Real Man

Chapter 184

Chapter 184:

Chapter 184

“If we install it up there, the sculpture would be…”

Yoo-hyun was talking excitedly.

He stopped when he felt a calm gaze from the side.

He slowly turned his head and saw Richard looking at him with a curious expression.

Their eyes met for a moment.

His deep eyes under his thick eyelids seemed to pierce through Yoo-hyun’s innermost thoughts.

He remembered what he wanted to forget.

He betrayed him for the sake of success.

He thought it was natural to receive everything.

He believed that greedy people succeed in life.

He gave him too much for such a bad person.


He hesitated, unable to say anything.

His lips curled up.

It was the same kind smile as before.

It seemed like he was telling Yoo-hyun that it was okay.

His heart felt like it was tearing apart.

He couldn’t look at his eyes anymore and turned his head.

“I’m going somewhere else. How about you? Do you want to come with me?”

“Well, I don’t mind. Let’s go.”

His voice was also pleasant.

They moved to the presentation hall on the second floor.

The presentations were divided into several sections, and most of them were done by students.

It was a place to present their research achievements at school, similar to paper presentations.

The only difference was the presentation method, which was Pecha Kucha.

Richard whispered in his ear as they sat down.

“Have you ever heard of this kind of presentation?”

“No, it’s my first time. What is Pecha Kucha?”

“It’s a way of automatically switching 20 slides every 20 seconds. They said they chose this method to make the atmosphere more relaxed.”

“You know a lot.”

“I just picked it up from here and there.”

Richard shrugged lightly.

Yoo-hyun smiled faintly as he glanced at him.

It felt like they were back to the time when they worked together.

The time when he followed him around, admiring him.

The students’ presentations were fresh.

They used design to explain the huge discourses of cars, computers, videos, etc. in a fun way.

Especially, the combination of Netflix (video streaming service) and UX design was well done, as if they had seen the future 10 years later.

And finally.

The last order of this section, and the one Yoo-hyun had been waiting for, came.

A man with horn-rimmed glasses stood in front of the podium.

He came out with the topic of brand marketing, ‘Big Brand, Big Idea’.

His eyes looked at the audience.

Richard whispered.

“He also presented here last year.”

“Do you know him?”

“I gave him my card because his presentation was impressive. I don’t know if he remembers.”


Yoo-hyun’s head went blank.

It was because of the unexpected connection.

-Jo Gebia. Rhode Island Design School.

Along with the name written under the title, one thought crossed his mind.

Maybe Jo Gebia felt close to Hansung because of Richard’s efforts?

It was something he couldn’t confirm.

The presentation was smooth like water.

Jo Gebia, who stood on the podium, was the same eloquent as Yoo-hyun remembered, and he had a leisure in every word.

-The way to grow a big brand is…

He spoke as if he was chatting with a close friend, and his presentation attracted people’s attention.

In the meantime, Jo Gebia’s eyes, which kept moving, swept over Yoo-hyun, who was sitting on the edge of the seat.

His eyes shook for a moment.

‘Did I come for nothing?’

Yoo-hyun quickly turned his eyes away, without any intention of interfering.

But it seemed too late.

-What you need to make a bigger brand is not just good design. It’s…

He hesitated for the first time, continuing his relaxed presentation.

A brief silence drew people’s attention.

He wondered if he had forgotten the content, and then he spat out a strong voice.

-It’s people. When people meet, respect each other, and show goodwill.

His eyes were clear.

-When you build trust within a common interest, the brand will have its true value.

It was not a word that he spoke casually as he practiced, but a word that conveyed his whole heart.

Richard let out a small exclamation.

“This presentation is especially good. It has sincerity.”

“I agree.”

Yoo-hyun answered immediately.josei

The page turned, and the last page came up.

Jo Gebia straightened his posture and opened his mouth.

-I had such a person too. The person who told me that my values were right, and that I could keep going that way. Thank you, Steve.

And his eyes turned to Yoo-hyun.


-That’s the end of my presentation. Thank you.

Clap clap clap clap clap clap.

The applause sounded.

Yoo-hyun was dumbfounded.

What he did for him?

It was worth only a thousand dollars.

In fact, it was a drop in the bucket compared to what they had received from them.

In other words, there was no need to praise him so much.

But Jo Gebia’s heart seemed to be different.

He came up to Yoo-hyun after finishing his presentation.

And he bowed deeply.

It was the Korean greeting that Yoo-hyun taught him.

“Thank you, Steve. I gained confidence because of you.”

“No, I didn’t do anything.”

He didn’t get up for a while, even though Yoo-hyun stopped him.

Richard looked at him with a curious look.

It was lunchtime after the presentation event.

Richard said casually.

“It’s time to go back soon. How about a sandwich and a cup of coffee before that?”

“Sounds good.”

Yoo-hyun smiled at Richard’s suggestion.

He wanted to talk to him alone throughout the exhibition period.

Then, someone’s voice came from afar.

