Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 12

Chapter Book 12: 7: Incomplete (1)

Dyon’s meridians and blood vessels soon became thick, raging rivers. In the past, his blood vessels and meridian pathways were almost like thin capillaries running through his body, barely a tenth of a centimeter in width, the largest were only about two centimeters wide. Only his 117 meridians were slightly larger, having about an inch to two of diameter to them.

One can see how shocking such a thing was. Dyon was able to display so much despite their exaggeratedly small size. Just how much power would he have if they were only a small percentage point larger? What if they doubled in size?

The reason one had to improve the quality of the qi from Essence to Saint to Celestial and finally to Enigmatic was precisely because of this small size. There was a little to how much power they could produce. As such, one had no choice but to raise the grade of their energy.

Unfortunately, vital qi both couldn’t be pulled from the atmosphere, and only had one level of quality to it. One can easily see, then, how body cultivation was even more limited in this regard, meaning that the widening of blood vessels would have an even more pronounced effect!

Theoretically, if one’s meridians were thick enough, you could produce just as much power as a Dao expert even while within the Essence Gathering Realm!

It was here that Dyon ran into a problem. He obviously couldn’t expand in meridians and blood vessels infinitely. After all, his body had limited space within it.

Even if he suffered a loss and built himself larger, he’d run into the same problems Giants did. The larger his body, the more qi and vital qi he needed to produce the same force. It was a simple principle even mortals knew about, known as the square cube law.

For every proportional size increase, volume would increase by a cube, but surface area would only advance by the square. This meant that mass increased exponentially even in relation to the surface area of a body, which meant large bodies lacked the strength to move themselves.

Giants circumvented these laws with their own special methods, but in the end, it only gave them a marginally higher average strength in comparison to normal sized humans.

Dyon’s mind continued to spin, calculating madly.

Saru and Lilith, seemingly knowing that he would stay in this state for maybe even longer than the past half year, made their way to the entrance of Dyon’s den. They couldn’t allow anything to disturb him during this time.

Dyon’s thoughts blinked away almost as soon as they appeared. He sifted through and threw out dozens of ideas in split seconds, focusing his entire mind on his task.

In a moment, he suddenly thought of his Mind’s Eye.

His Mind’s Eye was where his soul qi was stored. Over time, it had evolved from a world of golden fog to one filled with a thick ocean of what looked like melted gold.

With the exception of when Dyon activated his halo, his soul didn’t have bottlenecks like what his qi did with his meridians. However, this was because he directly expelled his qi from his Mind’s Eye, to his surroundings, and only then manipulated it into the technique or array he wanted.

It was impossible to do this with normal qi because it wasn’t as pure. In addition, qi techniques required very specific circulations within the body. If it was expelled first, it would be very crude. This was because, once again, normal qi was not as pure and as such could not communicate with the heavens as easily as soul qi could.

‘Wait… my halo.’

Dyon’s mind grinded to a halt as he finally found a solution. He kept thinking about increasing the volume of his meridians and blood vessels. But, why not focus on increasing its surface area simultaneously?

The square cube law only applied if the same shape was maintained while size increased. But, what if Dyon didn’t bother maintaining the same generic tube shapes of his meridians and blood vessels? josei

When Dyon managed to reach this line of thought, he acted immediately, thanking his soul halo.

He had managed to reach this conclusion in a rather roundabout way. When Dyon formed his soul halo, was he not pouring soul qi into his brain? Why was it that his people’s minds could withstand soul qi, but if other species attempted, they would be essentially committing suicide?

Dyon remembered how panicked he became when his little girl poured her soul qi into her mind for the first time. He had never been so scared in his life.

It was only after he calmed down and investigated that he understood. The folds in the brains of his mortal people were far beyond that of normal humans and even the Sapientia Clan. As a result, their ability to withstand on hold qi in their minds was at an unprecedented level!

If Dyon thickened the walls of his meridians and blood vessels, widened their passageways, and manipulated their shape to increase their surface area by several fold…

The results would be beyond his wildest imaginations!

Dyon didn’t hesitate. Taking inspiration from the folds of his brain and even some from his digestive tract, he remolded his meridians and blood vessels from the ground up.

By the end of it all, he had only widened the passageways of both by about ten times, reaching a single centimeter. But, the space within was as if he had expanded them to ten centimeters instead.

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