Real Man

Chapter 233

Chapter 233:

Chapter 233

Lee Jin-mok, the team leader who put his hand on Yoo-hyun’s shoulder, said as if he was giving him a boost.

“Senior, we’ll be going then.”

“See you later.”

Yoo-hyun also waved his hand to his senior, Maeng Gi-yong.

Maeng Gi-yong stood still and watched their backs.

He looked somewhat regretful.

Was it because he cleaned up the material warehouse once?

It was easy to find the parts.

Yoo-hyun’s quick hands amazed Lee Jin-mok.

“It’s much faster when you organize it well.”

“It’s thanks to your precise instructions, team leader.”

“How about we have a cup of coffee after we send the parts?”

“Yes. That sounds good.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and put the last part in the box on the folding cart.

Then he pulled the cart out to the hallway.

That’s when he ran into Kang In-hwan, the head of Circuit Team 4.

Yoo-hyun and Lee Jin-mok greeted him at the same time.


“How are you?”

Kang In-hwan glared at Yoo-hyun with narrowed eyes.

Yoo-hyun calmly met his gaze.

On the other hand, Lee Jin-mok looked restless.

Kang In-hwan snapped at Yoo-hyun.

“Hey, Han Yoo-hyun.”


“You seem to be cocky because you’re in charge of this project, but just wait and see.”

“I understand.”

“Do you?”

As Yoo-hyun answered right away, he caught his tail and picked a fight.

He was mean inside despite his strong appearance.

But there was no need to provoke him unnecessarily, so Yoo-hyun answered politely.josei

“Then how should I answer?”

“You’re such a jerk. I’ll get you, you hear me?”

“Yes. Have a nice day.”

“Ugh, I wish I could just, smack.”

Kang In-hwan, who was hitting his steering wheel, clenched his fist.

But soon he sighed and walked away.

Only then did Lee Jin-mok, who was next to him, breathe a sigh of relief.

“Phew… Yoo-hyun, why do you have so many enemies?”

“He helps us a lot, though.”

“Is that what you say?”

“Isn’t that true?”

Yoo-hyun said casually, but he meant it.

Under the orders of Go Jun-ho, the executive director, Circuit Team 4 helped out the Pre-Production Team that was short of staff.

They also cross-checked the test board design that Lee Jin-mok made this time.

They helped a lot even though they complained.

Lee Jin-mok grumbled.

“Hey, I’d rather not get their help. They’re so fierce every time they come.”

“But it’s better than not getting any help.”

“No. I can do well by myself.”

Yoo-hyun thought Circuit Team 4’s help was great.

They caught two mistakes that Lee Jin-mok made.

Since there was no need to argue here, Yoo-hyun appeased Lee Jin-mok’s mood.

“Yes, yes. I got it.”

Then Lee Jin-mok went ahead with the cart, feeling embarrassed.

“I’ll go first if you don’t come.”

“Let’s go together.”

Yoo-hyun quickly followed him.

After work, Kang In-hwan entered the underground parking lot.

He got into his new luxury car and leaned back on the seat.

He should have been in a good mood, but he felt angry when he thought of Yoo-hyun’s smiling face on the other team.

He cursed even as he started the car.

“Ugh. How can I kill that bastard Han Yoo-hyun?”

In fact, he had no good plan because his charge was in trouble.

The Pre-Production Team leader who used to be clumsy also acted arrogantly now.


He was unlucky enough to get stuck in traffic as he left the parking lot.

“Why is it blocked again?”

He spat out his habitual annoyance when he heard a loud horn sound and looked out.

There was a huge luxury limousine in front of him.

He was about to burst out when he quickly shut his mouth.


It was because there were big men in black clothes standing around with fierce eyes.

It was a threatening scene that made Kang In-hwan’s eyes widen.

At that moment, a man dressed in expensive clothes shouted something.

Then a young employee who came out of the main gate put his hand on his shoulder and showed a friendly gesture.

It was Han Yoo-hyun’s face.

“What, what is this…”

Kang In-hwan’s hand holding the steering wheel trembled.

At that time.

Yoo-hyun, who came down to the factory gate to take the shuttle bus, was dumbfounded.

It was because Nam Jong-bu brought a conspicuously large limousine to see him.

He didn’t answer his phone for a while and came all the way here to check on him.

He appreciated his sincerity.

But there were too many eyes around.

Especially, the bodyguards he hired new looked like gangsters and could be misunderstood.

Yoo-hyun greeted him warmly and put his hand on his shoulder as if they were close.

“Wow, Jong-bu, you came to see me because you missed me?”

“Are you crazy? Let go of me. You…”

Nam Jong-bu was about to yell when Yoo-hyun tightened his arm around his neck.


“Are you going to take me to your office? Let’s go. I’ll go with you.”

“Ugh. What are you saying?”

“I was curious about that. Let’s go.”


While Nam Jong-bu was bewildered, Yoo-hyun had already paid the bill.

He knew why he came and what he was going to say without looking.

He needed to step on him harder anyway.

Yoo-hyun released his neck and sat down in the back seat of the limousine as if it was natural.

Then he said casually.

“The back seat is my seat, so you get in from the other side.”

“You bastard.”

“Shut up.”

He showed his middle finger from inside as he got angry with his friendly attitude.

He felt like a new personality was emerging as he matched Nam Jong-bu’s level.

It wasn’t bad because it was refreshing in its own way.

