Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 78 78

Chapter 78 78

"Lei Jie? Ye Xuan? Who are they?" Tenku tilted his head and pretended not to know them.

"Stop pretending! They were with me at the banquet, and Lei Jie challenged you to a duel. Shouldn't they be with you by now!?" Wang Xiqing slip of his tongue in anger when he heard Tenku's words.

"Ooh, you mean them. I don't know. Why do you think they should be with me? Didn't you see that I left the banquet alone? Then how can you tell that they are with me? Ooh, are they following me secretly, and you know about it? That's why you think they're here?" Tenku asked in return.

Wang Zeming and others looked at Wang Xiqing suspiciously, especially Wang Ruyue. She saw Tenku leave the hall alone, and the two people mentioned by Wang Xiqing were still enjoying a banquet with the rest of the Wang family. Wang Ruyue felt that Wang Xiqing's question was strange and had some meaning.

"That is..." Wang Xiqing finally realized that he had chosen the wrong words. He didn't know what to reply under the gazes of Wang Zeming and the others, especially Wang Ruyue, who kept suspicious of him. Wang Xiqing racked his brain hard and came up with a plausible reason.

"I think they are with you because you are outside participants of the Wang family. Besides, didn't Lei Jie challenge you at the banquet? I suspect he will come to you again because he is such a stubborn person." Wang Xiqing said nervously.

"Ooh, is that so?" Tenku smiled playfully.

"Yes. I couldn't find them anywhere in the hotel. Because of that, I thought they were with you." Wang Xiqing nodded in response to Tenku's question.

"Then you should be disappointed because they are not with me." Tenku said calmly.

"I understand. I will look for them again in the banquet hall." Wang Xiqing quickly left the place without waiting for a reply from Tenku.

Wang Xiqing panicked because Tenku was still alive, their two outsider participants were missing, and the whereabouts of the killer from the Gu family was unknown. He thought their plan had failed miserably. Wang Xiqing had to find Lei Jie and Ye Xuan to ask them for an explanation.

"Alright, we should head back to the Wang family residence since it's getting late." Tenku looked at Wang Ruyue and the others. They were still confused by Wang Xiqing's behavior, but they knew they wouldn't get the answer just by thinking about it.

"Yes, you're right. We should hurry back and sleep early to be in the best condition for tomorrow's martial arts competition." Wang Zeming nodded and went to where he parked his car. Wang Xiuying followed him as her vehicle parked next to him, leaving Wang Ruyue alone with Tenku.

"Then, you will drive my car because I'm sleepy. It will be dangerous for us if I do it." Wang Ruyue smiled sweetly and got into the car. She didn't even wait for Tenku to answer.josei

"I understand." Tenku sighed and sat in the driver's seat. After that, he drove the car through the basement towards the hotel exit.


After leaving Wang Ruyue and the others, Wang Xiqing searched the entire hotel area for Lei Jie and Ye Xuan. He was assisted by the Wang family members, who were still in the banquet hall. But no matter how they searched, they couldn't find those two people.

"Damn! Where are they!?" Wang Xiqing gritted his teeth in annoyance and gripped his smartphone tightly. He tried to contact Lei Jie and Ye Xuan, but their smartphones were off.

"Where did the assassins from the Gu family go? How come they haven't acted until now? Our plan has failed because of that!" Wang Xiqing had met with the two people from the Gu family, and they said they would act as soon as they found the opportunity.

Wang Xiqing was sure that if the two acted, Tenku would die. Plus, Lei Jie and Ye Xuan went with them. So the possibility of Tenku escaping is zero.

They should have acted when Tenku entered the basement, as that was their best chance to kill him. But instead of killing Tenku, the two people from the Gu family and the outside participation from the Wang family suddenly disappeared.

"There's something wrong here. I must report this matter to father." Wang Xiqing said seriously and quickly called Wang Jun. He realized that the problem was beyond his control and only his father could find a solution to it.


On the way back to the Wang family residence, Wang Ruyue suddenly asked Tenku to stop the car.

"Please stop the car at the city park ahead, Tenku." Wang Ruyue pointed at a park not far from them.

"Okay." Tenku nodded and stopped the car according to Wang Ruyue's request. He didn't ask why that girl wanted to stop at the city park, but Tenku was sure she had her reasons.

