Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 227 227

Chapter 227 227

Tenku sat lazily on the sofa after he ate all the food Setsuka and Wang Ruyue made for breakfast. He was forced to do so because the two girls asked him with a pitiful face. Tenku could have refused, but he didn't have the heart to because they cooked the food for him. Tenku didn't want to waste their efforts. Therefore, he ate all the food on the table until nothing was left.

Wang Ruyue and Setsuka continued to bicker during and after breakfast. But then the two girls finally got tired, and Wang Ruyue agreed to let Setsuka come with them. She didn't want her to follow them like a ghost because it would make her uneasy while spending her vacation with Tenku. Thus, Wang Ruyue reluctantly allowed Setsuka to go on vacation with her.

After finishing their breakfast, Wang Ruyue returned to Wang Haotian's apartment to pack her necessities while Setsuka waited for someone in front of the apartment.

Setsuka asked someone at Fuyushima Temple to pack her clothes and bring them here. They were going to spend a few days of winter break outside Tokyo. Therefore, they had to prepare a lot of things. Setsuka couldn't return home because she was worried that Wang Ruyue would force Tenku to leave her.

Now Tenku sat alone in the living room. He studied the characteristics and trained the elemental powers he had just acquired while waiting for the two girls. The important thing for him was knowing his new power's abilities and controlling Qi's consumption when he used it.

If it drains his strength too much, Tenku can't use it in real battle because it's very dangerous if he runs out of energy when fighting monsters. While focused on his practice, he heard a knock outside his apartment.

Tenku quickly stopped his training and stood up from his seat. When he opened the door, he was slightly surprised because he saw someone other than Setsuka and Wang Ruyue. That person was Kaede. She was the one who delivered Setsuka's clothes and necessities for their winter vacation trip.

"Good morning." Kaede smiled and greeted Tenku.

"Good morning. Why is Kaede here?" Tenku asked in confusion. He looked at Wang Ruyue, and the girl seemed upset about something. Then Tenku turned his eyes to Setsuka.

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. But can Kaede also come with us? She had no plans for this winter break, so I took her with me. I think it won't make any difference if we add one more person. Wouldn't that be more fun?" Setsuka looked at Tenku and said apologetically.

She felt guilty for bringing Kaede with her without talking about it and asking his permission first. Setsuka was worried that Tenku would be angry with her.

"You shouldn't have said that to me. This winter vacation trip was Yue'er's plan. You can talk about it with her. I don't mind if Kaede comes with us, but if she allows it." Tenku smiled and replied gently.

Initially, he didn't want to go anywhere this winter break. Tenku wanted to focus on practicing and honing his technique. But he couldn't refuse Wang Ruyue and Setsuka's request after they urged him on and wore pained expressions. So he reluctantly agreed and went along with their arrangement.

After hearing his words, Setsuka turned her eyes to Wang Ruyue. She noticed her face clouded over after discovering that Setsuka wanted to take Kaede with them.

"Could you let Kaede join us on our vacation? I'm sorry for not telling you beforehand. She had no plans for winter break, so I took her with me.

You don't need to worry that he will burden you because I will be the one who will bear all the vacation expenses. So there's no problem if we add one more person, right?" Setsuka said politely, hoping Wang Ruyue would permit Kaede to accompany them.

Wang Ruyue was silent for a while and didn't answer Setsuka directly. She was angry that Setsuka suddenly brought other people on her vacation with Tenku. Wang Ruyue wanted to refuse but couldn't do it when she saw that Kaede had dressed up to go with them.

Apart from that, Wang Ruyue also heard that Kaede had packed her clothes and stored them in the space pocket. After thinking about that, she finally opened her mouth.

"If I had known that the situation would turn out like this, I would have invited Yuxin to come here and spend winter vacation together." Wang Ruyue muttered and then sighed heavily.

"Alright, she can come with us." Wang Ruyue said to Setsuka.

"Thank You." Setsuka was relieved after hearing Wang Ruyue's answer.

Originally, she had a bad impression of her because the other party had attacked her last night. Moreover, Wang Ruyue was also her love rival. But Setsuka felt that Wang Ruyue was a good girl and easy to talk to. If it weren't for them being love rivals, Setsuka would want to be friends with her.

"Thank you." Kaede smiled and bowed to Tenku and Wang Ruyue.

