Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 779

Chapter 779: A Doting Master, Reminisce

Chapter 779: A Doting Master, Reminisce

Whatever the reason, it did not change the fact that Hakros and Izroth—the first and last people to enter the Secret Realm—had arrived at different locations than the others.

In regards to Sychia, eventually, the others managed to catch up to and surround her.

She was able to hold her ground for a while, but the odds were too stacked against her. Ultimately, the Thousand Blossom Maiden was poisoned by Agromin and she was forced to use a lifesaving artifact to flee.

The artifact was a one-time use, but it teleported Sychia several kilometers away from her previous position.

That's when she stumbled upon this empty village with its residents hidden underground and decided to use the chance to recuperate.

'The fact that she was able to hold off against three opponents of similar strength and still found an opportunity to escape can be seen as exceptional. Though there is something else that I am curious about.'

"You said that your master is an apothecary, but... Can it be that the two of you are not on good terms?" Izroth inquired.

Sychia frowned, "How can that be? My master took me in when I was just a child abandoned by the world. We may not be related by blood, but she still treats me as her own daughter."

"Then, it's strange. From the sound of things, your master should be a fairly high-grade apothecary. How can she send a disciple that's like a daughter out without the basic necessities?"

Izroth found it difficult to believe that Sychia's master would willingly allow her to go to a place surrounded by enemies without some preparations. That's why he asked if the two were on bad terms.

"This..." Sychia seemed a bit hesitant to comment on Izroth's point.

Seeing her reaction, Izroth got a decent idea about what was going on.

'So it's like that. I thought she was the obedient type, but... Maybe she's at a rebellious stage.'

"Your master doesn't know you came to this Secret Realm, right?" Izroth remarked.

"?!" Sychia was visibly startled by Izroth's words.

Izroth released a small sigh as he inwardly shook his head.

It all finally added up. It was not that the master had disregarded the disciple, but that the disciple had snuck away from the master.

"So it's true. I found it strange that your master, an apothecary, would permit you to come to this Secret Realm without being sufficiently prepared. As a result, you were poisoned with no countermeasures at hand." Izroth stated.

"I never imagined they go as far as using such a vile method as poison...! It is a coward's weapon. Only those who lack dignity would resort to its use." Sychia said as she withheld her anger while thinking back to when she was attacked and poisoned.

"Naive." Izroth's voice sounded.

"...What did you just say?" Sychia's gaze turned cold as she looked at Izroth.

This person had just saved her life; therefore, she was grateful to him. However, to call her naive when she said nothing wrong—how could she not be displeased?

"I can understand why your master did not let you come to this place. Your thought process is still too naive. Vile method? Coward's weapon? Dignity? How absurd. Once you are dead, what value do those words hold?" Izroth said indifferently.

"Are you saying that I should lower myself to their level...? That I should forfeit my values and resort to underhanded tactics..?! I would sooner die than allow myself to fall that low!" Sychia said without wavering.

Izroth sighed and shook his head, "This is why I said—you're naive."

"I am not suggesting that you change your morals and ignore the values you have built. However, it is important to understand that the world is filled with those who would resort to anything to accomplish their goals. Even if that means getting their hands dirty in the process. History is ultimately written by the victors. So when one looks back, they will not see how you died to a coward's weapon. All they will see is a pitiful nameless soul who perished trying to change their history. To believe that everyone in this world inherently shares the same values as you—what else can I call you but naive?"

Sychia wanted to retort; however, she no response. The cold gaze in her eyes faded and was replaced by one that exuded helplessness as she looked down.

Sychia thought back to the moment she first asked her master permission to travel to the Secret Realm. After hearing Izroth's words, she was reminded of her master's expression at that time. That gentle, yet firm and helpless expression she gave her as she uttered, "You are still too inexperienced, Sy. Do you plan on making your master worry until the very end?"

'...It seems I touched on a rather sensitive subject.'

Although her head was down and the room was silent, Izroth noticed a few drops of liquid falling onto the back of Sychia's hands.


After a few minutes passed by, Sychia calmed down and regained her composure.

"I have shown you something quite unsightly and unbecoming." Sychia sighed.

She then continued, "You are right. My thoughts were indeed naive and revealed my inexperience. It is just as my master feared. She was right—even now, I am causing trouble to others and making her worry about me."

Izroth inwardly nodded. The fact that she was seriously reflecting on things was a good sign. Seeing as how he had to keep her safe for nearly 24 hours, Izroth figured it was best to help her gain some insight into the true face of the world—something Sychia's master should have done.

'Alas, a master who is too doting and wants to protect their disciple from the world is only doing them harm in the long run. Though, I suppose I can understand the sentiment..."

Izroth was suddenly reminded of his time in the Seven Realms. He had many teachers throughout his life, but there was ever only one person he called master. And, just like Sychia's master, that person, too, attempted to shield him from the true face of the world's cruelty. josei

'Being reminded of those days—perhaps that is why I used such a childish method to open her eyes. To think I would reminisce in a place like this... How unlike me.'

Izroth became briefly absorbed in his thoughts before clearing his mind and returning his focus to the task at hand.

"Is there a specific reason why you came to this Secret Realm despite your master's concern?" Izroth asked.

Sychia slightly furrowed her brows as she seemed to be in deep thought. A few seconds later, she appeared to have reached a conclusion as a look of clarity found its way into her gaze.

"Normally, I would not tell something like this to an outsider; however, your words reminded me of my master. A person like that—I do not believe they have any ill intentions. Even if I may be called naive again for using such a reason, I am willing to trust you, Izroth." Sychia stated.

The next moment, Sychia's expression turned serious as she continued, "My master has always possessed a weak physique and poor health. But, lately, the symptoms seem to be getting worse with each passing day. We have tried countless high-grade medicines and methods, but all of them ended in failure."

"The Mortal Realm is abundant in resources; however, it is a place controlled by various powers. It is not simple to explore freely. But, a Secret Realm is different. Unlike the Mortal Realm, it is filled with resources for the taking. Even if the residents are dangerous, they will not be able to follow us back to the Mortal Realm."

"I have heard many stories about lifesaving treasures often emerging from Secret Realms. Therefore, even if it is against my master's wishes, I could not allow this opportunity to escape my hands. I am not afraid to risk my life if it means that I can repay even a small amount of the kindness my master has given to me." Sychia explained.

Izroth could not help but smile inwardly.

'The master is worried about the disciple while the disciple is worried about the master. Well, this reason, even if her actions can still be seen as naive, at the very least, it is understandable. Still, to come to a place surrounded by enemies just for a chance at saving her master, it's quite admirable. Perhaps...'

"I may have a way to save your master. It's not guaranteed since I do not know how far along your master's illness has progressed, but I have seen what it can do with my own eyes. It's just that, it may be somewhat dangerous." Izroth stated.

"Is that true..?!" Sychia exclaimed as she shot up to her feet.

She then continued, "Even if it is merely a possibility, I am willing!"

"Then, you'll have to follow me for a while, is that alright?" Izroth asked.

Sychia bowed gracefully and replied, "As long as you have a way to save my master, I will follow you to the underworld if needed."

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