Wang Ruyue got out of the car and looked at the place nostalgically. Then she walked slowly into the playground and left Tenku in the car.

Tenku sighed and quickly followed her. He couldn't let Wang Ruyue walk alone in the park at that hour. If Wang Haotian found out, that old man would definitely scold him. When Tenku approached her, Wang Ruyue suddenly opened her mouth.

"When I was a child, my father and mother brought me to this place to play. They always make time for me on the weekends and take me to this park." Wang Ruyue said softly, and Tenku could feel the deep sadness in her voice. But he chose to remain silent and listen to the girl's heart.

"But after they died in a car accident, my grandfather replaced them to bring me here to play. At that time, I was really sad because I had lost my parents. If it weren't for my grandfather, who always accompanied, comforted, and encouraged me, I thought of going after my father and mother." Wang Ruyue touched one of the swing chairs in the garden and sat on it. She and her father played with it whenever they came to the park. The swing chair had not changed even though all the years had passed.

"My grandfather is my only family now and is the most important person to me. I want to repay what he has given me and make him happy. I'm glad he finally found a disciple that fits his criteria, and I don't want him to lose it." Wang Ruyue turned her face to Tenku.

"What do you mean by that?" Tenku asked casually.

"I want you not to participate in the martial arts competition tomorrow. I'm not stupid, and I know that Wang Xiqing tried to do something to you back in the basement. Fortunately, they failed for unknown reasons. But I know they won't stop there and will act even more boldly and ruthlessly.

You're mistaken if you think you are strong and will do well in that competition. You don't know the situation in each martial art family in Beijing. The geniuses of that family were extremely powerful, especially the Gu family. They are cruel and merciless. I was worried they would target you after discovering you were my grandfather's disciple." Wang Ruyue said seriously.

"You should already know I participated in that martial arts competition on your grandfather's orders. So I can't decide for myself. If you want me to resign, you can tell him directly." Tenku neither refused nor agreed to Wang Ruyue's request.

Wang Haotian has the right to decide, and Tenku will follow whatever he says. But he was sure the old geezer would never change his mind because he knew Tenku's true power.

"But my grandfather will agree if you tell him directly that you don't want to participate in the competition." Wang Ruyue said forcefully.

"Anything I say will be useless. I came to this country because your grandfather asked me to. Do you think he'll change his mind when I say I don't want to participate in the competition? You should already know what the answer is." Tenku knew that Wang Ruyue's intentions were good, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"But... but... you might get injured or lose your life if you participate in that competition and meddle in the Wang family's matters. Grandfather would be sad if he lost his only disciple." Wang Ruyue said in a trembling voice.

"I'm not that weak, and I don't intend to die because I have something I must do. You don't need to think about that matter anymore and trust your grandfather's decision." Tenku took off his jacket and used it to cover Wang Ruyue's body.

"Are you sure about what you said?" Wang Ruyue looked at Tenku with moist eyes, and she looked very beautiful under the moonlight.

"Do you think I'm going to play with my life? Aren't you there if I can't handle it alone? You are the genius of the Wang family, right? We will work together to win the competition and beat them. We will defeat the Gu family and cancel your marriage agreement." Tenku said and patted Wang Ruyue's shoulder gently. No matter how strong she looks, women will become weak girls when they are sad.

"Huh!? Do you know about it? Did my grandfather also tell you about that matter?" Wang Ruyue was shocked when she heard those words. She thought Tenku participated in the competition without knowing the real reason.

"Of course I do. I know what has happened with the Wang family and the Gu family in the past. Your grandfather has told me everything. Thus, let's thwart the Gu family's plan together. You can determine your destiny, make your grandfather happy and cancel the marriage agreement that your ancestors have made." Tenku stood before Wang Ruyue and stretched his hand to her.

"Are you sure that we will win?" Wang Ruyue glanced at Tenku's hand and then looked directly at his face.

"We will win." Tenku said confidently. Wang Ruyue's body trembled when she saw his eyes. After that, she wiped the tears from her cheeks and made up her mind.

"Let's win that competition! I will leave my fate in your hands, and I hope you can keep your word!" Wang Ruyue took Tenku's hand and said with determination. She didn't know how strong Tenku was. But Wang Ruyue believed in her grandfather's judgment, and they would win the martial arts competition.

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