Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 707 - Joining Forces, Stray Thoughts

Chapter 707 - Joining Forces, Stray Thoughts

Chapter 707 - Joining Forces, Stray Thoughts

"No... It was faint, but should be someone else hiding on the other side." Luna’s primary target with her voice magic was the Failed Kitsune; however, she still received a minor feedback whenever the mana wave made contact with anyone. And, even though Reilei’s presence was clear, there was a faint feedback from someone or something else close by.

Unknown to Luna, the presence that registered on her mana wave belonged to Ayanellia, who maintained a safe distance while supporting Reilei. And, with the use of Ayanellia’s skill, Natural Blending, it was not easy to pinpoint her exact position.​​


Reilei slammed her fist into the stunned Failed Kitsune’s head, sending it tumbling back. She did not know who helped her or why they decided to do so; however, Reilei understood that she could not let the opportunity escape!

"Her appearance is something I have not seen before. It would be easy for someone to mistake her for an NPC. I suppose, in this regard, we are not so different." Luna thought to herself as she observed Reilei’s movements.

Luna had been approached by players after having been mistaken for an NPC numerous times due to being a member of the Trephasia race. It was not until they got close enough that most of them realized she was actually a player.

"Does she have a fighter-type class..? Let’s try sending her a message first."

Luna learned fairly quickly that there were some strange people in RML. Even if someone displayed good intentions, it could be easily misunderstood. That’s why even though she offered a helping hand just now, Luna did not immediately rush in.

At the same time, after her attack successfully connected with the Failed Kitsune, Reilei was startled by the sound of the sudden system alert.

"A message? It’s a name I do not recognize... Can it be the person who made the creature stop with their voice?" Reilei said to herself.

〈System Alert: Player Luna has requested a voice chat!〉

〈System Alert: Do you wish to accept the incoming voice chat from Player Luna?〉

Reilei inwardly furrowed her brows. She remembered Phoenix’s advice to exercise proper caution when it came to dealing with players, especially those she met in the middle of combat. Phoenix mentioned that it was not uncommon for players to smile right to your face only to stab you in the back the first chance they got. When Reilei first heard that, she was shocked. Even in this world meant for having fun, such things occurred?

"But, they did help me when I was in trouble. It would be rude to not at least hear what they have to say..." Reilei convinced herself to accept the incoming voice chat request.

Luna, "Hello. My name is Luna. I apologize in advance, but I will skip the formalities. You seem to be having some trouble against that monster—would you care for my assistance?"

It’s So Realistic, "Are you sure? It is really dangerous and its anger seems directed at me. I don’t want anyone to put themselves in danger for my sake. Ah, pardon my manners, I am called Realistic."

"This is... Unexpected." Luna thought to herself as she smiled weakly.

Since she was the only player in the open, wasn’t it natural that the monster would focus its attention on her?

"Also, she sounds genuinely concerned for my well-being. If it is just an act to garner sympathy, then... No, I have come across many people who tried something similar, but her words do not feel forced." Luna internalized.

More surprising to Luna than anything was Reilei’s response to her offer for assistance. It was definitely not something one would hear every day in RML, especially when their backs were against the wall. And so, Luna was a bit caught off guard by the genuine reply she received.

Luna, "Realistic, is it? I understand your concern, but I am quite confident in my abilities. At the very least, I can promise that I will not become a burden."

It’s So Realistic, "?! Ah, no, I didn’t mean to imply anything by-"

Luna could not help but release a soft giggle that could melt the ice around even the coldest of hearts.

Luna, "It’s fine, really. I assure you, I took no offense. Do you have room in your party to invite me?"

It’s So Realistic, "Party? Sorry, but it’s just me."

Luna frowned upon hearing Reilei’s answer. Could it be that the person she detected was an enemy lying in wait?

Not to mention, if what she was saying were true, then it meant she had endured this long by herself against an epic boss! Not only that but also inflicted enough damage to where the epic boss was visibly injured! Such an extraordinary feat was not easily achieved.

Luna, "Are you certain it’s just you? If there is anyone else around at all that you know, then-"

It’s So Realistic, "Ah, there is Ayanellia. I told her to stay hidden because of the danger. But, she has been supporting me."


All of a sudden, the Failed Kitsune unleashed an ear-piercing roar as the effects of Luna’s voice magic finally wore off.

