Realizer of Death : The Reaper

267 Chapter 267

267 Chapter 267

Tenku, Wang Ruyue, and the others decided to leave Amanohashidate and immediately returned to the Miyazaki residence. They worried they would run into Chizen if they stayed there any longer. Chizen would come to Tenku and create problems for him since he was still around Kirika. It would be very troublesome since his father was also there.

Fortunately, they used the barrier of the array plate to hide their presence. If they didn't do that, it would be difficult for them to leave the place unnoticed because the Amanohashidate area and its surroundings were heavily guarded. The Realizers are looking for Omega, who has escaped and has yet to be found.

Tenku and the others returned to Kirika's house at night. They were disappointed with their vacation in Amanohashidate because it was interrupted by terrorists and monsters. Setsuka and the other girls were irritated and tired.

Like yesterday, the girls bathed in the Miyazaki residence's hot springs. Tenku couldn't refuse when they forced him to come with them. Setsuka and Wang Ruyue wanted him to relieve his fatigue and recover his strength in the hot springs. They want him to be more relaxed and enjoy their winter vacation.

After Tenku and the others had finished bathing, they chatted in the living room. This time they didn't drink the juice with alcohol because they didn't want what happened yesterday to happen again. So tonight they prefer to enjoy hot tea and chocolate.

"Winter vacation is still a few days left. Then where will you go next?" Kirika opened their chat. She looked at the girl, and her eyes stopped on Tenku.

"We will leave that decision to Tenku. But we've talked about that before. Although there are still a few days left for winter vacation, we have no other tour destination. So we intend to return to Tokyo and spend the rest of the day off with our families." The one who replied to Kirika's words was Setsuka.

ƥ She, Wang Ruyue, Kaede, and Tenku had already discussed it. They are confused about their next destination. So they decided to return to Tokyo instead of going to random tourist spots to spend their vacation.

Setsuka and Kaede had gotten messages from their families to come home. On top of that, Kohana keeps urging Setsuka to return to Tokyo because she also wants to spend winter vacation with Tenku.

The little girl kept on whining for the past few days. So Setsuka decided to ignore her. But she couldn't do that for too long because she felt sorry for her little sister.

Because of that, Setsuka and Kaede were confused. They couldn't make a decision about it. Apart from that, they still want to spend time with the man they love. But then they decided to discuss the matter with Tenku, and the other party agreed if they returned to Tokyo earlier than their plan.

The two of them were happy that Tenku quickly agreed that they would return to Tokyo. At the same time, they are also sad because their vacation has ended.

On the other hand, Wang Ruyue didn't care about that. She will follow whatever decision from Tenku. They can tour around Japan or return to Tokyo. It didn't matter to her as long as she could be with Tenku. Wang Ruyue could spend time with him on vacation or after returning to his apartment because she was staying at Wang Haotian's place. Of course, she could still do just that during the winter break. After that, Wang Ruyue will return to Beijing.

"You guys are going back to Tokyo? When?" Kirika was surprised and looked at Tenku to confirm Setsuka's words. She felt sad when she heard that because she had to part ways with them, especially Tenku.

Since her parents died, Kirika has spent her vacation at home with her maids or managers. She felt tired of it. Because of this, she rarely returns to the Miyazaki residence and focuses on her career as an idol and her work as a Realizer.

But this winter vacation was different because Setsuka and the others stayed at her house. Kirika was happy because she could feel a different atmosphere this year. She has friends her age that she can chat and fight with.

Although they only stayed at the Miyazaki residence for two days, Kirika was used to their presence around her. She would be lonely if they suddenly left her.

"Yes. We will return to Tokyo tomorrow. I've already booked the ticket. Setsuka and the others must return to spend the winter holidays with their families. After all, we are confused to determine our next tour destination.

Thus, we decided to end our vacation. Moreover, the head of the Kinzoku family has come to Kyoto. If we stay here, Chizen will come and use his father to cause trouble for me." Tenku nodded and explained.

He avoided it not because he was afraid of the Kinzoku family. Tenku didn't want to make a fuss unnecessarily. It would just waste his energy and make him stand out.

Kirika fell silent after she heard Tenku's answer. His words were true and reasonable. But Kirika didn't want them to leave the Miyazaki residence too soon. Kirika wanted to spend her vacation time with them a bit longer while taking a break from her work.