Nam Jong-bu cursed but turned around and opened the door on the road side.

“You’re dead today.”

“Kid, listen well.”

Yoo-hyun was still relaxed.

Soon the limousine moved with people’s eyes on it.


Yoo-hyun hummed a tune next to Nam Jong-bu who looked like he wanted to eat him alive.

Then he took out a bottle of wine from the refrigerator in the car.

As Yoo-hyun tried to uncork it, Nam Jong-bu was shocked.

“Hey. Do you know how much that is?”

“Why, is it about five hundred?”


“Anyway, you’re not a beggar.”

Yoo-hyun rubbed salt into his wound as he hit the mark.

Then Nam Jong-bu, who was sitting next to him, raised his hand angrily.

“You son of a bitch.”

“Hey, make a fuss while you have those big guys. Or you’ll die.”

“Let’s see later.”


As Yoo-hyun sent him a fierce look, he lowered his fist again.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and poured the wine into a glass on the armrest.

Glug glug.

The sweet grape scent filled the air.

He didn’t need any snacks as he watched Nam Jong-bu boiling with anger.

A little later.

Yoo-hyun entered a building in a corner of Ulsan city.

It was Nam Jong-bu’s building, and his office was on the fourth floor.

There were books stacked for decoration in one corner of the wall cabinet, and various plaques hung on the wall.

There were golf clubs and a putting machine in one corner.

The location and time were different, but it was similar to his Seoul office that Yoo-hyun remembered.


Yoo-hyun sat on the soft sofa and acted arrogantly.

Then he snapped his fingers and called Nam Jong-bu.

“Sit down.”

“Are you crazy? Are you really sane?”

“I’m definitely sane.”

As Yoo-hyun answered bluntly, Nam Jong-bu’s forehead wrinkled.

He was still clueless about this character that he had never seen before in his life.

He sighed and sat down and gestured with his hand.

“Bring that over.”

“Yes, boss.”

One of the three men in suits, who was the shortest, answered and brought a paper over.

He looked like he had done some boxing with his body.

His eyes were sharp and his steps were light.

Nam Jong-bu nodded and he started to tell Yoo-hyun’s history.

“Name Han Yoo-hyun. Born in 1982. Taurus sign…”

“Hey, you idiot, just tell me the main points, only the main points.”

“I’m sorry.”

At Nam Jong-bu’s scolding, the man swallowed his saliva.

Yoo-hyun sighed as he watched the stupid drama.

Why did he fear such a guy?

He couldn’t understand it even if he thought about it again.

The small guy’s voice continued.

“He graduated from Inhyun University’s Business Administration Department and joined Hansung Electronics. He’s only been there for 2 years…”

“That’s enough. Stop there.”

He raised his hand to stop him and glared at him.

“A mere company employee dares to mess with me?”


As Yoo-hyun called his name, he yelled angrily.

“You bastard. I’m 10 years older than you, you bastard.”

“Being old is not something to be proud of. You should grow up.”

“Ugh, you son of a bitch.”

Nam Jong-bu raised his fist again when Yoo-hyun corrected him.

“And to be precise, it’s not 10 years but 8 years difference, right?”

“If you were born in 1982…”

“Forget it, can I recite it for you?”

“Recite what?”

As Nam Jong-bu asked back, Yoo-hyun dissected him.

“Name Nam Jong-bu. 35 years old. A third-generation descendant of pro-Japanese collaborators with a dog-like personality.”

“What did you say?”

“Oh, sorry. I’ll leave out the extra and start over.”

Yoo-hyun raised his palm to calm him down and resumed his speech.

It was quite detailed as it was based on his memory and investigation.

“Land of 50,000 pyeong in Gangnam, Yongin, and Namyangju, and 4 buildings, with real estate assets of about 250 billion won.”


“Stocks are worth nothing, and you wasted them by doing some operations. Oh, did you already kick out the president of Solid Technology?”

At Yoo-hyun’s words, Nam Jong-bu was too surprised to stutter.

“You, you crazy bastard.”

“Anyway, about your personality. Hey, it’s your fault that you lost the stocks, you bastard. What did the company representative do wrong?”


His expression darkened at Yoo-hyun’s words.

Whether he liked it or not, Yoo-hyun dug deeper into his weaknesses.

“You invested 5 billion won in overseas minerals. Oh, you’re going to lose that next year?”

“What? Why?”

“You fell for the president of Yooan Investment because she’s a woman, but that’s a scam, a scam.”


He was angry enough to hear Yoo-hyun’s words, but Nam Jong-bu was serious.

It was because the guy in front of him was spouting things that he hadn’t told anyone.

As if he could see through his inner thoughts, Yoo-hyun said.

“Aren’t you curious how I know all that?”

“How do you know?”


Yoo-hyun leaned forward and he followed him reflexively.

Their faces were only 10 centimeters apart when Yoo-hyun whispered.

“I actually came from the future.”

“You crazy bastard.”

As Nam Jong-bu flared up, Yoo-hyun snickered.

“Ouch. Don’t believe me if you can’t. I’m telling you and you’re making a fuss.”


Yoo-hyun leaned back on the sofa and crossed his legs.

Then he gestured with his chin at Nam Jong-bu who had a complicated expression.

“What are you going to do now?”

“What do you mean what am I going to do?”

“You brought money to screw me over, right? Show me.”


He ignored Nam Jong-bu who was startled and called the man behind him.

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