Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 167 167

Chapter 167 167

Tenku came to school a little later than usual the next day because he had to cultivate and practice his swordsmanship in the morning. On top of that, he had to clean Wang Haotian's apartment because it had been abandoned for a long time and had become dusty.

When Tenku entered the classroom, he felt the atmosphere was slightly different. The students sat in groups and chatted with bright expressions. Usually, they look lazy and lethargic when they come to school. The sight made Tenku confused. He put his bag on the table and walked over to Takaya.

"What is going on? Why are the students in the classroom looking more excited?" Tenku asked and looked at the students around him.

"That is..." Takaya wanted to answer Tenku's question but was interrupted by their friend's voice.

"Have you heard of the latest news at Suisei High Schoo!?" Noboru approached the two people and looked at them with a big smile.

"Noboru can explain the matter to you." Takaya smiled and let Noboru answer Tenku's question.

Noboru came to school shortly after Takaya, but he exited the classroom quickly after putting his bag on the table. He told Takaya that he wanted to meet his reliable source.

After that, Noboru returned with the latest news about the cultural festival at Suisei High School. But then he came out of the classroom again and appeared after Tenku arrived.

"What is going on? Why do the students look so excited today? Do you know anything about it?" Tenku repeated his question.

"You asked the right person! I have received information from a reliable source that Suisei High School has invited famous idols to perform at the cultural festival that will be held next week!" Noboru replied.

"So the students became enthusiastic because an idol would come to this school." Tenku lost interest after hearing his words.

He thought that something big had happened at school. But Tenku didn't expect the atmosphere to become more exciting just because a famous idol would perform at their cultural festival. He intended to return to his seat, but Noboru stopped him.

"Wait a minute! Where are you going? My story is still not finished. You'd better listen to the information I got to the end before you return to your seats. Otherwise, you will regret it." Noboru smiled mysteriously.

"Okay. Please continue your explanation." Tenku sighed and then sat down next to Takaya. He felt the next piece of information would be quite lengthy. Fortunately, there was still enough time before the bell rang, and their homeroom teacher came.

"I heard that this idol is willing to be paid half price to perform at the culture festival at Suisei High School." Noboru whispered.

"Huh? This is the first time I'm hearing about it from you. What is the reason that idols want to be paid half price? Was that person an acquaintance of the principal or one of the teachers here? Or maybe the idol is an alumnus from Suisei High School?" Takaya was shocked when he found out about it.

He had heard that famous idols would perform at their school's cultural festival, but that was all he knew. That information Takaya got from Noboru, and the other party didn't say anything else after that.

"Ahaha... I'm sorry. I just got this information and didn't have time to share it with you. But because Tenku has come, I don't have to bother explaining it twice." Noboru smiled apologetically.

When he arrived at school, Noboru only knew that they would have an idol at the cultural festival. But after he stepped out of the classroom for a while and met with his reliable source, Noboru got another piece of information about it.

"Okay, I understand. If so, why is the idol willing to accept half-price to perform at our school? Does that match my guess?" Takaya urges Noboru to explain immediately.

"Unfortunately, all your guesses are wrong. I heard that the idol isn't from the Kanto region and doesn't have the slightest relationship with the people from Suisei High School. The idol had a concert in Tokyo a few days ago, and one of the teachers came to ask her to sing at the cultural festival at our school.

I heard that the idol rejected him at first. But for some unknown reason, the manager suddenly contacted the school and said that the idol is willing to perform at our school's festival for half price." Noboru explained excitedly.

"Do you know what the idol's name is?" Tenku suddenly asked because he felt uneasy in his heart.

"I don't know. The school is keeping it a secret because they want to make the idol a surprise for us at the culture festival." Noboru shook his head and looked disappointed.

"Then do you know why the idol is willing to perform at Suisei High School for half a fee?" Tenku asked another question.

"I don't know the details about that. But I heard a rumor that the idol asked the principal for one condition in exchange for half the fee. Then about that condition, I still don't know... huh? Why are you looking at me like that?" Noboru spoke, but then he stopped when he saw Tenku and Takaya looking at him strangely.

"You might deserve the nickname of the gossip king of Suisei High School." Takaya said in awe after hearing the information Noboru gave.

