Real Man

Chapter 231

Chapter 231:

Chapter 231

The next day.

Yoo-hyun arrived at work 20 minutes later than usual.

He had stopped by the panel measurement room to get the measurement data.

As soon as he put his laptop bag on his desk, he was greeted by a curse.

It was Hong Hyuk Soo, the team leader.

“Hey, Han Yoo-hyun. How did the measurement go yesterday?”

“I did it.”

“What? You left early and you say you did it?”

“I used the automatic measurement program set up by the analysis team.”

Yoo-hyun answered, and Hong Hyuk Soo smirked and gestured with his hand.

“Bring me the data right now.”


Yoo-hyun picked up his laptop and went to the team meeting table.

There were the team manager and the two part leaders with grim expressions.

Kim Ho Geol, the senior engineer, spoke.

“You left early yesterday?”

“Yes, I did.”


“There was no need for me to be there when there was an automatic measurement program.”

Yoo-hyun answered confidently, and Kim Ho Geol’s eyebrows furrowed.

He suppressed his anger and opened his mouth.

“But there could have been a problem.”

“I left a log file so there was no problem.”

“Hey. What if the panel dies when there’s a problem? What are you going to do then?”

As soon as Yoo-hyun answered, Hong Hyuk Soo burst out in anger instead of the team manager.

He seemed determined to break Yoo-hyun.

It was a situation that would freeze anyone, but Yoo-hyun calmly opened his laptop.

Then he asked Hong Hyuk Soo.

“Will the panel come back to life if there’s someone there?”

“No, but at least we can check the exact time of death.”

Hong Hyuk Soo’s words were not wrong.

Yoo-hyun knew that very well too.

But he asked on purpose.

“Is that important?”

“Of course. That’s why we stay up all night, do you think we’re just playing around?”

“Yes. I understand what you mean.”

Yoo-hyun answered and displayed the screen connected to his laptop.

There was a measurement record sheet that scrolled down.

The measurement values were empty from around 8 pm last night.

Hong Hyuk Soo sneered at that sight.

“See? I knew you would screw up like this.”

“But the panel was fine until now.”

“Oh. If you’re going to work like that, pack your bags right now. Who can’t say that?”

Hong Hyuk Soo was too angry, but Kim Ho Geol couldn’t defend Yoo-hyun.

It was partly Yoo-hyun’s fault too.

Jung In Wook, the part leader, was just watching the situation quietly.

Then Yoo-hyun said.

“Shouldn’t we check why the automatic measurement didn’t work first?”

“It’s obvious. If it worked in one go, we wouldn’t have to suffer like this.”

“I see. Actually, I also prepared a backup plan in case the panel suddenly went out.”

“A backup plan?”

Hong Hyuk Soo’s eyes narrowed at Yoo-hyun’s words.

Yoo-hyun smiled and played a video while saying.

“Yes. I installed a camera in the measurement room. I had to make sure of the panel status.”

“What, what did you say?”

“And I found an interesting scene on it.”


Yoo-hyun paused the playback at the point that matched the time when no measurement values were recorded.

A shadow suddenly appeared on the screen that only showed the panel.

Yoo-hyun resumed playback, and someone on the screen turned off the measuring device that was working well.

The camera used for panel analysis was good, so the quality of the video was clear.

There was no way to not know who that person was.

Yoo-hyun looked around at the team executives without saying a word.

A silent silence flowed.

At that moment, Hong Hyuk Soo jumped up and shouted out of nowhere.

“Hey. Yoon Gi Chun.”

“Yes? Me?”

“Yeah. You bastard. Come here quickly.”

Yoon Gi Chun, who was bewildered, hurried to the team table.

He saw his own face clearly on the laptop screen.

His mind went blank then.

Hong Hyuk Soo started pouring out all kinds of swear words at him.

“You bastard, are you crazy? Have you lost your mind?”

“Uh, that, that is…”

“How can you ruin your junior’s work like that?”


“You son of a bitch, I’ll show you what I can do.”

He even tried to punch him like a Hollywood action movie star.

Yoo-hyun spat out a laugh while watching them.

Then he said to Kim Ho Geol, the senior engineer.

“Team manager, I’ll get back to work then.”

“Uh, uh. Good job.”

“No, it’s fine. The panel status is okay, so I’ll set it up again today.”

“Thank you for that.”

Yoo-hyun greeted him and returned to his seat.

Jung In Wook, the part leader, looked at his back with a complicated expression.

Hong Hyuk Soo’s swearing continued for a while.

It was like he was dumping his own sins on Yoon Gi Chun.

But did he know?

That he would lose his right-hand man because of this.

The clenched fist and trembling of Yoon Gi Chun, who had his mouth shut, proved that.

Yoon Gi Chun wouldn’t back down like this.

Even a rat would bite a cat when cornered.

Yoo-hyun returned to his seat and looked at Kim Seon Dong, the senior engineer.

He was restless.

Yoo-hyun said to him.

“Senior engineer Kim, you saw it, right? They’re just like that.”


Yoo-hyun was about to say more when Lee Jin Mok, the senior engineer, came up behind him and said.

“You did well.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“No, I knew the second part guys would tackle you, but I didn’t know it would be this bad.”

“No, it’s not. The others are nice to me.”

Yoo-hyun said calmly, but Lee Jin Mok looked ready to explode.