“Mr. Yoo-hyun. Oh? Op…”

Jang Hyemin, who was waving her hand, shut her mouth when she saw Richard.

Richard approached her and put his long index finger on his lips.

It was an implicit sign not to act like he knew him.

Kim Younggil, the deputy, came from behind.


Yoo-hyun ran out and stood in front of Kim Younggil.

He asked for his understanding in a low voice.

“Deputy, I’ll have lunch separately today.”

“Then I’ll have to eat with Jang senior.”

“Yes. Please take care of it.”

When Yoo-hyun turned his body, Richard had already finished talking with Jang Hyemin.

Jang Hyemin gave Yoo-hyun a meaningful smile and passed by naturally.

“Mr. Yoo-hyun, please take care of it.”

“Yes. See you soon.”

And Yoo-hyun faced Richard again.

He blinked one eye.

Yoo-hyun knew what he meant.

They already knew each other’s existence.

But he wanted to be in the relationship between Steve and Richard as much as now.

A thick smile bloomed on their lips.

It was just a simple sandwich and a cup of coffee.

But this moment came to Yoo-hyun very differently.

He always talked about work with Shin Kyungwook, the executive director.

He threw different topics, but Yoo-hyun’s sight was too narrow at the time.

“I usually ride a bike on weekends. What’s good about it is…”

“You ran that far? You’re amazing.”

“It’s nothing. It’s nothing compared to martial arts. When can I see it?”

“Haha. It’s just a hobby.”

But not anymore.

He talked about his hobbies naturally and shared his family stories.

They exchanged their thoughts and confirmed their values.

Of course, there were parts that didn’t match, but they expressed their opinions without hesitation.

“In my opinion, in the future…”

“I think that…”

It was possible because he met Richard, not Shin Kyungwook.



Thanks to that, they had a pleasant conversation like old friends.

But as always, the time of farewell came.


Richard, who put down his coffee cup, got up from his seat.

“It’s a shame. I wanted to have a drink with you today if it wasn’t for work.”

“You’re coming back tomorrow, right?”

“Yes. Tomorrow I’m going to meet some friends I know, can you join me?”

Yoo-hyun, who got up with him, answered with a smile.

“Of course. Just call me and I’ll go anytime.”

“Good, Steve.”

Yoo-hyun held his hand tightly, who was Richard.

He heard his heartbeat from his fingertips.

His eyes, which seemed to have left some regrets, made Yoo-hyun’s heart flutter.

He wished this time would last longer.

He wanted to stay more, knowing it was greed.

Was it because of the strength in his hand?

Richard smiled.

“See you tomorrow.”

“Yes. Be careful.”

Yoo-hyun bowed deeply to him, who turned away.

He was very grateful that it was not an eternal farewell.

1 pm in Korean time.

Jeong Dabin was talking to her cousin who came to Korea for a long time.

“Da Hye, if you came to rest, just rest, why are you working again?”

-It’s not work. I just have something to check.

“You’re a workaholic.”

-I’ll go up when I’m done. Why?

“Why, I was wondering if you forgot the promise.”

It was a promise to meet in Seoul.

At the end of the year, other people are busy dating, but Jeong Dabin waited for that day.

‘Was I a cupid in my previous life?’

It was enough to make such a useless thought.

The answer that came back was as cool as her cousin’s personality.

-You said that, how can I forget?

“Okay. Then let’s see you in Seoul then.”

-Okay. I’ll call you.

Jeong Dabin’s heart pounded as she hung up the phone.

What expression would Yoo-hyun oppa make?

She smiled involuntarily at the thought of the surprised expression of the colleague oppa she used to like.

On the other hand, she was curious if Jeong Da Hye really didn’t know Yoo-hyun.

Jeong Dabin fell into a fluttering imagination.

The second night of the San Francisco business trip.

There was a gold carpet in the hotel room where Yoo-hyun stayed.

The walls were full of fancy decorations.

This room, which looked luxurious at a glance, was not the single room of about 4 square meters that he had reserved.

It was a suite room of 24 square meters with two rooms and a living room.

It was thanks to the accident that happened at the hotel yesterday that the room was upgraded.

Yoo-hyun opened the sliding door and went out to the outdoor terrace.

He sat down on an empty chair.

He took out a can of coffee and a cup from the small refrigerator on the outside.

He drank a cup of coffee and looked at the night view of San Francisco.

The open scenery made his heart feel cool.


When Yoo-hyun was immersed in his thoughts, smelling the cool breeze, he heard a sigh from Kim Younggil, the deputy, in the spacious living room with marble.

He walked with his head shaking and sat down on the chair opposite Yoo-hyun.

“Love is not easy.”

“Are you doing well?”

“Well, I feel lonely, so. Oh, sorry. You’re more like that.”

“I’m lonely. I’m with the deputy.”

Kim Younggil gave him a pitiful look at that, but Yoo-hyun calmly picked up a can of coffee.

He poured the can of coffee into a coffee cup with ice and handed it to Kim Younggil.

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