Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 6 6

Chapter 6 6

Kouta Karitoshi is a well-known Realizer from Tokyo. He is currently in Ibaraki prefecture due to a mission from his organization to overcome the space collapse in that area.

He could tell that space collapse would appear in that region because the Realizer organization had a machine that could predict when and where the dimensional collapse would occur. But it's not 100 percent accurate because sometimes the device misestimates the coordinates and time.

"The organization said that the space collapse coordinates have changed, and the location has moved to the Tsukuba mountain." Kouta said to the person next to him while focusing on the road. He is currently driving the car slowly because the streets in the area are a bit damaged.

Kouta did not undertake the mission alone. His organization sent 15 people to handle the space collapse in the area. They use two large-capacity Humvee-type cars that make their mobility easier and speed them up to their destination.

"The location has moved quite far from the coordinates given previously. Maybe we won't get there in time. I hope that this space collapse occurs far from the populated areas. Otherwise, there may be many casualties because we are late." A female Realizer said. She is Misora ​​Karitoshi and is Kouta's wife.

Kouta and Misora ​​are in the same organization and always go on missions together because they are husband and wife. They got a task to deal with space collapse in the Ibaraki area because the number of Realizers in that place was very small, and their strength was not enough to fight against hordes of monsters.

The organization sent a team from Tokyo because it was close to Ibaraki and had many Realizers. So it doesn't matter if it only sends 15 people to the area. It didn't take them long to arrive at their destination. Kouta, Misora ​​, and the thirteen Realizers quickly got out of the car and immediately headed to the location.

But just as they got out of the car, they smelled a very strong smell of blood in the air. The faces of Kouta and the other Realizers sank. They ran towards the nearest residential area from that place. When they arrived, Kouta and the others were dumbfounded after seeing the sight.

"Has space collapse occurred in this place?" Misora ​​said in a trembling voice when she saw the terrifying scene before her eyes.

The houses and buildings in the place were destroyed, and many corpses with disfigured bodies along the way. The sight would make ordinary people have nightmares, but that didn't apply to the Realizer.


"Spread out and look for survivors! If you meet a monster, kill it mercilessly!" Kouta said coldly. The horrific sight made him furious. He was the team leader and had to be in charge of the mission. If there are a lot of casualties and damage, it is tantamount to them being useless and unable to do their job properly.

"Yes, leader!" The thirteen Realizers quickly spread throughout the area. After they left, Kouta walked over to Misora and held her hand to calm her anger. But not long after, Kouta got word from his communication device.

"Leader, we found the corpse of a monster in a residential area near the foot of Mount Tsukuba." One of The male Realizers reported.

"Okay. I'll go there right away. Please send me the coordinates." Kouta looked at his communication device and then looked at Misora.

"Let's go." Kouta said and ran in the direction where the male Realizer had found the monster's corpse. Misora gave a small nod and followed closely behind.

The location is close to where they park the car. After arriving there, Kouta and Misora saw the incomplete corpses of the goblins and orcs.

"What happened here? Who killed those monsters?" Kouta asked the male Realizer, who arrived at the place first.

"We don't know about it either. When we got here, the monsters were already dead. It looks like a Realizer came before us." The male Realizer explained.

"Have you examined all the bodies?" Kouta looked around him and saw the corpse of a monster closest to him. He could tell from its shape that it was an orc and that the monster had died miserably.

"We've done it. The monsters were completely dead." The male Realizer had already examined the monster corpses one by one after he reported to Kouta through his communication device. They had to make sure that the monsters were dead and wouldn't become a hidden danger in the future.

"Okay. Let the others continue their work. You go with four people to Mount Tsukuba and check the location of the space collapse according to the coordinates. Make sure there are no monsters left. The threat level of this space collapse shouldn't be that high, and no monsters stronger than ogres will appear here." Kouta gave another order to the male Realizer.

"I understand." The male Realizer answered curtly and immediately went to call the other four team members to check on the situation on Mount Tsukuba.

