Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 212 212

Chapter 212 212

After Tenku killed all the Rock Golems and Cactus Golems, he turned his target to the strongest monsters in the place, the Mithril Golems. Luckily, the area was divided into three by the metal wall. So Tenku only had to face two of the sixth-level monsters. He would be overwhelmed or might lose if he had to fight six Mithril Golems at once without using his full strength.

Even though the Mithril Golem can't regenerate like the Rock Golem, its defense is much more solid and might be the strongest of the monsters that Tenku has been fighting against. Moreover, the monster's attacks were dangerous from the information he got from the database in the Holy Union.

Tenku decided to try fighting one of the Mithril Golems with his bare hands first. He felt cutting or destroying that monster would be difficult even if he used his Phantasmal Object.

"Alright, I'll try how hard the defense of the Mithril Golems is." Tenku muttered, and his figure suddenly disappeared. Afterward, he appeared near one of the monsters.

The Mithril Golem was ravaging the area around the place and turned around after noticing Tenku's presence. From the start, it didn't care about the battle between Tenku and the low-level monsters. Because of that, the Mithril Golem ignored him. But Tenku approached him and was within his line of sight, and the monster attacked him instinctively.

"So fast!" Tenku narrowed his eyes. He compressed a large amount of Qi in his hand and responded to the monster's attack with his fist.

Domination Fist!


Their attack clashed and created a tremendous shockwave that blew away everything nearby. Tenku was knocked back several meters, while the Mithril Golem was only a few steps.

"So strong. I feel that the Mithril Golem's strength is almost the same as the Minotaur, but its defense is much more solid, and its fists are tougher since all its body parts are made of metal." Tenku frowned and felt his hands numb after clashing with the Mithril Golem.

"Okay, one more time." Tenku leaped into the air until it passed the Mithril Golem's height and threw his palm at the monster.

Goliath Palm!

The Mithril Golem swung its fist toward the giant palm in the sky, and their attacks clashed again.


A large crater was created under the Mithril Golem's feet, but the monster was unharmed.

"Mithril Golem is much stronger than I thought. Even Fenrir isn't this strong." Tenku said when he saw the scene before him. He condensed Qi in both of his hands and swung his fists successively.

Domination Fist!

Tenku rained down the Mithril Golem with fists of Qi manifestation. The monster could withstand some of his attacks but not all of them. So a few fists from Tenku hit the Mithril Golem's body.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Mithril Golem was knocked back a few meters, but Tenku's attack only slightly dented its body.

"I couldn't even make a hole in its body after using an attack with fist intent. It looks like I'll have to use a weapon against Mithril Golem." Tenku said in a deep voice, and he manifested The Devourer Scythe. He intended to fight that monster with weapons since it was impossible with his current cultivation base to destroy the defenses of the Mithril Golems.

Tenku moved towards the Mithril Golem, but the monster suddenly pointed its finger at him, and a spear shot out at high speed. Tenku's face sank, and he quickly slashed the Devourer Scythe.


"Huh!?" Tenku was surprised because he felt that the attacks from the Mithril Golem were very heavy. Luckily, he was able to react quickly and block the spear. If Tenku were even a little late, he would be in danger.

"As expected of a sixth-level monsterI have to increase my vigilance and be careful with that attack. Even though I wouldn't die from that spear because I practiced the Tyrant King Body Tempering Art, I would still be seriously injured if I got hit by it." Tenku said solemnly, and he tightened his grip on his weapon.

After that, he transformed his Phantasmal Object into a naginata. Tenku disappeared and reappeared right in front of the Mithril Golem's face. He wanted to stab the monster's head up close because he thought his opponent couldn't counterattack from that distance.

But Tenku's face changed because a mithril sword appeared on the monster's forehead and shot towards him.

"Damn!" Tenku clicked his tongue and quickly twisted his body. Although he dodged the attack, the sword tore through his jacket and nearly injured his hand. Tenku immediately kept his distance from the Mithril Golem and threw Spear Qi at the monster.

"It is dangerous. I didn't expect that the Mithril Golem could fire its attacks from all parts of its body. This monster is very troublesome." Tenku sighed with relief. He felt that the Mithril Golem was much stronger than he had imagined.

Tenku pondered and thought of a way to kill the monster. He was confident he could defeat the monster if he used his ultimate attack at full power. But after that, Tenku would be exhausted, and it was dangerous in the current situation since there was still one Mithril Golem in that place and lots of low-level monsters.

He also couldn't use the Golden Revolver because Setsuka and Kaede were in that place. If Tenku uses it, then the two girls will know his identity.

"In that case, I'll have to bet on the sharpness of my weapon. I wonder which will last longer, the Devourer Scythe or the skin from the Mithril Golem." Tenku transformed his Phantasmal Object into a scythe. Then he dashed towards the Mithril Golem with a strange movement.

