jiang Qizheng or Empress. It was just to help her cousin by the way. Jiang Qizheng saw it through but she didn’t mind it, “Thanks, my sister. I will send someone to the Mi Family and ask about the specific date of the gathering.”

… Jing City was silent after Emperor left.

It was kind of lonesome in the Marquess’s Mansion.

It was in the early morning that Qiu Yelan awoke from her dream. Through the silk bed curtain, she saw the flicker in the thick yarn lampshade outside which was kept for the night. She sighed silently.

Although it was a quiet sigh, Jiang Yashuang noticed. He asked with a vague voice, “Are you concerned about your brother?”

“Maybe it is too hot.” Qiu Yelan answered in a lazy voice, “It seems the ice in the ice-pot has all melted into water, right? Shall we ask them to put more ice if you don’t mind the cold?”

She naturally worried about Qiu Jinglan but it was not just for Qiu Jinglan. In this sultry summer in Jing City, even staying in the cool house, people could get impatient for no reason and think about the burning sun. Things were so annoying like bad omens. Generally speaking, it was a year especially bad for the Jiang Family.

But this was not yet the end of the year and this frustrating situation seemed to be going on as if it was determined.

When Jiang Yashuang said “good” to his wife, a hasty sound of footsteps came from the outside, making them rise up in horror!

Fortunately, this was not about the deterioration of Marquess Qin!

But it was not any better than that either. Well, this might not be entirely bad news to the Fourth branch.

Anyway, Kui Xiannan passed away.

The sky was not completely bright yet and Marquess’s Mansion was lit up all at once.

All the masters got up in a hurry except for the children who were not old enough to understand the matter. All of them received the strict order from Madame Tao whilst getting up, “The first is to hide the news from Chaohai. And second, all come to my yard for discussion at once!”

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