Realms In The Firmament

Chapter 1622

Chapter 1622: Purple Dragon; Golden Phoenix; Big Problem!

Chapter 1622: Purple Dragon; Golden Phoenix; Big Problem!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

‘I must be lost in my thoughts... but... It doesn’t make sense... This man... Is he even more powerful than Yue Youyou? There are only a few people in this world who are beyond Yue Youyou’s cultivation level. Who is this man?’

Ye Xiao kept thinking about it, and then he made a quick reaction.

“I am just expressing my feelings... I have been here for quite some time, and I miss my hometown.” Ye Xiao smiled and said, “Where are you from, master?”

The man in purple robes blandly smiled and didn’t answer the question. He just stared at Ye Xiao with a pair of glittering eyes.

Ye Xiao felt shocked. He started to feel dizzy as if he was going to lose consciousness soon.

The man in purple robes asked, “Are you the owner of this place? Are you Ye Xiao, who is called the marvelous doctor?”

Ye Xiao’s face was blank. He said, “Yes. I am Ye Xiao.”

The man said, “Have you met an old man earlier? He came to ask for treatment. I wouldn’t say he is properly dressed. He is probably wounded, well... He looked like he was about to die...”

Ye Xiao pretended to think for a while and then blankly shook his head. “The war is finished in the City of Chaos. People don’t come for treatments anymore. I haven’t seen any old men these days... I don’t think I have met the person you want...”

“Are you sure?”

Ye Xiao thought for a while again and nodded. “I am certain.”

The man in purple robes waved his sleeves and then flew up like a cloud. The next moment, he moved away quickly and disappeared into the sky.

Ye Xiao’s face was still blank, staring at the sky as if his soul was taken away from his body.

The wind howled. The man in purple robes was still paying attention to Ye Xiao with his spiritual mind. He murmured, “Is he telling the truth? It seems like the old man didn’t come to him.”

He casually pointed out his finger and a strong flow of wind shot over to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao was frightened, and he was awakened. He turned around and noticed nothing strange at all. The trees were shaking in the wind, and the sky was bright because of the stars and the moon!

Ye Xiao was even more scared.

‘That was close!’

Ye Xiao thought to himself.

If Erhuo didn’t notice the attack and dodged, he would definitely get hit.

Ye Xiao had a new impression about the horrible man in purple robes, not because of the attack, but because the man actually stayed safe beyond the Great Formation of Stars!

What did that mean?

It meant that the man was incredibly powerful!

Ye Xiao stood there and felt his back was soaked with cold sweat.

The man in purple robes was here to find the old man... That was obvious...

The man in purple robes was definitely at a high level in cultivation. Who was the old man? He must be as powerful as that guy!

Ye Xiao was shedding cold sweat, and he didn’t dare to stay up in the sky any longer.

He got down to the floor immediately and directly went to the old man’s room.

“Old man, who are you? Who is your opponent?” Ye Xiao’s face turned pale, and he was a bit anxious.

He was always calm, but this was too horrible. The man in purple robes could be as powerful as the sky kings! How could he be that horribly powerful otherwise?

The old man was shocked, and then he looked at Ye Xiao. “Did anybody come for me?”

“A man in purple robes.” Ye Xiao sighed and said, “He is horrible...”

“A man in a purple robe? What does he look like?” the old man asked.

“I don’t remember the details. He is roughly a man who is tall and slim... He wears a purple robe. His eyes are so deep as if the universe were inside of it...”

Ye Xiao said.

“It is the Purple Dragon King!”

The old man was shocked. He said, “You... You met him... How could you still be standing here? How could you still remember what he looked like?”

The old man was surprised. The Purple Dragon King was good at mind manipulation. It should be easy for him to let Ye Xiao expose the old man’s whereabouts.

Besides, the old man was just around, so the Purple Dragon King should be able to sense him! josei

Why was Ye Xiao still alive? How come he still remembered the Purple Dragon King’s appearance? Why didn’t the Purple Dragon King pursue him yet?

“I surely have my own ways to deal with these situations since I decided to take you in.” Ye Xiao humphed and said, “The man, the Purple Dragon King, that you spoke of, is incredible. However, his manipulation technique isn’t powerful enough to control me! I lied, and he is deceived!”

The old man’s eyes lit up.

“Now, it is your turn to answer some of my questions. Shall we? Who is the Purple Dragon King?” Ye Xiao asked.

“You should better stop asking about this. It will bring you trouble...” The old man made a long sigh.

“Do you really think I can just walk away from this now? If I told the man you are here, maybe I could walk away safely. I have covered for you now, which means I am on your side. Most importantly, the trouble might come over any second now. I have to know who I am dealing with as soon as possible, so I can be prepared.” Ye Xiao made a long sigh, too.

The old man stayed silent for a while and said, “Fine. It can’t be stopped now. It is better to prepare for it earlier. The Purple Dragon King is with the Glaze Sky King, the strongest of the four Great Lordships.”

“The Purple Dragon King is the chief of the Dragon Clan in the Human Realm Upon Heavens!” the old man said.


Ye Xiao took a gulp and asked blankly, “Your wounds... Your wounds were definitely caused by one man... There are over seven kinds of special poisons...”

The old man bitterly smiled and said, “The wounds... Well... The Purple Dragon King and the Golden Phoenix King led thousands of people to hunt me... I was surrounded... Cough, cough, cough...”

Ye Xiao nearly choked to death.

“I mean... Old man! What the hell did you do to piss these people off? Did you eat the dragon’s liver or the phoenix’s guts? Why would two powerful clans go after you?” Ye Xiao felt that his head was smoking...

He couldn’t believe he saved such a troublemaker!


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