Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 141 141

Chapter 141 141

"This is…" Huang Yuxin looked at Tenku and said. Even though she didn't know what the boy had given her, she could guess when she felt that the wounds on her body were slowly getting better just by smelling the scent of the liquid inside the bottle.josei

Huang Yuxin's face brightened, and she became very excited. Her mother can be cured with the liquid in the bottle if her guess is correct. Even so, she did not dare to say it. She was afraid that what she thought was wrong made her disappointed. Huang Yuxin had to confirm it from Tenku's mouth directly.

"You are right. It is Holy Water." Tenku answered briefly.

"Is that Holy Water!? But how did you get your hands on it!? I heard that the Holy Water is a prize for one of the champions in a martial arts competition. Are you the one who got third place!?" Huang Cheng said in shock after hearing Tenku's words.

"He didn't get third place, but he is a real winner of the martial arts competition. He obtained first place and was bestowed the title of the strongest young cultivator." Huang Yuxin explained proudly. Even though they were only pretending, now Tenku is her boyfriend. So it was only natural that Huang Yuxin had such feelings for his accomplishments.



Huang Cheng and Huang Qingyi were shocked when they heard Huang Yuxin's statement. They didn't expect Tenku to be the champion in the martial arts competition. Huang Cheng already knew that Tenku was participating in the event, but Huang Qingyi only heard about it from his daughter's mouth. He was amazed because Tenku as a Japanese person could win that competition.

Tenku was the first Japanese to win a martial arts competition; his name would be recorded in Chinese cultivation history.

"He is the first champion of the martial arts competition? in other words, he has defeated the young geniuses of the four major families?" Huang Cheng said in disbelief.

He heard that the participants in the martial arts competition this time were extremely strong. Apart from three of the four flowers from Beijing that Huang Yuxin and Wang Ruyue included, the daughter of the city lord, Jin Jiali, and the mysterious cultivator from Shaolin, Kong Ming, also participated.

Even so, Huang Cheng knew that the most powerful opponents in the competition weren't them but the first geniuses of the four major families. To become the first champion, Tenku had to beat them all. Huang Cheng had seen how strong the four geniuses were and thought that it would be impossible for the other younger generations to win over them.

Huang Cheng could still understand that Tenku could defeat Lin Zhantian, Wang Zeming, and Long Aotian, but he could hardly believe that the Japanese boy could beat Gu Qingyang. If he didn't hear it from Huang Yuxin's mouth, then he would think it was a lie.

"Yes, he is the winner of the martial arts competition. Didn't I say that already?" Huang Yuxin looked at Huang Cheng and tilted her head cutely. She was sure that she had introduced Tenku's identity to him.

"You did say that he participated in that competition, but you never said he was the first winner." Huang Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Ah, I forgot about it. I apologize. But let's put that matter aside for now, Uncle Cheng." Huang Yuxin turned her eyes toward Tenku.

"May I know how you obtained the Holy Water? Even though I need it for my mother, I can't accept it without knowing where it comes from. I'm afraid it will bring trouble to the Huang family." Huang Yuxin asked.

"You don't need to worry about that. This is something I got from Lin Zhantian. I bet with him and got this as my winning prize. So you have to accept it." Tenku smiled and explained. He was not angry with Huang Yuxin's question because he could understand why she was worried.

After getting the Holy Water from Lin Zhantian, Tenku divided it into five bottles, each containing ten drops. He had given Wang Ruyue two bottles, one for that girl and another for Wang Xin.

Tenku passed the other two bottles to Huang Yuxin. One was to treat the injuries on her body after the match against Wang Ruyue, and the other was to cure her mother's illness. The last bottle Tenku had used for himself.

Tenku had to heal his wounds quickly because he didn't know what future dangers would await him. If he was in his peak state, he wasn't afraid of any threats coming his way. Tenku will kill all his opponents if they are weaker than him, and he can run away if his enemies are much stronger.

"Bet?" The three people from the Huang family in the room said simultaneously.

"You don't need to think about it too much. I can ensure that the Holy Water in your hands was obtained properly and will not bring any trouble to you or the Huang family." Tenku said confidently. He didn't have time to explain the bet with Lin Zhantian to them.

"This thing is too precious for me. I can't accept it." Huang Yuxin shook her head and returned the bottle in her hand to Tenku. But before the other party could reply, she added another sentence.

"But can you give one of the bottles to my mother? Of course, I would ask for it for nothing. You can say whatever you want. As long as it is within my limits, I will do anything. Even if I have to give my body to you." Huang Yuxin said and bit her lips. She lowered her head and gripped the hem of her shirt tightly.

Huang Qingyi and Huang Cheng were shocked by her words. They didn't expect that Huang Yuxin would make such sacrifices for her mother's recovery. Her daughter's filial piety deeply touched Huang Qingyi. She wanted to stop Huang Yuxin but was surprised when she saw Tenku suddenly flicking that girl's forehead.

"Ugh! Why are you doing that to me!?" Huang Yuxin held her forehead and complained.

