Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 1111

Chapter 1111: Wind and Thunder Started

Chapter 1111: Wind and Thunder Started

Translator: RITF_Rain Editor: Chrissy

Mountains were high. Rivers were long. The road reached far.

However, no matter how far it was, one day it would reach the end. Jun Yinglian was shocked. She said, “It is my private matter. Sister, you don’t need to bother...”

“What are you talking about?” Xuan Bing was angry, “Didn’t we just put our sisterhood on the mouth? I can’t let you call me sister for nothing!”

Jun Yinglian smiled with gratitude, “I know how nice you are. I guess I should cut the thanking part. Sister, goodbye. We will meet again.”

“Hmm. Sister, be safe.” Xuan Bing hesitated and then said, “Sister, we are sisters now. If there is something I do wrong to you... please forgive me.”

“What are you talking about, sister.” Jun Yinglian was generous, “It will hurt our relationship to say those words.”

They said goodbye to each other.

After getting back on the road for a long time, Jun Yinglian still felt thrilled.

She had never expected that the world-shocking influential figure, Xuan Bing was so sensitive and actually got along with her!

When they first met, it was awkward and she was still alert. After that, they became close. In every topic they talked about in the conversation, they had almost the same answer to the questions!

When they decided to swear to be sisters, they both pretty longed for the relationship.

If Xuan Bing didn’t make that suggestion first, Jun Yinglian would suggest it instead.

If Jun Yinglian was the one who suggested it, people might think that she was trying to relate to Xuan Bing. However, Jun Yinglian and Xuan Bing were both generous, great-minded female cultivators. Neither of them would have that shameless idea!

For the two ladies, they were already close friends after one night!

[Xuan Bing must have come to me for some reason. She didn’t just want to know me. It’s not that simple. She must have other reasons.] Jun Yinglian talked to herself. [No matter what she was after, she meant no harm to me. That is sure.]

[The friendliness and appreciation are impossible to fake.]

[She is too powerful to pretend in front of me! She wouldn’t need to!]

[What she said in the end... It seems she knew there would be something that offends me, but she was informing me. She didn’t want to hurt the relationship... If she does anything that hurts me in the future... However, even if she will do something to hurt me, what can’t I lose now? What can’t I accept now?]

Jun Ying smiled bitterly, and then lowered the burden in her heart. She moved fast in the clouds, trying to arrive soon.

[After I do what I promised Yue Gongxue, I am afraid I will disappear in this world.]

[Xuan Bing said she would love to help me take revenge... But it is still my own business. I don’t want anything to stain the pure relationship between us.] She gritted her teeth. [Besides, I am the only person who could take revenge for him! I don’t need other peopple’s help. I don’t want others to share!]

[I won’t get anybody else in trouble. I don’t need anybody else’s help.]

She looked in the distance and Oracle District was right ahead of her!

[This may be the last long journey... of my life!] Jun Yinglian stopped and looked in the distance. She was calm. [When I return from Oracle District... it will be the end of everything!]

In the sky, a sharp howl of a hawk resounded. A flash of golden light was dazzling.

Beyond the clouds, a beautiful hawk fleeted over Jun Yinglian’s head with thunder and wind around it!

“What a beautiful hawk!”

Jun Yinglian couldn’t help praising it.

She was such an experienced cultivator, yet she had never seen any hawks that were as beautiful as that one. The hawk was flying at least twenty percent faster than she did. The last second, it was behind Jun Yinglian, but the next second, it was long gone! How fast!

Jun Yinglian praised it but didn’t slow down much. She started to move toward Oracle District.

At roughly the same time.

In a piece of wasted ice land, there was a cliff that was precipitous like a brush pot!

Under the cliff, a man stripped out of a cave. His face was covered by his beard. He looked like a wildling. However, he was huge. Although he was just casually walking, he showed the aura of a dragon or a tiger! He was imposing! josei

When he walked out of the cave and looked up at the sky, he laughed loudly. Then he shouted, which shocked the entire land around!

“I am going out!”

“Wait for me!”

“My friend! My brother! Wait!”

“And my enemies, wait!”

“Heavens bless you. Don’t die yet!”

“I will be the one who takes your lives!”


With a giant shadow behind him, he shouted to the sky. He reached out his right hand to grab something, and that was a long saber which kept emitting cold lights flowing in the cave. Suddenly, he grabbed the saber in hand, as if it just appeared from nothing.

The blade shined with cold lights. The lights kept shaking and twinkling in his hand...

It seemed like this divine weapon had been resting for too long. It couldn’t wait to get soaked with blood and soul...

“Old friend, it has been a while!”

He stared at the saber in his hand and smiled, “The past few years, I have been troubled and trapped. You must have suffered. From now on, we will travel across the sky again, domineering the world!”

The sharp and thick blade shined in cold lights. The saber actually made a sound!

The saber sounded like a howling dragon.


He laughed and said, “Let’s go, old friend!”

The blade shined again. He and his saber were like a wholeness, shooting up to the sky like a bolt of lightning, striking in the clouds up in the sky.

Suddenly, thunders started to strike in the sky after them.

It seemed to be a sign that was telling people there was going to be a disaster!


Ye Xiao and Zhan Yunfei were having a practice fight.

Zhan Yunfei suppressed himself to level two of Dao Origin Stage to fight against Ye Xiao, who was level one of Dao Origin Stage. Zhu Jiutian stood aside as the judge.

After a hard crash, when the two of them were separating, Zhu Jiutian couldn’t’ stand it anymore...

“You cheat!” Zhu Jiutian shouted, pointed at Zhan Yunfei’s head, which was swollen like a pig head, and said, “You actually raised your cultivation secretly! That can’t be more shameful!”

“I didn’t! No!”

Zhan Yunfei was furious, “I was being beaten! How would I be beaten if I raised my cultivation!... F*cking idiot!”


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