Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 11

Chapter Book 11: 12: Dwarves (3)


Several dwarves of the crowded geniuses in the skies looked down with narrowed eyes.

One thing Dyon learned after coming to the Ancient Battlefield that not all of the legends of his mortal world were absolutely accurate. He could glean some details from their fabrications, but if he used them as the whole truth, he would end up suffering sooner or later.

One of the myths perpetuated by his home world was that all dwarves were short and stocky creatures. Their males had long full beards, and even their females would be on the hairier side. They weren’t a particularly attractive race of people outside of how they felt about each other. At the very least, they were nowhere near as attractive as elves.

But, it turned out that this wasn’t true at all.

Those like Serbona who had their growth stunted were just products of impure blood. When dwarven blood mixed with other races, a change occurred that presented itself almost like a deformity. Serbona was on the luckier side as she just appeared to be a petite woman.

However, in others, this ‘deformity’ manifested itself in more severe ways.

Dyon wasn’t absolutely certain why this gene mutation occurred. He had a small instinctual feeling that it may very well be related to why the Golden Era, despite its grandiose title, was the shortest of the four Eras.

One had to remember that Elves were famous for using their beasts to improve themselves. They took the skills of their beast partners and used them to add to their own talents.

Fundamentally, was this not a form of gene manipulation…? Who knows whether or not the dwarves tried something similar…? Maybe dwarves and elves were actually of the same root and only diverged in race specifically due to these manipulations…?

This aside, pure blooded dwarves, or dwarves who were lucky enough not to experience this mutation, were actually just as handsome and beautiful as their elven counterparts. Though the influence of the Ancient Battlefield had lessened the beauty of some of them with lesser talent, those who were regarded as the best geniuses had looks that could take one’s breath away.

If one wasn’t observant, it was easy to confuse dwarves with elves, actually. There was only one fundamental difference: elves had pointed ears that were angled flush to their skulls, just like regular humans. However, while dwarves did also have pointed ears, theirs were more perpendicular, drooping down from the right and left sides of their heads.

Just as one might expect, the moment Dyon revealed himself, those who had been watching on from the bazaar immediately assumed him to be dwarven royalty. Only the dwarves themselves who appeared in the skies could tell the difference immediately.

“Did the dwarven clans split up before entering this cursed land?”

“It must be so. How else could one of their descendants appear here?”

“You think the dwarves will accept him?”

“Why not? He’s one of their own… It makes things very convenient for them. He also looks very powerful, this could be a good opportunity for them.”

“It’s not smart to expose such a thing like this though, the dwarves definitely made a mistake taking such an aggressive tactic. They’ve dropped a rock on their own foot. If others know they’ve taken an invader under their wing, even if they don’t take action against the dwarven clan themselves, they’ll definitely do everything in their power to kill the invader.”

“I think you’re all jumping to conclusions too quickly. For a Clan to divide themselves like this, with one entering and the other remaining, there’s definitely a rift that was left behind even if it was countless generations ago. It may not be so certain for them to accept him.”

Seeing Dyon’s identity, even the geniuses in the skies hesitated. They had come here just for the sake of killing Dyon. They hadn’t expected such a twist to occur.

The matters between the elves and the dwarves had happened such a long time ago that these youths weren’t certain of the truth. So, they didn’t know whether Dyon was an enemy or not.

In the end, a young man with refined looks stepped forward. His hair shimmered like polished bronze metal, it really seemed as though his hair was the reflective substance. josei

Just like his hair, his eyes were like two burning embers. If it was anyone else, his gaze would be both scorching and oppressive, but Dyon only met him was a light smile.

“Have you come here to ally with our dwarven clans?” The young man’s tone was actually quite friendly. It seemed that Dyon was correct. Taking on the appearance of an ally did make this much easier.

Of course, it wasn’t certain that their elders who were aware of the truth of them matters of all those years ago would treat him the same way… The fact they hadn’t taught their younger generation to hate elves was enough to prove that the relationship wasn’t beyond repair.

“That’s right.” Dyon nodded without hesitation.

“You’re quite bold. You know that saying so publicly puts a target on your back?”

“A target would be there regardless.” Dyon grinned. “The real question is whether or not your dwarven clans want to leave this prison and rebuild the Golden Era?”

Hearing these words, the young man’s eyes blazed. It wasn’t with anger, but rather with ambition.

“My name is Calen Lagron. I respect your courage, but to be the chosen invader of our dwarven clans, you must also prove your strength.” His aura blazed. “Fight me!”

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