Real Man

Chapter 355

Chapter 355:

Chapter 355

“Boss, it looks like Han has given up on the fishing spot. He only plays golf these days.”

“President Bae, Han is not that kind of person.”

As always, Manager Lee Young-nam spoke with confidence. 

Bae Yong-hwan looked frustrated and dragged Bae Yong-seok into the conversation.

“Yong-seok, say something. Han has completely abandoned the fishing spot, hasn’t he?”

“Yes, brother. That’s true. But…”

Bae Yong-seok took a breath and his eyes sparkled for once.

He faced the curious gazes and uttered in a serious voice.

“What if playing golf is part of a bigger picture for the fishing spot development?”

“Hey, talk sense. You’re still unemployed because you think like that.”

Bae Yong-hwan scoffed at his older brother incredulously, but Manager Lee was different.

He rather embraced Bae Yong-seok.josei

“No. There’s some truth to what Yong-seok said.”

“Manager Lee.”

“He said he would show us with his actions. Let’s wait and see.”

His words were gentle, but Manager Lee’s eyes were already full of conviction.

Regardless of what the villagers thought, the clock at Yeontae Factory kept ticking.

Of course, there was nothing special to do except killing time.

After lunch, Yoo-hyun took a stroll around the nearby forest and returned to the factory.

He saw the work log spread on the shelf at the factory entrance.

He checked it and saw that 100 percent was recorded in the reassembly rate column.

It was an update by Team Leader Park Chul-hong before delivering the goods to Mokpo Factory today.

He also wrote the date in advance for the next blank column where next week’s work would be recorded.

Yoo-hyun chuckled at his small but meticulous attention to detail.

Kang Jong-ho came out of the break room and saw him and muttered.

“They’re going to be really pissed when they receive the goods in Mokpo today.”


“They always act like jerks when they give us stuff. And they got beaten by Manager Lee this time. They must be really angry.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll go this time.”


Kang Jong-ho blinked in surprise at Yoo-hyun’s answer.

Soon after, Kang Jong-ho and Jo Ki-jeong sat on the bench in the yard.

They heard Yoo-hyun’s intention and agreed without hesitation.

They were happy that he volunteered to go to Mokpo workshop, where they hated to go even if they died.

Kang Jong-ho explained first what he had to do there.

“Go to the reassembly workshop and hand over the monitor first…”

The first thing to do when going to Mokpo workshop was to get the work results verified.

This part was simple because there was a visible outcome.

The tricky part was getting the reassembled products for next week.

“When you receive them, make sure you get them according to the reassembly workshop staff quota…”

“I got it.”

Yoo-hyun nodded along even though he knew it roughly.

Jo Ki-jeong took over the baton and gave him more practical advice.

“They bully us when they hand over the goods…”

“That’s terrible.”

Apparently, they were picking on many trivial things and harassing them.

Jo Ki-jeong, who had been explaining for a long time, predicted today’s situation.

“Today, they will probably make us stand guard all night for not giving us the goods. They did that last time when they were pissed off.”

“Why don’t you just refuse to take the goods if they don’t give them to you?”

“You don’t know, Han. If we don’t get the goods properly and mess up the work, we’ll get punished right away. At least a pay cut.”

“They don’t get punished?”

“Why would they? It’s our fault for not doing the work.”

Technically, it was the fault of the side that didn’t give the goods on time.

And if something goes wrong at the bottom, the responsibility lies with the top.

The half-moon people here didn’t know this simple fact.

They accepted the custom as a matter of course.

In a word, they were too naive.

“I see.”

Yoo-hyun nodded his head for now.

It was then, when they were talking about work for once on the table.

Park Chul-hong, the team leader who had finished his late meal, walked out with a deep sigh.

He looked bright until yesterday, but today his complexion was very dark.

He couldn’t look good knowing that he would be bullied.

He approached the table and Yoo-hyun said to him abruptly.

“Team leader, as I told you last time, I’ll go on this business trip.”

“Han, it’s really okay. It’s easier to go with Jo.”

Park Chul-hong shook his head and Jo Ki-jeong flared up.

“Team leader, I went there last week.”

He really didn’t want to go this time, judging by his expression.

Yoo-hyun insisted once again.

It wasn’t to make Jo Ki-jeong or Kang Jong-ho comfortable.

Yoo-hyun was thinking of getting rid of this wrong custom once and for all.

“Don’t worry. I checked the precautions carefully. I can do it.”

“I’m not worried about you, I’m uncomfortable…”

Park Chul-hong swallowed his words.

Then Jo Ki-jeong and Kang Jong-ho pushed him.

“Han said he would do it, so just go with him.”


Park Chul-hong’s sigh deepened.

That’s how Yoo-hyun’s Mokpo business trip was decided.

Contrary to the worried eyes, Yoo-hyun was smiling brightly.

His appearance made Park Chul-hong’s forehead wrinkles deeper.

They say you should pull out a horn while it’s short.

Yoo-hyun, who had made up his mind, pushed Park Chul-hong.

“Team leader, let’s go and come back early today.”

“Even if we go now, we won’t get it. It’s better to go late and save time.”

“It’s impossible. I have to be back before I clock out.”

“That’s nonsense.”

Chief Park Chul-hong shook his head, but Yoo-hyun pulled his arm.

“It’s possible. We’ll finish early today.”

“You’re talking big without knowing anything. Fine. Get in.”

Chief Park Chul-hong sighed and finally grabbed the steering wheel.


The car went down the narrow mountain road.

As they passed the entrance with CCTV, a wide road that circled the reservoir appeared.

Yoo-hyun looked around at the scenery outside Yeontae-ri for the first time in a long time.

