Real Man

Chapter 168

Chapter 168:

Chapter 168

An Se-hoon, the deputy manager who had worked with him for a long time, picked up the newspaper that was placed on President Han Seung-won’s lap.

He pointed at the picture in the newspaper with one hand and exclaimed.

“Did you just talk to Yoo-hyun who’s in here?”

“Hehe, yes.”

“Wow. Our president, you’re so funny.”

“What, you punk.”

“No, you were bragging about your son like crazy while looking at the picture just before, but why did you act so polite when you talked to him?”

“When did I brag? I just saw that the article came out.”

President Han Seung-won felt wronged.

Of course, he was happy that his son’s article came out, but he never showed it off in front of his employees.

It was the employee who brought the newspaper and opened the page where his son’s picture was printed.

All President Han Seung-won did was slightly lift the corners of his mouth.

But the employees still jeered at him.


He knew it was a joke, but there was one person who was mean.

It was An Se-hoon, the deputy manager who had been with him longer than his son.

“I’m very happy too, since I raised Yoo-hyun when he was young. But this is not how you brag.”

“An deputy manager, do you want to keep pushing me like this?”

“You’re pretending not to know again. You probably left the newspaper on purpose where it can be seen.”

He didn’t know when to stop once he started nagging.

He kept talking even though it was enough.

“Let’s take advantage of Yoo-hyun’s success. Hey, can you get us a contract from Hanseong Construction?”

“Hey, how can a rookie who has nothing to do with it do that?”

“President, this is the time to take advantage of your luck. Well, what do you think?”

“This guy until the end.”

“Haha. I’m kidding, kidding.”

President Han Seung-won got angry and got up from his seat.

Then An Se-hoon stepped back.

He turned his head and looked at the employees and said with authority.

“Listen up.”

Then the employees’ faces became tense.

“Yes, sir.”

Then President Han Seung-won’s mouth curled up.

“Let’s finish up quickly today… How about a dinner?”


The employees who were looking around with blank expressions shouted belatedly.

“Wow. Yes, please.”

Han Jae-hee was sitting on the campus bench blankly.

The week she spent in Germany felt like a dream.

The glamorous exhibition hall, the expensive open car, the luxurious hotel, the delicious food and drinks, and the time she spent with good people still lingered in her head.

She worked like crazy for a while, but that too became a good memory.

“Can I go again?”

She was muttering to herself with her chin resting on her hand.

Lim Ye-jin, a classmate from the same department, sat down next to her.

“Where are you going?”

“Huh? Just.”

“Hey, have you seen this?”

She handed her a newspaper.

Her brother’s face was printed in the newspaper.

She had seen it several times already because her mother kept talking about it.

“I did.”

“Your brother is really cool. Does he have a girlfriend?”

“Huh? Girlfriend?”

She realized that she had never heard of her brother’s love life.

She might have done it when she was drunk, but she couldn’t remember because the film was cut off every time.

“I don’t know.”

“Hey, can you introduce me to him?”

“You have a boyfriend.”

“That’s just a friend.”

“Ugh, no.”

Han Jae-hee drew a clear line.

Lim Ye-jin crossed her arms and pouted.

“Why? You’re so protective of your brother these days, aren’t you?”

“When did I do that?”

“When did you do that? You used to never talk about your brother, but now you have him in your mouth every day.”

“Did I?”

She realized that she had become very close to her brother at some point.

She suddenly thought of something and took out her phone.

There were no recent messages.

She was annoyed when he gave her work, but she felt disappointed when he didn’t contact her.

Then Lim Ye-jin said something as if she remembered.

“Oh, Woo-chan senior is coming here.”

“What? Yang Woo-chan?”

“Yeah. The senior you said was handsome and rich before.”

“When did I say that?”

As Han Jae-hee turned pale, a word that stuck in her ear came to mind.

-Don’t ever date Yang. He’s not a person who can help you. Got it?

She was bothered by her brother’s words that she dismissed as a joke.

Was that why?

Han Jae-hee felt a instinctive repulsion and got up from her seat.

“I’m going first.”

“Hey, he’ll be here soon.”

“I don’t have anything to see.”

Han Jae-hee shook her head firmly.

She decided to listen to her brother this time.

Yoo-hyun was walking the busy commute as usual.

He had his phone in one hand.

He heard the voice of reporter Oh Eun-bi on the phone.

-Thank you for the interview. I put the best picture of you on it.

“Thank you.”

-Ah, stingy. Normally, only CEOs get color pictures for articles. Do you know how hard I worked for that…


Yoo-hyun took the phone away from his ear for a moment.

He had heard the same thing over and over again since the article came out a week ago.

The reporter with a good sense stopped talking and asked.


“Yes, reporter, thank you.”

-So let’s have a meal. I’ll pay. I even gave you an interview, and this is probably the first time a reporter gets a free meal.

“Yes. I’ll set a date. Let’s do it next time.”

-Hoho. Okay, I got it. Good day~

He looked at the hung up phone and chuckled.

He didn’t expect to be connected to the picky reporter like this.

She was a bit talkative and annoying, but it wasn’t bad to get close to her.

