Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 2

Chapter Book 2: 56: What I Want

Just like that, another day passed silently…


Dyon sat in the Heaven’s Wine private room, diligently packaging food for every child and demon general.

For the children, he created well rounded meal plans – strengthening their hibernating meridians, increasing their bodies’ capacities, and making their souls more robust for future cultivation. For the demon generals, although he didn’t know the extent of all of their powers just yet, he had still grasped their specialties. He wasn’t satisfied with his army having any weaknesses, so, he decreased the amount of food towards their strengths, and increased the food to buffer their weaknesses. After he had sent enough for an entire week and equipped the demon generals with cultivation methods for their weaknesses from the Celestial Deer Sect, he finally ate himself.

Although the dip in revenue would be obvious from the Elvin branch’s perspective, the overall scale of Heaven’s Wine was so large that Dyon’s influence was minute. Again, what was feeding thousands for free, versus getting payment from millions? Even tens of millions?

From what Dyon could see, there were no overseers at any branch. There were no guards, no waiters, and this branch didn’t even seem to have one of the owner’s disciples. So, Dyon deduced that Heaven’s Wine was most likely overseen together as a collective, rather than individually. As such, he used their resources freely.

But, at the back of Dyon’s mind, he was fully aware that Iaachus could most likely see what was going on. And, by extension, his master could too. But, Dyon couldn’t be bothered to care. Not right now. He had too many other things on his mind.

He knew that Ri was probably worried and pissed that she couldn’t get out of the spatial world, but, he was in no mood to interact with anyone at the moment. Even his seemingly heartfelt task of diligently tailoring meal plans for each person, was done as though he was an emotionless robot. He calculated. He planned. He strategized. But, during the hours he spent doing this, not once did he feel.

Silently meditating and slowly absorbing his food, Dyon’s essence integration slowly increased. Although the pace was much slower than before, it was much better than without the spiritual foods. His demon qilin and celestial deer blood was already approaching 11%, and his demon sage essence had finally firmly planted itself at 2%. With this, his body’s strength could finally rival those at the lower meridian formation stage without the need for him to use his understand of wills or his soul. Although, that was only when they too didn’t use their wills or souls.

This being said, Dyon felt a faint watershed at surpassing 10% of integration. It seemed every 10% mark would bring him another set of challenges and another level of trials. However, he could only push through.

In addition to his body, he also spent time on his soul. Although he had yet to investigate his manifestation, he could faintly feel his soul diligently approaching the middle tier of the 5th stage. However, Dyon felt like he needed to know more about the soul before he studied his manifestation. For example, he still had no idea what an ‘innate soul strength’ was. In fact, the first time he had even heard of such a concept was when Ri explained the requirements to enter Acacia Academy.

How could Dyon study the manifestation of a soul, without understanding the soul itself? He knew it was time to pour through his master’s memories.

He had hoped he wouldn’t meet any mental blocks on the information, but he could only grit his teeth when he realized that there were.

No wonder he hadn’t stumbled upon the term ‘innate soul strength’ before, his master had never left it in her memories for him. Dyon could only resign himself to heading back to the Acacia Academy Library. Afterwards, he’d leave his marks on the guilds and slowly uncover the mystery of the Elvin Kingdom.

Despite Dyon’s cold heart, his mind was clear as he realized something… if every mental block was in correlation to the destruction of the Celestial Deer Sect, wouldn’t that mean that by a complex system of elimination and cross-referencing things Dyon’s master should know versus what her memories didn’t have, Dyon would be able to slowly piece together the story?

‘it seems you’ve left me quite the puzzle game master…’

This was Dyon’s first real human-like thought in days…


Within Dyon’s spatial world, everything was peaceful.

The demon generals and children happily ate their food. Dyon had sent each set in separately, marked for each person, and divided by day. Since he didn’t know how robust the appetites of everyone would be, he technically sent more than he needed too. In fact, many scratched their heads when reading the notes Dyon left behind.

One of the demon generals laughed, “this is a week’s worth of food? I could go through a month and still not finish this.”

A beautiful white-haired demon general giggled lightly, “it seems our leader has quite the appetite. Look at all of this, he’s assumed we’re all as gluttonous as he is. How adorable!”

The atmosphere was light and heartfelt. None of the generals were aware of how Dyon was feeling. Although some could vaguely sense that something had happened judging by the influx of children, they didn’t mind too much. Their leader cared enough to send them food, tailor make their meals, and even send them cultivation methods to strengthen their weaknesses. What could they have to complain about?

To them, if the successor needed help, he would come to them. It wasn’t like they could leave the world of their own free will anyway. That was simply how spatial worlds worked. As long as the user was able to force you in, you would have to be strong enough to match the creator of the ring to break free. But, how could experts that peaked at the lower saint level break free of constraints set by a transcendent level ring? At most, they could shake the world like they had before.

Suddenly the beauty spoke again, “What I’m most interested in is the fact the successor has such good cultivation methods… where would he get them in such a low-ranking universe?”