If they drove a little further to the opposite side, they would see the sea, but he hadn’t been there yet.

He was thinking of going there next time, when Chief Park Chul-hong asked cautiously.

“Han Team Leader, do you really have a way?”

“Yes. Just trust me. I’ll sort everything out.”

“How are you going to do that?”

Yoo-hyun hadn’t told him the details of his plan yet.

From Chief Park Chul-hong’s perspective, it was natural to be curious.

Yoo-hyun raised his luck before speaking.

“But you have to follow me exactly as I say.”

“What are you up to…”

As Chief Park Chul-hong’s voice trailed off, Yoo-hyun opened his mouth.

“What we’re going to do there is…”

It was the moment when Yoo-hyun finished explaining.


Chief Park Chul-hong suddenly stopped the car and blinked his eyes.

“Does that make sense?”

“It does. Let’s go.”

Yoo-hyun gestured calmly.

The Mokpo branch was located about 90 kilometers northwest of Yeontae-ri.

It took about an hour and a half by car to get to the Mokpo branch, which was a factory belonging to the home appliance division.

It was much larger than Yeontae branch, but only half as big as Busan branch, which was the main hub.

“Still, that place is a factory that handles a lot of products…”

Chief Park Chul-hong, who was holding the steering wheel, kept talking about the Mokpo branch.

He started from the history of the Mokpo branch and went on to explain the specific relationship with Yeontae branch.

It was a nervous talk that he spat out after hearing Yoo-hyun’s plan.

Since he had heard it several times already, Yoo-hyun nodded his head routinely.

“I see.”

“Are you listening to me?”

“Of course. I’ve got it in my head.”

Yoo-hyun answered and looked out the window.

The urban scenery that he hadn’t seen for a long time came across as exotic.


He heard a deep sigh from beside him.

It was the tenth sigh he heard today.

As they crossed the Yeongsan River and circled around the West Sea, a vast factory site came into view.

Park Chul-hong, the team leader, briefly stopped at the factory entrance and showed his ID card through the driver’s seat window.

“I’m from Yeontae Business Unit.”

“Okay. Go ahead.”

With that word, the security guard let the car pass.

As this scene showed, the Mokpo factory was much more lax in terms of access than the Ulsan factory.

It was more appropriate to attribute it to the nature of the workshop that dealt with various products, rather than the difference between the Home Appliances Business Unit and the LCD Business Unit.

The Busan factory, which mainly produced refrigerators and washing machines, had tighter access than this.

Accordingly, there were many practices that were done under the pretext of convenience in the Mokpo factory.

Even if Yoo-hyun didn’t dig deep into this side, it was obvious from looking at the situation of the Yeontae Business Unit.

Yoo-hyun was thinking about that when the car passed a street where forklifts were moving left and right.

Soon after, warehouses made of container boxes spread out in all directions.

Park Chul-hong, the team leader, parked the car in front of an empty lot near a warehouse.


Yoo-hyun got out of the car and turned his head to look at the warehouse next to him.

-Reassembly Work Team

There was a crooked sign hanging on the warehouse door.

It seemed to tell the status of the reassembly work team, which was located in the most remote corner of the Mokpo Business Unit.

Yoo-hyun approached Park Chul-hong, who was next to him, and said.

“This place is really poor.”

“But they are proud bastards.”

“They only act like that in front of us.”

“Well, that’s true.”

Park Chul-hong did not shake his head at Yoo-hyun’s words.

It was a fact that the reassembly work team’s location was the farthest from the Mokpo Business Unit.

The problem was that Yeontae Business Unit was under their feet.

Park Chul-hong did not bother to argue about it as if it was natural, and jumped onto the trunk of the truck.

“I’ll unload them first. You catch them.”


Yoo-hyun received 20 boxes of monitors that were packed.

The quantity was small, so they didn’t take up much space.


It was when Yoo-hyun put down the 20th box on the ground.


The container warehouse door opened and a buzzing voice came out.

“Haha. Did those parasites from Yeontae team up with old man Noh?”

“Team Leader Kang, don’t worry. We’ll crush them this time.”

“Puhahaha. Team Leader Ma, you’re so excited, so excited. Huh?”

The man who was holding his belly and laughing noticed the truck and smirked.

Then some middle-aged men who looked like they had a temper turned their heads.

Among them was Ma Jong-hyun, the team leader who had come to audit Yeontae Business Unit a while ago.

He lifted his lips in a long smile and said.

“Wow, Mr. Park, you came early today.”

“Hello, sir.”

Park Chul-hong, the team leader, got off the truck and bowed his head.

Yoo-hyun greeted him politely.

Then, the other men said something to Park Chul-hong.

They didn’t even glance at Yoo-hyun, let alone show any interest.

“Hey, Mr. Park, you’re on a roll these days because of the manager, huh?”

“Lucky me, right? I have a strong backer. Hahaha.”

Park Chul-hong couldn’t answer to the blatant sarcasm.

It was clear who was the boss and who was the subordinate.

In the office of the appliance assembly department in Mokpo branch, the assembly team was the top dog.

There were reassembly teams under assembly team A, B, C, and D.

The reason why the reassembly teams were the underdogs was simple.

Their performance depended on what kind of products the assembly teams passed on to them.

In other words, the assembly teams and the reassembly teams played a game of Go-Stop, where they tried to cheat and bluff each other.

They gave the good products to the reassembly teams instead of Yeontae branch.

The reassembly teams’ results were relatively better.

That’s why Yeontae branch, which used to handle reassembly exclusively, was further downsized.

And now it was reduced to a subcontractor for the reassembly teams.

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