"As the aunt said, you are a silly girl. I gave the two bottles to you and auntie as gifts. Then why did you return it to me? I divided it into several small vials with great difficulty. You do not appreciate my efforts if you return it to me." Tenku said seriously.

"Pfft! Ahahaha… Can you not make jokes with a face like that!?" Huang Yuxin laughed when she saw Tenku's expression. This was the second time she had reacted like that. The first was when Tenku found her practicing swordsmanship alone at night, and the two ended up having a sparring match.

Huang Qingyi and Huang Chen were speechless when they saw Huang Yuxin laugh. This was their first time seeing that girl show such an expression. Huang Yuxin is a calm and shy type of girl. Usually, she just smiled slightly when she found something funny.

But now Huang Yuxin was laughing and expressing her emotions freely to Tenku. Huang Qingyi raised the corner of her lips when she saw the sight. As a woman, she could feel that her daughter had truly fallen in love with Tenku.

Huang Qingyi didn't care how long or how they met. As long as Tenku could make her daughter, she would have no problems with their relationship and even support them.

"So, do you want to accept a gift from me?" Tenku asked.

"Yes, I do. Thank You. Thank you for giving Holy Water to my mother and me. If you need any help in the future, you have to let me know. I will help you as much as I can." Huang Yuxin nodded and smiled like a blooming flower.

Huang Qingyi and Huang Cheng looked at each other and smiled warmly when they saw the exchange between Tenku and Huang Yuxin. The sight looks calming and peaceful. Huang Qingyi liked Tenku and secretly considered him as her potential son-in-law.

"In that case, you'd better drink the Holy Water immediately, auntie. The sooner you recover, the better. So you won't have to suffer from that unknown illness anymore, and Xin'er will be much relieved after seeing you back to health." Tenku shifted his eyes to Huang Qingyi and said. Huang Yuxin nodded in response to his words.

"Alright." Huang Qingyi replied and drank the liquid inside the bottle without hesitation. After that, everyone except Tenku was shocked as her body was enveloped in a pale white light.

Tenku had been drinking Holy Water to treat the wound on his back, so he already knew how it worked. Of course, he was also slightly surprised by the effectiveness of the liquid the first time he used it. The large wound on his back was completely healed in a matter of seconds

Not long after, Huang Qingyi got out of bed and tried to plant her feet on the ground to stand up.

"Mother..." Huang Yuxin said worriedly when she saw that. But when she wanted to help, Huang Qingyi raised her hand to stop her. She wanted to do it alone without the help of others.

"I can stand! My body no longer feels weak and powerless! I'm cured! I am completely healed!" Huang Qingyi laughed excitedly and then shed tears of joy.

"Mother!" Huang Yuxin hugged her and cried with her.

"I'm sure master will be pleased when he finds out about this." Huang Cheng wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. He was happy that Huang Qingyi had recovered from her illness.

"Congratulations on your recovery, auntie." Tenku smiled and said to Huang Qingyi. He couldn't help but feel sad when he saw the sight, as it reminded him of his deceased mother.

"It's all thanks to you, Tenku. If you don't give holy water to me, I won't be able to heal. Once again, I thank you." Huang Qingyi bowed her head to Tenku, and the others followed suit.

"Please don't act like that, auntie. You can take that as a souvenir for my first visit to this mansion." Tenku replied calmly.

"Fine, if that's what you want." Huang Qingyi smiled in satisfaction when she heard the words of her future son-in-law. But before Tenku could reply, she added another word.

"By the way, can you tell me how you and Xin'er met and developed a romantic relationship? I want to know about it." Huang Qingyi asked curiously.

Tenku and Huang Yuxin looked at each other and then nodded. They have also prepared an answer to that question. Then Huang Yuxin started to tell her mother from when they met until they formed a relationship. Of course, those were just their lies. Huang Yuxin felt sad that it wasn't the truth, but she wished it could come true.

Huang Qingyi finally learned about Tenku's origins and relationship with her acquaintance, Wang Haotian. She also revealed a fact that left Tenku dumbfounded. It turned out that Wang Haotian had an affair with Huang Yuxin's grandmother.

After they chatted for a while, Tenku decided to return to the Wang family residence because it was already very late. Huang Qingyi asked him to wait a bit longer for her husband to come home, but Tenku refused gently, as he couldn't spend any longer in that place.

Tenku didn't want to make the people in the Wang family worry about him. He couldn't give them any news due to his broken smartphone. Huang Yuxin was going to drive Tenku back to the Wang family residence, and her mother agreed.

Huang Yuxin and Tenku walked shoulder to shoulder through the Huang family's mansion towards the gate. The girl had changed her clothes with a red cheongsam that showed off her shapely and sexy body. Since Huang Yuxin had drunk the Holy water, her hands had regained their whiteness and smoothness.

When Tenku stepped out of the mansion's gate, he was surprised to see a familiar figure.

"What are you doing here?" Tenku asked in confusion.

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