"By the way, how is Kohana? My smartphone was destroyed because of my tribulation yesterday, so I don't know if she contacted me. I want to apologize to her." Tenku looked at Setsuka and asked. Wang Ruyue raised her eyebrows because she could feel Tenku's tone softening when talking about Kohana. Setsuka and Kaede looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"Kohan is fine. I met her when I picked up Setsuka's clothes and necessities at Fuyushima Temple. She knew that Setsuka and I would go with you to go on winter vacation together. She begged me to come along, but Setsuka firmly refused, fearing Uncle Hideo and Aunt Koyuki would accompany her." The one who answered Tenku's question was Kaede. She was the person Setsuka asked to come to Fuyushima Temple to pack her clothes and necessities from there.

Kohana is a smart little girl. She was suspicious when she saw that and asked Kaede why her sister had asked her to pack her clothes. Kaede reluctantly confessed after being cornered by the little girl. After that, Kohana cried because she wanted to go with them.

Kaede has difficulty dealing with Kohana and calls Setsuka to ask her to speak directly to her little sister. Kohana continues to cry and insists on coming with him. So Kaede decided to leave Fuyushima Temple as soon as possible.

"I see." Tenku nodded in response to Kaede's words.

"Who is Kohana?" Wang Ruyue suddenly asked.

"Ah, she is..." Tenku told Wang Ruyue about Kohana. It started from the first time they met and his good relationship with the little girl.

Wang Ruyue frowned when she learned that Kohana was Setsuka's little sister and her relationship with Tenku seemed very close. It made her worry.

"Do you want to talk to her? I can contact her with my smartphone now. She will be happy to hear your voice and will stop crying." Setsuka took out her smartphone and wanted to call Kohana. But before she could do that, someone spoke to her.

"Please don't use your little sister to achieve your goals. Don't you know that it's not good?" Wang Ruyue sneered.

"Huh? What do you mean? I don't understand what you're saying. I never used my little sister to achieve my goals because I could do it without her help. I want her to talk to Tenku because they haven't communicated in a few days, and she is very sad.

My little sister misses him because she considers Tenku, her big brother. So she will be happy when she finds out that Tenku contacted her." Setsuka explained and pretended not to know the meaning of Wang Ruyue's words.

Even though she used Kohana to deepen her relationship with Tenku, she did it with the approval of her little sister. So it didn't matter if Setsuka took advantage of Kohana's closeness with Tenku because that harmed no one.

"You!" Wang Ruyue was irritated when she heard Setsuka's answer, even more so when she saw a tiny smile on her face. But she couldn't say anything in return because she had no proof that Setsuka was using her little sister for her goal. Besides that, Tenku didn't seem to care about that.

Wang Ruyue felt that her position would become dangerous if she let Setsuka use her sister to deepen their relationship. She had to find a way to counterattack to not lose to Setsuka.

"So, do you want to talk to Kohana? If you want it, I'll call her now." Setsuka repeated his question to Tenku.

"No. I shouldn't talk to her now. She knows we are leaving for the holidays. If Kohana whines and insists on coming along, I'll have difficulty refusing her, and your parents might as well accompany her. So I better call her after we get to our destination." Tenku shook his head and replied.

"Yeah, you are right. We really shouldn't contact her right now." Setsuka nodded in response to Tenku's words, and Kaede agreed.

On the other hand, Wang Ruyue was relieved that Tenku didn't have to contact Kohana. If that little girl comes, she might become a bridge for Tenku's relationship with Setsuka.

"Alright. Then we will leave now. Have you brought all the things you need?" Tenku looked at the three girls and asked. He didn't want to waste any time and quickly finished their vacation. Tenku wanted to resume his training quickly, and he also wanted to take on a mission if a space collapse appeared around Tokyo.

The three girls quickly took suitcases from their space pockets and checked their contents. As a woman, they don't like messy things. Because of that, Setsuka and the others put their clothes and necessities in a suitcase to be neatly arranged. After they finished checking, they answered Tenku.josei

"Everything is complete."

"Nothing left."

"We can leave anytime."

Setsuka, Kaede, and Wang Ruyue replied simultaneously. Then they put their suitcases back into the space pocket.

"Then we will leave now. But before that, please put a mask on your face. You three are so beautiful and will attract the attention of everyone around. I don't want anything troublesome to come and disturb our vacation. Besides, we might meet your acquaintances on the way or at our destination. I don't want you guys to be the subject of gossip because it can bring down your image." Tenku warned them seriously.

After hearing Tenku's words, the three girls blushed and quickly wore masks to cover their faces.

"That's good. Then, let's go. Our first destination is Hokkaido." Tenku said and smiled at the girls.

Setsuka, Kaede, and Wang Ruyue nodded excitedly and replied with beautiful smiles beneath their masks. Afterward, they walked out of the apartment under the falling snow and Tenku's winter vacation with the three girls begins.

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