When her routine as an idol and Realizer restarts after vacation, Kirika won't have time to meet them. She was confused about what she should do to stay with them until the winter break was over. But then Kirika suddenly raised his eyebrows after remembering something.

"Wait a moment." Kirika said and then moved to a corner of the room. Afterward, she took out her smartphone and called her manager, Fumiko.

Kaede and the others had no idea who Kirika had contacted and what she was talking about. Then the girls were confused when they saw her return with a bright face. They wanted to ask, but Kirika opened her mouth first.

"Well then, I'll be back with you guys since I'm going to perform at one of the winter events in Tokyo." Kirika said, and she smiled broadly.I think you should take a look at

"Why suddenly? Aren't you supposed to be taking a long winter vacation from Idol and Realizer work? Then why do you suddenly have to perform in Tokyo?" Setsuka narrowed her eyes at Kirika.

Even though their relationship has become closer after they spent time together, she still doesn't like other women around Tenku. Wang Ruyue and Kaede also looked at Kirika with sharp eyes.

"Are you starting to think badly of me again? I have no other intention than to perform at a winter event. I completely forgot about it and your words have reminded me. So, thank you." Kirika smiled playfully and put on an innocent face under the gazes of the three girls.

Setsuka and the others didn't believe her words because they felt she was pretending. Tenku sighed because he felt that the atmosphere in the room had become tense.

"Alright, Kirika can come with us to return to Tokyo. Aren't we just going to be together until the airport? So I think it's not a problem. What do you think?" Tenku said and tried to lighten the atmosphere.

Setsuka, Wang Ruyue, and Kaede looked at each other and nodded. Tenku's words were true. Even though Kirika went with them to Tokyo, they separated after they arrived at the airport. Besides, Kirika would still follow them even if they told her not to. So it was useless for Wang Ruyue and the others to refuse her request because she was such a stubborn and cunning girl.

"In that case, Kirika can return with us." Setsuka answered, and the other two girls nodded as her words represented their opinion.

"That's good! If so, it's decided! I will come to Tokyo with you!" Kirika said excitedly.

"You! You have another intention in coming with us, don't you!?" Setsuka raised her voice when she saw Kirika's expression.

"You must be lying about performing at the winter event in Tokyo! That was just your excuse so we wouldn't suspect you." Kaede added.

"Yes! You must be up to something! Quickly tell us!" Wang Ruyue said.josei

"Huh? What do you mean by that? I don't understand. I have to perform at the winter event in Tokyo because it's my job. I don't have any plans." Kirika pretended not to understand their words and turned her face away from the girls. She realized she had made a mistake by getting too excited about their answers.

"You lie! Stop pretending!" Setsuka and the other two girls said in unison, and the room became very noisy due to the girls' bickering.

Tenku could only sigh and massage his head because he had a headache at the thought that the girls would fight on the plane, just like they did from Hokkaido to Kyoto. He hoped that it would not happen again. The next day, they left for Tokyo using an early morning flight.

At the same time, Gin was sitting in a five-star hotel room in Kyoto. His face darkened after he saw the report he received from the reinforcement leader from the League of Heroes headquarters.

"Not only did I fail to catch the terrorist, but I also lost the Hydra. Damn!!" Gin said angrily and smashed the table in front of him to pieces. Then a man quickly came to the place after hearing the sound. That person is Chizen. After receiving intensive treatment, he has almost fully recovered.

"What's the matter?" Chizen asked in surprise when he saw the shattered table.

"It's nothing. How are you now?" Gin shook his head and asked back.

"I have ninety percent recovered. I need to rest for one day, and my condition will return to normal." Chizen replied.

"Then why are you making such an angry face? Did something happen?" Gin noticed that his son was not in a good mood.

"A boy was trying to get close to Kirika. I gave him a stern warning, but he ignored it. That person was still staying at the Miyazawa residence until now." Chizen said with annoyance. After that, he explained what had happened over the past few days.

"Hoo... So some people dare to get close to Kirika after knowing your identity? Then you can teach him a lesson, just like you usually do with the other boys. I will support you. You don't have to worry about Fuyushima Temple and the Wang family in Beijing. But this time, you must do it cleanly without anyone seeing it. No one should underestimate the Kinzoku family!" Gin said coldly.

"I understand, father! I will teach him a lesson he will never forget for the rest of his life." Chizen said, and he smiled viciously.

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