Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 874

Chapter 874

Chapter 874: Pill Rebirth, Hundred Death Poisoning Pill

Izroth continued to add the poisonous ingredients to the Dark Abyssal Cauldron one after the other.

It was not until he placed the 35th ingredient into the cauldron that he finally stopped.

Right as he did so, Izroth increased the flame intensity of the cauldron and pushed it to its upper limits.

The Dark Abyssal Cauldron trembled as the flames roared on for nearly ten seconds straight. Then, in one smooth motion, a small vial appeared in Izroth's hand.

The instant Izroth opened the vial, Seina wasted no time extending a protective aura around herself and her disciples.

Yuveil also took similar action to protect herself.

"What is that foul stench...?! Jade, just what dangerous thing did you give to that young man?" Yuveil frowned as she glared at Jade.

Whatever was in that vial was no ordinary substance considering that it was powerful enough to leak through the shielding of the magic formation. But, more surprisingly, it could even affect those at the high stages of the legendary realm!

Jade carefully scrutinized the vial; however, no matter how much she thought about it, there was never such an item included among the ingredients she gathered with her senior sister.

"That item was not among those that we provided to the Honorary Saint," Jade replied.

She was just as perplexed as Yuveil.

"Are you telling me it is something he managed to acquire himself?" Yuveil scoffed.

"That is the only plausible explanation," Jade responded calmly.

Yuveil set her gaze back on Izroth. In her mind, not only was this person's background too unknown, but also extremely dangerous. After all, there were only a handful of poisonous substances that could affect someone like her who had stepped into the late stage of the legendary realm.

"This person... His intention was never to create a cure! What he's crafting right now is a pill of death!" Yuveil thought to herself.

Cure? What cure? She had never heard of a cure that used nothing but poisons, especially one so sinister. The only thing it could "cure" was life by leading one down a path of death!

While everyone within the room was left in utter confusion and disbelief by Izroth's unusual actions, he was only concentrated on the crafting process. After all, if he lost focus for a single moment, the effects of Mind of Craft would immediately cease.

After Izroth opened the vial, he carefully added a single drop to the Dark Abyssal Cauldron. Simultaneously, he reduced the intensity of the flames to its lowest possible setting.

What Izroth just added to the cauldron was indeed something that was not a part of the materials within the spatial storage ring. In fact, he went through a great deal of effort just to obtain it--the Blood of the Immortal Hydra.

Although Izroth only used a single drop, it could still be seen as an incredible waste of such a valuable ingredient. However, in order to ensure that the best possible pill was formed, Izroth had no choice but to pay a small price.

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