Tenku wanted to confuse the monster and tried to find a gap to land his attack with a crushing blow. Tenku's figure suddenly disappeared, and he appeared behind the Mithril Golem.

Tenku compressed Qi and Genesis power into the Devourer Scythe and slashed it in the waist of the Mithril Golem.

Rapid Slash!

Tenku delivered consecutive slashes and directed her attacks at a single point on the monster's waist. He was confident he could injure the Mithril Golem if he repeatedly hit it in the same spot, even if he used normal attacks.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

A spark was created when Tenku's weapon clashed with the monster's waist. The Mithril Golem noticed that it was being attacked from behind. It quickly turned around but didn't find anyone because Tenku had already left that place.

"it worked!" Tenku smiled when he saw the small scratch on the Mithril Golem's waist.

"In that case, I'll attack that monster again with a stronger technique." Tenku said in a low voice and changed the shape of his weapon into a great sword.

He thought it easier to attack the monster with a shorter weapon. Tenku moved towards the Mithril Golem and appeared behind it again. He injected more Qi and Genesis power into his Phantasmal Object and slashed it at the scratch he had made on the monster's waist.

Clank! Clank!

The Mithril Golem was irritated when it received another attack from behind. The monster swung its fist and slammed it into the ground.josei


The area shook violently, and the ground around the Mithril Golem cracked like a spider's web. The monster looked around but didn't find Tenku.

The other Mithril Golems noticed something had happened to his companion, but he didn't care. Even though they were monsters of the same type and came to that world together, they only did what their instincts told them to do.

Tenku looked at the area and ensured the other Mithril Golems didn't move from their positions. He was worried that the two Sixth-level monsters were working together. If that happened, it would be even more difficult for Tenku to fight them. Thus, he had to defeat the Mithril Golem in front of him first and then take care of the other monsters.

"My attack affected him. The scratches on the monster's waist deepened. Fortunately, Mithril Golems didn't have the regeneration abilities of Rock Golems. If that monster has it, I will lose this battle. Then, I have to give that monster more and more damage." Tenku gripped his weapon tightly, and his figure disappeared.

Thousands of Slashes!

Clank! Clank! Clank! Clank!

This time Tenku also injected sword intent besides Genesis power and Qi. He swung his sword dozens of times in the blink of an eye and deepened the scratches on the Mithril Golem's waist.

"This is good. I'll be able to defeat him..." Tenku suddenly stopped his words, and his face changed as he saw a spear shot toward him from the Mithril Golem's back. The monster's attack was swift, and Tenku couldn't avoid it.

So the only option is for Tenku to fight it head-on. He slashed his Phantasmal Object and released his sword Qi toward the monster's attack.


Their attacks collided, and Tenku used the impact to keep his distance from the Mithril Golem.

"I didn't expect that monster would attack me like that." Tenku said in a dignified voice. The monster had no intelligence, but he wasn't stupid either. Because the Mithril Golem couldn't find its opponent, it shot a spear from where Tenku attacked it.

"I should be more careful when attacking Mithril Golem. If that monster fired that spear from such close range, then I would be hit and seriously injured." Tenku looked at the Mithril Golem with a severe face, and he suddenly raised his eyebrows after thinking about something.

"I can use that method to be safer when attacking that monster." Tenku moved, and he stopped some distance behind the Mithril Golem. He channeled Qi and Genesis power into his Phantasmal Object and injected sword intent. Then Tenku slashed from a distance towards the scratches on the Mitrile Golem's waist.

Tactical Rapid Slash!

Tenku bombarded the monster's waist with dozens of sword Qi, making the scratch deepen and become like a sword mark. Mithril Golem shoots a spear from its back, but Tenku can easily avoid it because they are far apart.

Tenku compressed a large amount of Qi and Genesis power in his weapon and swung it Horizontally toward the sword mark on the monster's waist.

Sword of Demolition!

A gigantic sword Qi manifestation appeared and collided with the Mithril Golem's waist, but it was stopped because the monster's body was tough.

"I can't believe that I can't cut you!" Tenku roared and added more strength to his attack. After that, the sword Qi entered the Mithril Golem's waist and sliced it in two.


The monster wanted to turn around and attack Tenku. Unfortunately, it was too late because his upper and lower body had been divided. Tenku could cut it because he had made the sword mark first on the monster's waist. He couldn't split the monster in half if he didn't do that.


The Mithril Golem's body fell to the ground and shook the area. The monster was still alive even though its body was split in two. But then the Mithril Golem stopped moving and completely died.

"Okay. It is time to finish the battle in this place." Tenku looked at the other Mithril Golem and intended to attack the monster. But he stopped when he discovered a gigantic magic circle had suddenly appeared in the sky.

"What's that?" Tenku's face became serious as he had a bad feeling about it.

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