Luna, "It looks like we are out of time. Invite me to a party."

It was natural for the one fighting the monster first to form the party so that they were the leader. However, Luna was not prepared for what she heard next.

It’s So Realistic, "Um... I don’t know how..."

Luna, "..."

Although she had been invited to a party several times, Reilei had never formed a party herself, let alone invited anyone else to one. And, it was not a topic that Phoenix went over with her! But, how could Phoenix know that even something as basic as inviting another person to a party was not something Reilei had attempted before?

Luna, "Then, I will send you an invite. Please accept it."

[Voice Chat Has Ended]

Not even one second after Luna terminated the voice chat, Reilei received a party invite.

〈System Alert: You have been invited to join a Party[Current Members: 1][Party Leader: Luna], would you like to accept?〉

Reilei quickly accepted the party invite as the Failed Kitsune’s sixth tail lit up. The creature looked as though it was getting ready to use another skill!

Meanwhile, Luna viewed the party window as she made her way from the forest to the main area of the battlefield.

"How can this be?" Luna uttered quietly.

Luna assumed Reilei was a fighter or some other melee-type class since she was attacking at close-range, but it turned out that they were a summoner!

Once Luna saw Reilei’s class, she connected the dots and figured the one called Ayanellia Reilei mentioned must be her summoned beast—a support-type, to be exact.

Though what truly stood out in Luna’s eyes was the insane amount of HP and MP Reilei possessed for a level 40 summoner.

Player Name: Luna [Party Leader]

Level: 50

Class: ???

Player Name: It’s So Realistic

Level: 40

Class: Nine Creations Summoner

MP: 21,655/44,700

Reilei had almost 45,000 points of mana and close to 22,000 points of health—this was double the amount summoners typically possessed around that level!

But, what Luna did not know was that Reilei’s current HP and MP were the results of her merging with Xiao Liang using the skill Amalgamate. One of the effects Reilei acquired when she merged with Xiao Liang was that her HP and MP values doubled!

At the same time, out of nowhere, Reilei felt a refreshing aura encompass her body as a light green hue formed around her.



21,700/21,700 [It’s So Realistic’s HP Remaining]

In the blink of an eye, Reilei’s HP went from less than 35% to full. In addition, she gained a protective barrier for a little more than a third of her maximum HP!

〈Battle Alert: Player It’s So Realistic’s fatigue has been reduced by 50% from the effects of Player Luna’s «Curing Hand of Preservation».〉

Skill Name: Curing Hand of Preservation

Skill Level: MAXED

Skill Rank: A

Mana Cost: 1,800

Cast Time: Instant

Active: Instantly heal yourself or an ally target within 25 meters for 600% of the user’s «Healing Factor». Excess healing from this skill +[10% of the target’s maximum HP] is converted into a protective barrier that absorbs all incoming damage. The protective barrier lasts for 30 seconds or until it is destroyed. If the target possessed less than 40% HP when this skill was first activated, the target’s fatigue is reduced by 50%. josei

Cooldown: 4 minutes 20 seconds

Reilei was amazed. She felt much lighter than she did just a second ago. Even her breathing had become stable!

A gentle breeze brushed past Reilei as she instinctively looked to her side and a familiar voice sounded. It belonged to the player she had just been conversing with over voice chat.

"I will act as your support. I assume I can entrust you with the task of inflicting damage?" Luna said as she arrived next to Reilei.

Reilei lightly gasped as she caught sight of Luna and the first thought that came to her mind was, "My, how pretty."

"She looks like she is around the same age as my Jin. That boy... All he is interested in lately is this game. But, perhaps if it is someone who also plays, then..." Reilei internalized.

Reilei was concerned that her son had never truly gotten over his last heartbreak; however, as a mother, she could not help but be worried about her son’s future.

If it were during their previous circ.u.mstances, Reilei would have never given it much consideration. But, with the way things had been going lately, she now had the luxury of having such thoughts.

"Ah, no, I have to focus." Reilei pushed aside her thoughts and returned her focus to the Failed Kitsune.

"Leave it to me," Reilei responded with a small nod.

As the creature’s sixth tail lit up, the temperature in the surrounding atmosphere dropped considerably. It was to the point that Reilei and Luna could see their own breath in the cold.

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