Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 713 - The Dark Abyssal Cauldrons New Features, A Series of Unfortunate Events!

Chapter 713 - The Dark Abyssal Cauldrons New Features, A Series of Unfortunate Events!

Chapter 713 - The Dark Abyssal Cauldron's New Features, A Series of Unfortunate Events!

A few seconds passed as the heads of the Immortal Hydra glared at Izroth before dissipating into numerous particles. These particles were drawn into the Dark Abyssal Cauldron and absorbed into its interior surface.

After everything settled down and the cauldron returned to an idle state, Izroth examined the Dark Abyssal Cauldron.

’This greedy thing... It’s no better than the Apparel of Insatiable Transcendence. If I had left the hydra’s blood alone long enough, it probably would have consumed all of it down to the last drop. If things continue at this rate, I’m afraid every item or resource I get my hands on will be consumed by something in my possession.’

In total, the Dark Abyssal Cauldron had devoured roughly one-third of the Immortal Hydra’s blood Izroth collected! If he had to wait until Metronome found a container capable of housing the liquid, Izroth did not know if there would have been anything left of the hydra’s blood!

’Hm... Not much has changed in regards to its appearance. But, this aura—it definitely matches that of a high-tier magic item.’

The first thing Izroth noticed, besides the change in the aura surrounding the Dark Abyssal Cauldron, was eight colorless gemstones newly embedded on the upper inner rim of the cauldron.

’Seeing as how there are exactly eight colorless gemstones, it is safe to assume it’s related to this new feature.’

Izroth shifted his attention to the two new features he unlocked for the Dark Abyssal Cauldron.

Name: Dark Abyssal Cauldron(Soulbound)

Rank: C+ -> A

Durability: ∞(Indestructible)

Current Fire Core: Flame of Synthesis(B)

Usage: An ancient pitch-black cauldron made from an unknown indestructible material. It can be used by apothecaries to create pills that are grade-seven or lower. The more an «Apothecary» pushes the limits of this cauldron, the stronger it will grow.

*New -> «Dark Abyssal Armlet» - When activated, the «Dark Abyssal Cauldron» transforms into the «Dark Abyssal Armlet» that is automatically equipped to the user. Cannot be activated while crafting.

*New -> «Beast Spirit Absorption» - Whenever a monster dies near the user, its spirit can be absorbed into the «Dark Abyssal Armlet». The more powerful the beast, the more difficult it will be to subdue and absorb its spirit. Captured spirits can be used in crafting to enhance the pill(s) with powerful effects based on the beast it belonged to. This ability is only usable with the «Dark Abyssal Armlet» active. (Spirits Absorbed: 0/8) [Cooldown: 1 hour]

Special Note: This item cannot be replicated, traded, or sold and is soulbound to the user.

Dark Abyssal Armlet and Beast Spirit Absorption—these were the Dark Abyssal Cauldron unlocked after absorbing the Blood of the Immortal Hydra.

’Let’s see...’

Izroth held his right hand over the Dark Abyssal Cauldron. The next moment, the cauldron stretched as if it were a shadow as it wrapped around Izroth’s wrist.

The shadow-like substance rapidly spread until it reached the middle of Izroth’s forehead before coming to a halt.

In the blink of an eye, the Dark Abyssal Cauldron had vanished. At the same time, the shadow that attached itself to Izroth solidified and morphed into a black armlet with magic symbols etched into its surface. In addition, there were eight miniature versions of the colorless gemstones positioned around the top end of the armlet.

’Oh? Even the system information that’s displayed has changed.’

Name: Dark Abyssal Armlet(Soulbound)

Rank: A

Durability: ∞(Indestructible)

Usage: This item allows the user to see and interact with the essence of spirits left behind by fallen beasts.

«Dark Abyssal Cauldron» - When activated, the «Dark Abyssal Armlet» transforms into the «Dark Abyssal Cauldron» and appears in front of the user. Cannot be activated while in combat.

«Beast Spirit Absorption»...

Special Note: This item cannot be replicated, traded, or sold and is soulbound to the user.

’It’s convenient that I won’t have to remove my Dark Abyssal Cauldron from my inventory every time I want to use Beast Spirit Absorption. I would like to test it right away, but my current state makes that somewhat difficult. However, since I managed to clear out the Blood of the Immortal Hydra, I can finally test that. But, first...’

Izroth set his gaze on the black treasure c.h.e.s.t giving off an overwhelming pressure. This was the true reward for clearing the third stage of the crusade!

Name: [Izroth’s] Third Stage Crusade Treasure C.h.e.s.t(Soulbound)

Rank: ???