He would need her help soon.

He needed to maintain a proper relationship with her for that.

He was thinking about this and that and arrived at the office.

He wondered what was going on, but Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager who usually came in the latest, was already in his seat.

“What’s going on?”

“I was curious about Park’s blind date result, so I couldn’t sleep.”


Yoo-hyun spat out a laugh in disbelief.

Soon after, Choi Min-hee, the manager, Kim Young-gil, the deputy, and Lee Chan-ho arrived.

“Do you know the result?

“How was the blind date?”

“Did the deputy come?”

The words from the three people’s mouths were all directed at one person.

They were all eagerly waiting for the result of Park Seung-woo’s blind date last weekend.

They dragged their chairs and gathered around Park Seung-woo’s seat.

Yoo-hyun, who was next to him, naturally joined the group.

As they chatted, the work time was approaching.

Soon after, Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, asked anxiously.

“When is Park coming?”

“Right. He’s late.”

Kim Young-gil, the deputy, checked the time and answered.

The other part members also waited nervously.

No one was worried about Park Seung-woo’s health.

They were worried about something else.

Choi Min-hee, the manager, asked bluntly.

“Was it a car accident?”

“That wouldn’t be it.”

Yoo-hyun answered, and Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager who was next to him, shook his head.

“Yoo-hyun, face the reality.”


The people had already decided.

Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager who was worried, spoke and Lee Chan-ho added.

“Is he not coming because of the sorrow of breaking up?”

“Don’t you have to get an after to break up?”

“Hey, he’s the top talent in the company, but what if he broke up from the start?”

Kim Young-gil, the deputy, asked incredulously and Lee Chan-ho nodded.

“Isn’t that possible?”

“That’s right.”

Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, agreed with a serious expression.

They had the same mind, except for Yoo-hyun.

They judged that it would be hard for Park Seung-woo, who had no sense, to survive in a group blind date.

But Yoo-hyun believed he could do it.

Park Seung-woo’s strength was his humanistic side that attracted people.

If he could convey his sincerity, the other person would have no choice but to fall for him.

What was lacking?

He was a little clueless, but that could be changed by changing a few habits.

He would have had enough chances if he followed the advice.

Yoo-hyun nodded.

Yoo-hyun and the part members had different thoughts.josei

At the exact moment when the work time was over, Park Seung-woo showed up.

He saw the part members waiting and walked quickly.

Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, raised his hand and called him.


“Yes, sir.”

“Come to the conference room right away.”

“Yes? Oh, yes.”

Then he got up from his seat and turned his back.

At the same time, the other part members also got up from their seats as promised.

Park Seung-woo hung his jumper behind the chair and asked Yoo-hyun, who was left.

“What’s going on?”

“You’ll see when you go.”

“Is it serious?”

“A little.”

It wasn’t a little.

There was nothing more serious and important than this in the part.

When they arrived at the conference room, the part members were already in their seats.

Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, snapped his fingers and pointed out Park Seung-woo’s seat.

Yoo-hyun sat in the corner and looked around.

They weren’t even promised, but they all became like interrogators.

What’s so serious?

He chuckled.

It was the 3rd part that got along well in a strange place after going to Germany.

Park Seung-woo asked cautiously.

“Me… what’s going on?”

“It’s about the blind date on Saturday.”

Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, answered Park Seung-woo’s bewildered question.

Then Park Seung-woo relaxed his shoulders and shrugged.

“Oh, that.”

“That? Did it go well?”

The part members’ eyes widened at the unexpected sight.

It wasn’t the defeated expression they expected.

He even gave a confident answer.

“It was easy.”



The atmosphere completely reversed with that one shot.

It was enough for Choi Min-hee, the manager who didn’t usually step up, to step up.

She asked in a hurry.

“Tell me how you did it. I’m so curious.”

“Where should I start?”

Park Seung-woo, who took the lead, looked around leisurely.

“From the beginning to the end, all of it.”

“Ah, it’s a bit long… Well, okay.”

The part members exchanged quick glances at his appearance.

‘Is he for real?’

‘He looks real, doesn’t he?’


Now they all believed in Park Seung-woo’s success.

Yoo-hyun didn’t doubt his success either.

His body language and his story showed that it was true.

Park Seung-woo coughed once and opened his mouth.

“First of all, we all gathered in a big hall. There were 20 employees from Yurim Cosmetics. To be more specific…”

“Oh, was the place Baekje Hotel?”

Park Seung-woo nodded casually at Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager’s surprised question.

“Yes. They also gave us a hotel meal voucher if we succeeded as a couple.”

“Wow, that’s awesome.”

The people reacted strongly to Park Seung-woo’s every word.

The most enthusiastic person in front of him was Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager.

He reacted actively to Park Seung-woo’s words.

Park Seung-woo exaggerated his gestures and said.

“It’s 20 to 20, but there were a lot of people.”

“I bet.”

“First, there was a first talk. We covered our faces with something like a tent, and when we got a signal, we could face each other for 30 seconds. There…”

As the long explanation continued, Kim Hyun-min, the deputy manager, swallowed his saliva and asked.

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