Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 1003 A String Of Mounting Problems

Chapter 1003 A String Of Mounting Problems


A few moments later...

Izroth and Aurie sat across from one another inside a temporary command tent along with two other individuals.

One of the individuals was the sixth princess of the Tempest kingdom, Ranazera.

As for the other person, it was Aurie's 1st Division Captain, Kalmesia.

Kalmesia stood silently by Aurie's side with a calm demeanor and her eyes closed. However, one would be mistaken if they believed she had relaxed her guard. More accurately, her presence was more like a sheathed blade ready to be drawn at any given moment.

"I've had Captain Kalmesia set up a barrier around the command tent. She is also here as per the protocol when dealing with an honored guest that hails from an unallied kingdom. At my request, Captain Kalmesia has closed off her hearing and sight; however, she can still sense everything inside the barrier she has created and will act immediately if there are any signs of peril. So, I hope our honored guest can keep that in mind." Aurie said calmly as she glanced over at Ranazera.

Ranazera may be a political hostage from a hostile kingdom; however, Ranazera was also a member of the Tempest royal family. This greatly changed the dynamics of how Aurie had to act when dealing with the sixth princess.

The sixth princess was not only a potentially valuable source of information; in addition, she could be traded for a massive amount of resources or perhaps even another political hostage of equivalent value.

For those reasons alone, Ranazera's safety was a top priority in Aurie's eyes.

"You can be at ease, Commander. I'm sure our honored guest will not be causing you any trouble." Izroth stated.

Aurie's gaze landed back on Izroth as she said, "Since those words are coming from you, it eases my mind somewhat. That being the case, you sure have a knack for getting yourself into troublesome situations, Captain."

"It's just that trouble is rather skilled in finding me, Commander," Izroth replied with a carefree smile.

Aurie released a light sigh as she smiled helplessly.

The next moment, the atmosphere became serious as Aurie tapped the table twice.josei

Upon doing so, a separate barrier appeared within the tent that isolated Aurie and Izroth from Ranazera.

It was clear that whatever Izroth had to say next was something that Aurie did not want Ranazera to overhear.

"It's time you properly explain everything from the beginning." Aurie stated soberly.


Several minutes later...

The command tent had fallen silent as Aurie seemed to be in a state of deep contemplation.

Izroth had just explained his intent behind hiding the true Golden Bridge Strategy and completed his report of the events that occurred during his journey to the Nightfall Glades.

"...Captain Izroth, if it were anyone else, I would have my suspicions about how you managed to reach such a conclusion. However, while I do not doubt your words, as a Commander of the War Brigade, I cannot allow my personal opinion of you to cloud my judgment. So, I ask you, Captain Izroth—how did you come to discover the existence of such a high-ranking mole in our ranks?" Aurie inquired with a serious and darkened expression.

"I have my own ways of collecting information, Commander. In truth, I thought of informing you and General Solomon after the representative meeting; however, at the time, I only had a vague suspicion at best and no evidence in hand. With that in mind, If I had brought it up during that time, it would have been difficult to believe—even if you hold a favorable opinion of me." Izroth said unhurriedly.

Aurie knew that Izroth's words were correct. Both she and General Solomon were not in a position to take Izroth's words at face value just because they viewed him in a good light.

Not to mention the danger and possible backlash that came along with investigating someone who was at the rank Izroth was speaking of—it was no small task.

If they were discovered pursuing something with no evidence, at best, they would both be stripped of their ranks and authority within the War Brigade.

For Izroth, however, it was different. As a member of the General Support Unit, he was not bound by such inconveniences.

Also, not many people knew this, but Aurie was aware that the GSU was a special existence that could not be interfered with carelessly. This was all because of that woman who was at its head.

If she caught wind that someone had tried to meddle in the affairs of the GSU, she would kick up a fuss and would not be easily appeased.

"Let's set this matter aside for now. Truthfully, I do not have the authority to carry out a proper investigation. This information is too sensitive to entrust to a messenger or a long-range communication device. I will have to meet with General Solomon in person and decide what course of action we'll take from there. Until then, I'm sure it goes without saying, but we must keep this under wraps as much as possible, Captain. If the person in question catches wind of anything, we'll all be put at risk." Aurie noted.

"I understand," Izroth replied with a nod.

Aurie also gave a small nod before she tapped her finger twice on the table. When she did so, the barrier that isolated her and Izroth vanished. Of course, the one around the command tent remained intact.

"Now, we should discuss what took place near the territory of this Duke Sorkoza you mentioned. From what I know, that old monster from the Windstorm family cares a great deal about face. The Windstorm family won't forgive you for injuring its direct descendant. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they requested your life as one of the conditions when we officially enter into talks of exchange with the Tempest kingdom." Aurie said as she shifted the subject.

"Oh? Do you think I'll be handed over?" Izroth asked with a slightly amused smile.

"Hmph, as long as I'm around, I'll never allow such an injustice to take place," Aurie stated with a sharp gaze.

She then continued, "Besides, I doubt those higher-ups will even remotely entertain that kind of thought. Those guys are always doing whatever they like to further their own gains, but they're also a prideful bunch. Not to mention, if they traded someone who accomplished a great feat for our alliance just to settle a grievance, who would dare attempt anything of similar value in the future? You may have injured the young Windstorm, but he still has his life. Even if the Windstorm family wants to make a ruckus about it, the most they can do is ask for a little extra compensation from those higher-ups."

Needless to say, Izroth was never concerned with being traded. Thanks to all of his achievements and efforts through his time in the Amaharpe, his fame with the kingdom was maxed out. He also had the Protector of Amaharpe title. With such securities in place, there was no way those higher-ups would act against him. It was actually more likely they would respond with an even more aggressive stance!

"Still, in the future, you must be careful, Captain. The Windstorm family may not be able to request your life as part of the official exchange talks, but that will not prevent them from employing other methods. Do not let your guard down." Aurie warned.

"I'll take the Commander's words to heart," Izroth replied casually.

Izroth had nothing against the Windstorm family; however, if they wanted to claim his life, they would first have to get in line. And, of course, they would have to have the ability to do so.

"Moving on—I have never heard of there being a fortress city located where you spoke of in Malentansium. Nor have I ever heard mention of this Duke Sorkoza before today. But, what concerns me the most is what you discovered during your brief stay in Duke Sorkoza's territory. Captain Izroth, are you sure you did not perhaps misunderstand?" Aurie stated.

"I'm certain of it," Izroth answered without hesitation.

"I figured as much. Still, truthfully speaking, I was hoping you had some lingering doubts." Aurie sighed.

From Aurie's point of view, it was one major problem right after another. As if the high-ranking mole was not enough, now, they had to worry about the birth of a Night Lord that was apparently right around the corner!

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