Usage: Contains rewards for clearing the third stage of the «Crusade».

Special Note: This item can only be opened by its owner.

Izroth discovered that outside a basic description, there was no useful information that even remotely hinted as to what the treasure c.h.e.s.t may contain.

’How vague. I guess there is only one way to find out.’

Izroth reached towards the crusade treasure c.h.e.s.t; however, as if actively sensing his intentions, the treasure c.h.e.s.t began to open before he even touched it.

’So this is the reward for clearing the third stage of a crusade. I have to say...’

Izroth viewed the contents of the treasure c.h.e.s.t and could not help but release a small inward sigh.

’It’s even better than I anticipated.’

There were only three items inside the treasure c.h.e.s.t; however, each and every one of them was enough to cause the top guilds to fight to the death over!

Name: Relic of the First Tal(Soulbound)

Rank: SSS josei

Durability: : ∞(Indestructible)

Uses: 3/3

Usage: Summons a powerful phantom of «Lady of the Everlasting Rain, Tal’Nis» who will assist the user in combat for up to 5 minutes.

Special Note: This item is soulbound and cannot be traded or sold. This item automatically disappears when the number of uses reaches 0.

Name: Special Material Bag IV(Soulbound)

Usage: Randomly generates one mythical or higher quality material that is related to the user’s profession. If the user has no profession, this bag cannot be opened.

Special Note: This item is soulbound to its original owner and cannot be traded or sold. This item is automatically destroyed if dropped from the user’s inventory.

Name: Unique Item Treasure C.h.e.s.t(Soulbound)

Rank: Unique

Usage: Contains a single Unique item inside.

Special Note: This item is soulbound and cannot be traded or sold.


When Izroth read the title of the book, a carefree smile formed on his face.

’This might be the most interesting gift you’ve given me yet.’

Name: A Journey of Insights(Soulbound)

Usage: This book contains the recorded insights of Tal’Nis during the time before her ascension regarding various subjects.

Special Note: This item is soulbound and cannot be traded or sold.

Izroth opened the book and flipped through its pages one by one. The book itself was only about fifty pages; therefore, it did not take Izroth long to finish reading it.

Izroth shut his eyes as he closed the book and organized the information within his mind.

’The secrets of this world run quite deep. For every answer I receive, two new questions form.’

Izroth opened his eyes as a serious expression appeared on his face.

’The Divine Realm... Just what kind of place is it? I wonder...’


Meanwhile, somewhere in RML...

Inside a poorly lit room stood two male individuals. One of these individuals was Vault, the guild leader of the Headhunter Syndicate.

As for the other, it was Doctor Dark, one of the Twelve Banes of the Headhunter Syndicate.

"Say that again..." Vault said in a voice that was cold enough to freeze over the flames of the underworld.

"W-We still haven’t heard back from the Mad Dogs and-" Doctor Dark spoke in a shaken voice; however, before he could even finish, he felt a heavy force crash into his body as he was sent flying back.

Woosh! BANG!

Doctor Dark slammed into the wall as he was struck mercilessly by Vault. All he did was make a report and this was the end result. But, all Doctor Dark could do was secretly curse the Mad Dogs under his breath.

"Listen to me! I don’t care what methods you use, I want Bloodhound and those other bastards from the Mad Dogs found! How dare they take my money and flee! Dammit! Dammit!!" Vault kicked over the nearby table as the veins on his face formed by his anger protruded.

Lately, Vault had gotten nothing but bad news.

After Menerva’s betrayal, the Twelve Banes was now down to Nine Banes as Vault was unable to get in contact with Black Dreams and Open Notes, who seemed to have mysteriously vanished into thin air!

But, this was not even the biggest of his headaches. Vault recently found out that the orphanage he secretly listed under his father’s company to keep Menerva under his thumb had been purchased by some unknown party!

However, when Vault went to file a complaint directly to his father to get the purchase overturned, he was actually yelled at and shooed away!

Vault was shocked as it was the first time his father ever yelled at him. Usually, his father would get him anything he wanted without question, so Vault’s anger only grew worse.

It was only later that he found out that the upcoming contracts his father painstakingly secured with the prominent Zi family had been pulled at the last second! The strangest thing was that the Zi family gave no excuse or reason, which is why his father was in a terrible mood. After all, that was hundreds of millions—possibly even billions of RMB gone, just like that!

As if all of that wasn’t enough, for some reason, even his own girlfriend, Genesis, was refusing to meet up with him!

It had only been a few days, but Vault felt as though his misfortune was only continuing to increase! Why was nothing going the way it was supposed to lately?!

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