He didn't know how his friend discovered the condition the idol gave to the school, but he was sure it should have been a secret talk. He didn't expect Noboru could hear about it.

"Yes, you're right. I became curious about your reliable source. Can I meet them?" Tenku added.please visit

"Please don't tease me. I wanted to have at least one girlfriend in my first year and hoped to create my harem after graduating from Suisei High School and becoming a senior Realizer.josei

When I tried to get close to the first-year girls in other classes, I met some second-year seniors and got along well with them." Noboru sighed after hearing their words.

"Are the senior students you are referring to all women?" Takaya asked with a slightly trembling voice, and Noboru nodded in response.

"Why don't you invite me to get acquainted with them too!? Don't we have the same goal!?" Takaya stood up from his seat and raised his voice. Then he grabbed Noboru by the shoulders and shook him back and forth.

"Wait a minute. Please listen to me..." Noboru tried to explain, but Takaya didn't want to listen.

"Calm down, Takaya. You have become the center of attention of the other students because of your action. You should listen to Noboru's explanation first." Tenku patted Takaya's shoulder and reminded him.

Takaya stopped shaking Noboru after hearing Tenku's words. He checked his surroundings and smiled in embarrassment after noticing the strange looks the students gave him. After that, he removed his hand from Noboru's shoulder and sat back in his chair.

"If so, please explain to me. Why don't you introduce me to them? Are you afraid that I will steal them from you?" Takaya asked with a serious face.

"Huh? What are you saying, Takaya!? I would never have such bad thoughts about you! I didn't introduce you to them because those seniors asked me not to tell others about our relationship. They asked me to keep it private. So there's no way I'm taking you to meet them.

But I made an exception for you two by telling you about them. So please don't spread it to anyone. If those seniors found out I had told other people about this matter, they would be angry with me and not want to see me again." Noboru said helplessly.

Not long after Noboru became acquainted with the senior students from the second year, he had asked their permission to bring Tenku and Takaya to join, but they refused firmly. The senior students said that they felt uncomfortable around the boys.

Of course, they say that Noboru is an exception because they feel he is honest and doesn't harbor bad thoughts toward them, even though he is a bit perverted sometimes.

Tenku pondered after hearing Noboru's explanation, while Takaya fell silent because he felt disappointed. But he was no longer angry with Noboru because he understood his friend's situation. Not long after, Tenku suddenly opened his mouth.

"Are those seniors a reliable source of the information you gave us?" Tenku wanted to confirm his guess with Noboru.

"Huh? How did you know?" Noboru and Takaya saw Tenku together and were shocked for different reasons.

"This is just my guess. But it seems that it is true. Didn't you say your reliable source acts secretly and doesn't want anyone else to know about them besides you? I'm just tying that in with your previous words." Tenku replied.

"I see. You are right. The reliable sources of my information are those seniors, but I don't know how they got the news." Noboru quickly admitted it, as he didn't want to lie to his friend.

"About that, I can only think of three possibilities." Tenku responded to Noboru's words.

"What's that!?" Takaya and Noboru said simultaneously and brought their faces closer to Tenku.

"Can you two keep your faces away from me? It felt disgusting." Tenku pushed the two people away from him.

"Ahaha... I'm sorry." Noboru laughed in embarrassment and sat back in his chair, bringing his position closer to Tenku.

"Then, can you explain the three possibilities that you said?" Takaya said seriously because he was curious about those senior girls.

"Okay. First, the senior students may have a relationship with the principal, vice principal, or teacher. Thus, they were able to obtain top-secret information. Second, they may have a device that can monitor the movements of everyone at school without being noticed.

Third, they have a lot of students under them who will provide information regarding anything that's going on at school, especially certain people like members of the student council or the disciplinary committee." Tenku explained.

"I see. It does make sense. But which possibility do you think is closest to the truth?" Noboru asked another question.

"That is..." Tenku wanted to answer Noboru's question, but he stopped his words after hearing the bell, and their homeroom teacher entered the classroom.

"We will continue our conversation later." Tenku said to them. Noboru and Takaya nodded in response. After that, they returned to their respective seats.

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