"Kouta, I checked over there. I hope there are still survivors." Misora said while pointing in a direction.

"Okay. You have to be careful." Kouta nodded and quickly allowed it. His wife had a soft heart and couldn't see the gruesome sight. He knew Misora's goal of becoming a Realizer was to protect her loved ones and humanity. Because of that, Misora ​​wanted to save one person in that place at least so their arrival wouldn't be in vain.

"I understand." Misora ​​nodded solemnly and quickly ran in a certain direction. Kouta looked at Misora ​​until her figure disappeared and then again checked the surroundings to find out what had happened there. But not long after Misora ​​left, Kouta received a communication call from her.

"Kouta! I found a child who survived! Please come here quickly!" Misora ​​gave her report in a panic.

"I understand! I'll be there soon!" Kouta quickly left the place and went to where Misora ​​was.

It didn't take long for Kouta to get to Misora's location because it wasn't far from where they found the monster corpses. Upon arriving at the place, he saw his wife holding a five to six-year-old boy in her arms. Kouta was shocked when he saw the pile of monster corpses around the area, and one of them was an ogre. The sight was like a massacre for him.

"Is the child a survivor?" Kouta walked over to Misora ​​and looked at the boy. Several parts of his body were injured, and he was unconscious. Fortunately, it was only a minor wound and was harmless.

The boy that Misora ​​found was Tenku. Not long after he fell, Misora ​​came and found him. But when she checked him, Tenku had already lost consciousness.

"Yes. I've checked the area around and only found him." Misora ​​said sadly while rubbing Tenku's head.

"How is he?" Kouta asked while surveying his surroundings. He wanted to make sure the area was completely safe.

"The external wound is fine. He was unconscious and in a very weak state. His body was slightly warm, and his heart was beating unsteadily. We should immediately take him to the hospital for further examination." Misora ​​explained. Even though she was not a doctor, she studied a little medical science and understood how to check a person's condition.

"Okay. After our mission, we will take him to the hospital." Kouta nodded in agreement.

"Hmmm… Kouta…" Misora ​​looked like she wanted to say something but hesitated to open her mouth.

"What is it?" Kouta looked at his wife and asked.

"Can we take this child with us? All peoples in this area have died, and I don't think he has any family here anymore." Misora felt pity and couldn't bear to leave Tenku alone.

Kouta fell silent after hearing Misora's words. He intended to refuse. But he couldn't help but sigh when he saw her face. Kouta knew very well his wife's kindness.

"Okay. We will take the boy with us. But if any of his family comes to us and asks for him, you have to hand him over to them." Kouta reluctantly agreed.

"I understand! Thank you, Kouta!" Misora ​​smiled happily and looked back at Tenku's condition. Kouta could only shake his head. When he wanted to check the area, he got a call from his communication device.

"Leader, we've checked the location at those coordinates. There were no monsters left, and the space collapse had disappeared." A male Realizer reported.

"Good. Have you cleaned up all the valuables items in that place?" Kouta let out a sigh of relief after hearing that.

"We've done it!" The male Realizer quickly replied.

"Okay. We will gather at the location where our car is parked. Our mission has been completed. Please pass it on to the others. We will return to Tokyo soon." Kouta felt there was nothing else they could do in that place.

"Then what about people slaughtering those monsters? Shall we not investigate?" The male Realizer was still curious about the person who killed the monsters.

"No need. The organization will send someone else to investigate." Kouta is only in charge of dealing with space collapse and not investigating other Realizers.

"I understand." The male Realizer replied, and their communication was cut off. Then Kouta looked at Misora.

"Misora, we are going back to Tokyo now." Kouta approached Misora ​​and held Tenku in his arms. He wouldn't let his wife take the boy even though Kouta knew she was strong.

"Yes." Misora nodded and looked around sadly before she and her husband left. After everyone had gathered, Kouta and his team immediately returned to Tokyo.

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