He clenched his fist and said.

“Kid. Wait and see. Maeng senior engineer and I will talk to the second part guys.”

“That would be nice of you.”

“Nice? What do you mean…”

Lee Jin Mok was about to say something when Hong Hyuk Soo moved first, followed by Yoon Gi Chun.

They had caused a commotion in front and were likely to spit out something behind.

Yoo-hyun stopped Lee Jin Mok from talking.

“Senior engineer, I’m sorry.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Yes. I have to go somewhere for a moment. Senior engineer Kim, excuse me for a moment.”

Then he grabbed Kim Seon Dong’s wrist and dragged him away.

Kim Seon Dong’s eyes widened at Yoo-hyun’s sudden action.

“Uh? Why me?”

“You have to come with me.”

“Do I really have to…”

“Please, just this once.”

Yoo-hyun insisted strongly, and Kim Seon Dong reluctantly got up.

Lee Jin Mok was puzzled by the unexpected situation.

Yoo-hyun dragged Kim Seon Dong along and followed the two people.

Kim Seon Dong seemed to have a rough idea of what was going on.

“Why are you following them?”

“You have to see it.”

“See what?”

“It will help you make a decision.”

Maybe it was because of Yoo-hyun’s confident eyes.

Kim Seon Dong’s pupils wavered.

As Yoo-hyun expected, he was still struggling with his weak self.

A moment later.

Yoo-hyun and Kim Seon Dong were listening with their ears open at the lower floor of the emergency stairs.

They heard the conversation between Hong Hyuk Soo and Yoon Gi Chun from above.

Hong Hyuk Soo’s voice was much softer than before.

“Yoon senior engineer, you know how I feel.”josei

“Team leader, I really can’t do this to me.”

“Come on, give me a break.”

“If you do this, I can’t work with you anymore.”

As Yoo-hyun expected, the two people were bickering.

They were originally tangled in a dirty relationship, and they never lasted long.

He couldn’t trace their past actions, but they must have twisted at some point.

It was just that it happened sooner than expected.

Yoon Gi Chun’s sharp voice came out.

“I can get out of this by selling Seon Dong’s name. But what about you?”

“What do you mean? The team manager signed off on it too.”

“But all the money went into your hands.”

“You ate some too.”

“I can’t do this for that much.”

The two people were pathetic.

They thought there was no one around, but they exposed their flaws without any hesitation.

And their attacks were also childish.

“Then should I tell Seon Dong? If he knows you took money, will he stay still?”

“He’s a pig who can’t do anything. But the team manager might be different, right?”

“You bastard.”

This was not in Yoo-hyun’s prediction, but he wasn’t surprised either.

But Kim Seon Dong seemed to be different.

He shook his clenched fist.

He just realized their dirty faces.

Yoo-hyun silently held his hand.

Kim Seon Dong nodded as if he had made up his mind.

Yoo-hyun didn’t have a sense of mission to correct all the corruption in the company.

He had no reason to do that either.

But this case was different.

Yoo-hyun handed Kim Seon Dong a paper cup filled with coffee on the rooftop lounge of the Ulsan 4th factory.

Then Kim Seon Dong said in an awkward voice.

“Th, thank you.”

“You paid for it.”

“But it’s only 200 won.”

“That’s more than enough. Sit down there.”

Yoo-hyun said kindly, and Kim Seon Dong’s expression relaxed a bit.

Vroom vroom vroom vroom.

He drank coffee with the loud sound of the exhaust fan as background music.

He had never been alone with Kim Seon Dong before either.

He was very shy.

Yoo-hyun broke the ice and said what he had in mind.

“I’m sorry, senior engineer.”

“Why, why?”

“Just because. I feel like I dragged you into this.”

“No, it’s not like that…”

Kim Seon Dong hesitated.

Yoo-hyun didn’t just say that either.

Kim Seon Dong paused for a moment and opened his mouth cautiously.

“Actually, I saw you once before you went on a business trip.”

“We had a meeting together.”

“No, not that.”

“Then what?”

Kim Seon Dong licked his lips and lifted his mouth slightly.

He looked like he was imagining something fun.

Then he threw out an unexpected word.

“At the emergency stairs earlier.”


“When you confronted Yoon senior engineer, I saw it with Maeng senior engineer.”

“Did they curse at me?”

Yoo-hyun asked with a smile, and he suddenly said what he had in mind.

“No. I was jealous.”


His gaze was fixed on the paper cup on his crossed legs.

He hesitated for a while and continued talking.

“I wanted to be like that too.”

“I wasn’t in the same team as you.”

“No. It wasn’t like that.”

Kim Seon Dong shrugged his shoulders.

Then his face got closer to the paper cup.

Yoo-hyun called him softly.

“Senior engineer.”


“You’re strong too.”


“It’s just that your style is different.”

Yoo-hyun’s words made Kim Seon Dong turn his head.

His lips were trembling, but he held the paper cup tightly.

“Can I… really do it?”

“Of course. You’ve already decided, right?”

“Yeah. I, I won’t run away this time.”

Maybe the words Yoo-hyun said when he was drunk hit his heart.

Yoo-hyun held his hand again and said.

“I’ll be with you.”

“Thank you.”

“I should thank you.”

“What do you have to thank me for?”

Yoo-hyun looked at Kim Seon Dong, who shook his head.

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