Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 238 238

Chapter 238 238

Tenku fell silent after hearing Setsuka's words. He could see the seriousness in her words and eyes. Tenku already knew Setsuka and Wang Ruyue's feelings for him. He wasn't too surprised when he heard that but didn't expect the usually cold and aloof Setsuka to say such things. After seeing her blush, Tenku could feel she was forcing herself to squeeze the words out of her mouth.

"What's different? Can't what I did with Kaede and Yue'er also be called a date since we've spent so much time together?" Tenku asked.

"That's different. It's different. Even if it looks like a date, you're just hanging out and spending time together. You can do that with a friend. What I want is to date like a couple." Setsuka shook her head and explained.

"Then what should we do to date like lovers?" Tenku knows a little about what lovers usually do when dating, even though he has never dated any girl. But he wanted to hear it from Setsuka for fear that what he thought differed from hers.

"First, we should join hands and intertwine our fingers." Setsuka stretched out his hand to Tenku.

"I understand." Tenku did as Setsuka said. He held her hand and intertwined their fingers. Tenku felt that his heart was beating fast. He didn't feel that way when he was doing that with Wang Ruyue because their atmosphere wasn't as awkward as this time, and they didn't interlock their fingers. Also, Setsuka and Tenku weren't wearing gloves right now, so they could feel the warmth from each other's hands.

"Next, we will walk around this place and enjoy the festival together." Setsuka said in a low voice. Not only Tenku, but she also felt her heart pounding so hard. It was like it would explode, and her body slowly heated up.

"Ah, okay." Tenku answered awkwardly. After that, they started walking down the streets at the Sapporo Snow Festival. Tenku could feel Setsuka suddenly tighten her grip on his hand.

"Are you okay? If you feel uncomfortable, I'll let go of your hand." Tenku asked with concern. He felt worried when he saw Setsuka's face turning red, and she hadn't spoken a word since they walked through the festival.

"Please do not! I'm fine! I'm just a little nervous about this situation. But that doesn't mean I don't like it! I enjoyed it, but I'm not used to holding hands with a man. So please give me a little more time to calm my heart." Setsuka quickly replied. She was afraid that Tenku would misunderstand her behavior and suddenly let go of his hand. Therefore, Setsuka tightened her grip like she didn't want to separate from him.

"I understand. What you and I feel right now might be the same. So you don't need to be so nervous. The most important thing is not to date like lovers. If we can enjoy our time together, that is for the best. So we should let this situation flow naturally without forcing it." Tenku smiled, and he squeezed Setsuka's hand gently.

His actions made Setsuka's heart beat faster, but her mind became calmer. Setsuka took a deep breath and released it slowly. Afterward, she smiled at Tenku.

"Thank You." Setsuka said softly and looked at him with eyes full of love. Even though he is one year younger, she feels that Tenku's way of thinking is more mature than hers.

"You don't need to thank me. It's just a trivial matter. Anyway, what do you plan to do in these three hours? Is there a place you'd like to visit? Do you want to see a show or walk around the festival and take pictures with the ice sculptures?" Tenku tried to divert their conversation.

"For this matter, my answer is still the same as before. I don't want both. Didn't you already do that with Kaede and Ruyue? I don't want you to repeat it and get bored." Setsuka replied.

"Then what do you want to do?" Tenku waited patiently for Setsuka's answer, even though he was confused about what she wanted to do.

"Hmm... How about we go on a culinary tour? I'm sure the food sold at the stalls at the Sapporo Snow Festival is quite famous, apart from the ice sculptures." Setsuka gave her suggestion.

"Of course. I will accompany you wherever you go and whatever you do. Aren't we currently dating?" Tenku teases Setsuka. Subconsciously, he said that because he was carried away by the atmosphere between them.

"Can you not tease me?" Setsuka's face turned red, and she complained. Even so, a smile bloomed on her pretty face.

"I'm sorry. Then, We're going on a culinary tour at this festival, and our first stop is... that stall. I'm sure we haven't tasted the food in that place." Tenku chuckled when he saw Setsuka's reaction and pointed at a stall nearby.

"Okay. I will follow you wherever you go." Setsuka replied excitedly.

"Shouldn't that be my line?" Tenku sighed after hearing her words. Setsuka stuck her tongue out at him and ignored his words. Tenku was fascinated when she saw her little girl-like behavior because it was rare. He thought that he should take the photo and show it to Kohana. Unfortunately, it only happened briefly, and he couldn't ask Setsuka to repeat it.

After that, Tenku and Setsuka started their culinary tour. The first place they came to was a takoyaki stall.