“Ai. At first, I was only going to flip through casually and let the successor know later that they were too low level… but, these are all at the very minimum heaven ranked techniques and cultivation methods… aside from the body cultivation manuals that is.”

“True, but high-level body cultivation manuals are rare everywhere. The fact he has earth level ones is a miracle into and of itself.”

“The successor is indeed interesting… he also wants us all to learn music will to at least the 3rd level, doesn’t he know how hard music will is to grasp?” A demon general shook his head bitterly.

The beauty smiled, “he must have a reason for it… maybe he isn’t expecting all of us to grasp it. Maybe… he’s only expecting it out of a few of us.”

This was indeed the truth. Dyon had vaguely grasped that music will, despite its being seemingly simple, was among the most difficult to grasp. Much like the human mortal realm, music wasn’t something you could force a true level of understanding in. You may be able to memorize notes, and play the covers of your favorite songs, but none of these things constituted being a true expert.

Music will meant being able to convey and understand artistic conceptions. Sure, a normal person would be able to feel that one song was meant to be happy, and another was meant to be angry. But, would they have the talent to understand why such emotions were being conveyed? Would they be able to distinguish sadness brought by the loss of a lover versus the loss of a parent? Would they be able to distinguish anger from not feeling that you were good enough versus feeling that the world was against you? These weren’t easy things to grasp, especially without the use of lyrics seen in the human mortal realm.

As such, music will was more about talent than almost any other will. There was such a high level of emotional intelligence needed, that often, it was simply too much for the vast majority of people. This was why Dyon was so surprised when he realized Jade couldn’t use music will… how could someone who could literally see through everything… not have high emotional intelligence?

This was when he realized the sheer difficulty of understanding music will and when Madeleine jumped another level in his respect for her.


Near a clear lake of the spatial world, Ri sat next to a handsome boy on a rock as they watched the kids play.

The kids had long since cleaned themselves, and Dyon had even sent each of them a new set of clothes to the point where he even included swimming suits. It had already been a week since Dyon had sent them in here. In fact, he sent another ‘week’s worth’ set of food they wouldn’t be able to finish for months.

Ri could only sigh. She knew Dyon thought this was his fault. She remembered very clearly how he had said Little Lyla’s name at the coliseum. And, when she asked the kids what had happened, they told her that bad men had come looking for their sister Lyla. And now, Dyon was cutting himself off from them as his way of protecting them all.

If Ri knew that Dyon was also an orphan, she’d understand that his pain right now was even deeper than what she assumed.

“Dummy,” she muttered.

Arios, who was sitting beside Ri smiled, “you’re worried about him… I am too, honestly…”

Although Arios didn’t voice it to Ri, he was well aware that Dyon had absorbed the demon sage’s blood. If he lost control of his emotions, no one would know how long it would take for him to return to himself.

Dyon himself might not even be aware he was slipping. To the point where he hadn’t even read any of Madeleine’s messages for the past week.

Ri sent a glance towards Arios, “you sure you can’t tell me about all of you?”

Arios shook his head, “if Dyon hasn’t told you yet, he must have a reason for it.”

Ri nodded. She understood and wasn’t too bothered. In fact, although she was worried for Dyon, she often disappeared for weeks if not months at a time without seeing her father, so she wasn’t worried about headmaster Acacia worrying. 

Ri sighed, “I hope he’s alright…”


Outside of the spatial world, Dyon was immersed in his reading. It was an odd sight. He had hundreds of books stacked around him as he closed his eyes in meditation.

Jade was nearby, using her delicate and fair hands to pluck the strings of her guqin. She had spent the past week with Dyon, coming here everyday. But, he had completely ignored her. He was almost like a completely different person.

Because of her gift, she was able to tell something was weighing on his mind, but, keeping him company was about as much as she could do for now.

To Dyon, nothing mattered but his cultivation and his knowledge. He not only poured through everything there was to know about the soul, he had also spent days studying past campaign accounts of the Elvin Kingdom and, although there was a strikingly small amount, he had also looked through tales of Elvin history.

Although he had intuitively known what Ri might mean when she mentioned innate souls, it was only now that he fully understood. Innate souls were essentially just the level a soul could reach, without soul specific cultivation. Meaning, since Dyon’s soul had reached the peak of the 3rd stage as soon as his body was strong enough to handle it, that was his innate soul strength.

However, the meaning was also deeper than this. One’s innate soul was also about a reflection of one’s personality. It wasn’t just about its base strength, but also connected to manifestations. So, Dyon finally understood why it wasn’t within his master’s memories. But, it also connected back to Ri’s blue aurora flame… maybe there was something special about her innate soul…

The last oddity Dyon found was the fact records showed the max innate soul should be at the peak of the second stage. Yet… his was an entire stage higher than that. Technically speaking, the usual max made sense, it spanned from the equivalent of the first foundation layer to the ninth formation layer. But, Dyon’s was inexplicably equal to around the lower end of the 5th meridian formation layer.

