Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 10

Chapter Book 10: 71: Risk (2)

A stable orb of energy floated before Dyon. In comparison with the size of the Nebula, it was akin to a speck of dust to a speck of dust’s speck of dust. And, even that analogy might not do it just.

Dyon couldn’t help but shake his head. He almost felt that the Celestial Deer Sect didn’t want anyone to find their Legacy, even their own Successor!

The orb was very much like a snow globe. Hidden within, there was a world of darkness, but it didn’t seem like a Mystical World. After observing for a moment, Dyon suddenly came to an understanding.


A Realm was nothing like a Mystical World. Aside from the fact they both emulated a real plane of existence, the similarities ended there.

While a Mystical World was a reflection of the Mortal Plane and its laws, a Realm was a reflection of the Immortal Plane and its various complex rules and regulations.

Dyon felt a headache coming along. Since when did so many things from the Immortal Plane decide to fall down to their small lands?

From Dyon’s understanding, every Treasure of the 33 Heavens was born similarly to how Amphorae’s Golden Dragon Lyre was born.

Some unprecedented moment triggered its birth, allowing a world-renowned treasure to be formed. Actually, though there was the number 33 in their title, there had actually been more than 33 in the past. It was just that the Heavens only allowed 33 to exist at once.

Essentially, if a new Treasure came along that superseded one of the existing ones, it would rip the weakest of its category down from the list and replace it. If this happened, though the former Treasure of the 33 Heavens would retain its active ability, it would lose its Legendary passive ability.

The point of all of this was that a Treasure of the 33 Heavens usually followed its first owner until said owner’s true death. Obviously, Amphorae’s death hadn’t been considered a true one, or else the Golden Dragon Lyre wouldn’t have followed her into reincarnation. Well… it was either that or some work Luna put in.

Which one it was irrelevant. But, what was relevant was the fact that owners of these weapons almost always transcended in the end. And even if they didn’t, the next owner definitely would.

What did this mean? It meant that all such Weapons should have already been on the Immortal Plane!

So why was it that Dyon had five of them?!

This wasn’t the only treasure Dyon had from the Immortal Plane that shouldn’t have appeared here either. Another example was the Sage Tower. Yet another example of the [Dao of Array Alchemy]. Even further than that there was the [One Above All] technique that he had come here to retrieve in the first place.

Just what happened to cause so many treasures of the Immortal Plane to fall here?

Was it because of The Entity? Did its descent cause such impossible things to become more possible? But even then, it couldn’t be that the owners of the Treasure of the 33 Heavens were actually so incompetent?


Dyon shook his head. ‘Thinking about these things are useless. I need to figure out what to do here.’

“Little Yin, Little Yang… What do you know about Realms?”

‘The Laws of the Immortal Plane are different from the Mortal Plane. Space is sturdier, substances are far harder than they should be simply by virtue of existing on that place, and there are all sorts of others oddities that are difficult to explain if you don’t experience them yourself.

‘However, one undeniable true is that every World on the Immortal Plane has a different set of rules. Realms are often created with a World of the Immortal Plane as a template. Essentially, entering this Realm is the equivalent of entering a World of the Immortal Plane.’

Dyon’s heart felt conflicted as he listened to their explanation.

“This… Shouldn’t this be a good thing, then?”

‘Well… Yes and no.’ Little Yang responded. ‘Do you know what they call people like you on the Immortal Plane?’ josei

Dyon frowned, not liking that line of questioning.

‘They call you Impures. Well, some might use harsher words. Scum, infestations, low born, trash, cockroaches –.”

“Alright, alright. I get it.”

Little Yin giggled. ‘There’s a reason Higher Existences shed their bodies to Transcend and leave it behind in the form of their Faith Seeds. Living on the Immortal Plane with a mortal body is like living in hell. It’s not just because of the discrimination, but because it’s quite literally like living with a debilitating disease.

‘Some poor souls, even when born on the Immortal Plane, will leave their mother’s womb with mortal bodies. Those who are luckier are born directly with Immortal Bodies, some with the greatest lineages are born with higher grade Immortal Bodies.

‘But, even those born with the lowest grade Immortal Bodies are so powerful from birth that even a newborn could kill the current you if they cried too hard.

‘Simply put… even with this Realm right before you, a space that incomparably valuable even on the Immortal Plane, you can only look at it.

‘Essentially, even if you could sell this Realm for an exorbitant price only a few margins lesser than an Ethereal Grade Weapon on the Immortal Plane, it’s nothing but a torture device to the current you.’

Dyon’s gaze turned cold. He didn’t bother to listen anymore as he took a step forward, vanishing in the orb.

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