"It's delicious..." Tenku said in surprise after tasting one of the takoyaki in his hand. He didn't think the stall he randomly chose would sell such good food, different from the takoyaki he had eaten before.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this takoyaki to be so good." Setsuka also felt the same way as him.

She had removed her mask, and her beautiful appearance attracted the attention of some of the men around her. Fortunately, the place was lively, and people were busy with their activities. So they only saw Setsuka briefly and then returned to enjoy the festival.

"You are right. We may not be able to enjoy this delicious takoyaki again after returning to Tokyo." Tenku nodded in response to her words.

"We can return to Sapporo in February if you want to try it again. I will gladly accompany you." Setsuka whispered near Tenku's ear, and it tickled his a bit.josei

"Thank You. I will let you know if I intend to come here again." Tenku smiled and wiped the traces of food on the corners of her lips. Setsuka felt pleased with his treatment. Her current feelings were no different from Wang Ruyue's when Tenku suddenly held her hand.

"If you don't have time to come back here, I'll learn to make it at home. I will try to make it taste as good as this takoyaki. But for now, we must enjoy this food while still in Sapporo." Setsuka took one of the takoyaki from the box in her hand and brought it to Tenku's mouth. He intended to feed him.

"Hmm... Setsuka. We are in public." Tenku reminds Setsuka.

"So what? I've checked my surroundings and ensured that there aren't any students from Suisei High School or my acquaintances here." Setsuka said confidently and brought the takoyaki closer to his mouth.

Tenku sighed and could only go along with her want after seeing Setsuka's stubbornness. He felt the girl would wait for him until he wanted to eat the takoyaki. Tenku reluctantly opened his mouth and ate the food from Setsuka.

He didn't care about the stares of the people around him because he didn't want to make Setsuka sad. Tenku had promised her to spend time like a couple, and feeding food is one of the things a girl usually does to her boyfriend.

"That's good! Do you remember that we did this too??" Setsuka said happily.

"Yes, I do. You fed me yakitori. It happened when I dropped you off at home, right?" Tenku answered and smiled. He remembered something else but didn't want to say it.

"You're right! Then now is your turn! We will do the same as we did back then. You have to feed me with takoyaki from your hand. No, you must feed me all the food from the stall we will visit!" Setsuka said like a spoiled little girl. Tenku vaguely saw the image of Kohana when Setsuka acted like that.

"Ah, okay." Tenku could only nod at her words and brought a takoyaki to her mouth.

"Mmm… It tastes even better when you feed me." Setsuka said with satisfaction.

"Alright, we should leave this place now. The men around us seemed to be burning with jealousy toward me. I could feel them looking at me with hostility and killing intent." Tenku sighed and looked around him. He found several men staring daggers at him and ready to come at him at any moment.

"Yes. I also feel uncomfortable with their stares at me." Setsuka agreed. Previously, Previously, she was enjoying her intimate time with Tenku, so she didn't know the situation in that place. But now she noticed the stares of the men around them after Tenku reminded her. It made Setsuka uncomfortable.

Tenku and Setsuka went to another location and visited other food stalls. They tasted okonomiyaki, dango, dorayaki, taiyaki, melon pan and yakitori. Setsuka kept feeding Tenku with food from various stalls. It made him used to it, and it was no longer awkward to eat from Setsuka's hands.

Tenku did the same to her on his initiative because he had to act as her boyfriend. Their exchange made their relationship even closer, and they looked like lovers. Tenku didn't care about people's stares because he enjoyed it. Most importantly, it made Setsuka happy.

Two hours quickly passed, and it was already evening. Setsuka only had an hour left before returning to Wang Ruyue and Kaede. After that, she has to fight again with the two girls for Tenku's heart.

Tenku and Setsuka decided to take a break after their stomachs were full from eating a lot of food from various stalls. They sat on a park bench quite far from the festival. Tenku and Setsuka chose that place because it wasn't too crowded, and they could see a beautiful view of the ice sculptures.

"Do you remember anything else when you walked me home after buying yakitori?" Setsuka suddenly asked. Tenku's body trembled slightly after hearing that.

"Yes." Tenku answered curtly.

"That's good. I also remember when you saved my life in the last mission we did at Mount Kumotori. Even though I was unconscious, I knew what had happened to me." Setsuka looked at Tenku and recalled what had happened on the joint mission of the three organizations on Mount Kumotori.

"Didn't we already discuss this matter? I don't want to…" Tenku wanted to reply, but Setsuka interrupted him.

"I didn't want to say thank you to you." Setsuka shook her head.

"Then?" Tenku asked in confusion.

"Please repeat what you did to me when you saved my life. Kiss Me." Setsuka said with an erotic voice full of sex appeal.

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