It seemed off, and somehow not complete… but, he didn’t have an answer for it. josei

Having completed his research, Dyon decided that it was about time he found a secluded place to study his manifestation. He assumed that Ri’s mother’s cave was the best place… but something was telling him it wouldn’t be a haven for him there… definitely not in this state.

Remembering that Ri had told him the elders couldn’t handle the flaming words he had left in the sky… he suddenly had the crazy idea to sneak into the empty castle. Why would his own flames affect him?

Although Dyon didn’t have an exact understanding of why his manifestation left those flames, he did have a good guess.

A tome flashed into his hands. Flipping to the first page, he stared intently at the shifting array, but still gained nothing from it. But, he wasn’t willing to give up on it. He was sure that the flames in the sky were not only the residue of his manifestation, but also whatever was sealing this tome. For peak saint level experts to not be able to handle it… could only go to prove the power needed to seal this seemingly normal book.

He also had come to understand the awakening time of the generals had been drastically cut down by this tome. How?… he hadn’t fully grasped. But, how could a technique of the demon sage be cleansed by Dyon’s power alone in a little over a year? It didn’t add up. So, he eliminated all options until he was left with just this one.

The awakening of the generals coincided with the time this tome wrote in its first technique. There were no such coincidences, it could only be correlated in some way.

The tome flashed and re-entered Dyon’s ring. He decided that he would bide his time in entering the castle. He couldn’t afford to be caught, and he also at least needed a better idea of what he was looking for. So, he decided that he should probably finally head to the formation guild. He needed the sub-families in his back pocket, and this was the best way to do it. He didn’t even see them as people anymore. They were just pawns to him.

Stretching, Dyon stood to leave, when suddenly, a faint and gentle voice resounded from behind him.

“so… you’re finally moving… someone watching might have thought you were a statue. You know it isn’t normal to not move for an entire week, right? Although I wasn’t here the whole time, it’s no coincidence I found you in the exact same position day after day…”

Dyon froze on his way out. It wasn’t the first time Jade had tried to speak with him this past week, but, there was something broken in her voice right now. Almost as though she was pained by something.

Seeing Dyon finally stop at something she said, Jade felt a small happiness in her heart, “you know, you are different from everyone else… your eyes were always pure and your determination always focused…

Your determination is still focused… almost obsessively so… but, your eyes are murky. I can’t read you now, because you aren’t thinking about anything else other than gaining more knowledge and more power… I had even started to like you… what do you expect me to do when a man I’ve fallen for won’t even speak a word to me?…”

Dyon was silent. He didn’t move. He didn’t think of words to say. In fact, his heart hadn’t even changed from its steady beat even at Jade’s words. Words that would have sent any other man to heaven.

Dyon suddenly felt delicate arms wrap around his waist, two supply and soft mounds of flesh pressing lightly onto his back.

Although Dyon’s heart remained unmoved, his essence blood roared within him. His blood boiled, his skin reddening under the agitation, causing a breath of hot steam to escape his lips.

“you must think I’m crazy, no? But do you have any idea how it feels to constantly know what everyone is thinking? To know that flowery words from suitors are empty? To know that your parents do have a favorite child? To know your worth in everyone’s eyes doesn’t surpass your skin deep beauty?…”

Dyon felt Jade’s grip on his tighten. A faint wetness dripped down his back as she cried silent tears.

“You’re the first person to look at me with curiosity. A want to understand who I was. Despite the words you speak, your thoughts are filled with such a radiant purity that I’ve never found another man who duplicates them….

Even now, with that purity clearly clouded… I find peace in not being able to read you… Even if you’ve reverted from that perfect you I fell for, I want to help you get back to that… can you let me earn a place in your heart?”

Dyon said nothing for a long time, but, Jade never let go. His blood continued to roar, it was like thunder raging in his ears.

Suddenly, Dyon grabbed Jade’s arms, lightly prying them apart and flipping her in front of him.

Jade was stunned for a second. In a panic, she rested her two hands on the wall by the door, looking up at Dyon with her glittering purple-blue eyes.

She was indeed a beauty beyond words. Her Silver hair shifted ever so slightly to the wind on the rooftop. Her white gown loosely to her curves and ample chest. The fact she wasn’t wearing a bra didn’t escape Dyon’s notice… it was as though she came here for the expressed purpose of seducing Dyon.

Dyon’s murky brown eyes looked into Jade’s, a faint demonic will bearing down on her.

“I’m not in the best of mood right now, Jade. Do you know why I haven’t spoken to you all this time?” Dyon’s voice was raspy and deep, as his fingers lightly traced Jade’s bouncing breasts.

Jade’s lips trembled at the sudden stimulation. Dyon hadn’t even circulated his dual cultivation techniques, yet, she already felt like she was at his mercy.

“It’s because I knew that should you speak that held even the slightest hint of seduction, I wouldn’t be able to control myself. Do you know what you’ve done?”

Jade bit her lip, and almost as though she did it to gather courage, she placed her soft hand on Dyon’s chest, looking him directly into the eyes.

“you can take me if you want… but know you must take responsibility. I’m not a match for your strength, and I won’t pretend to be. You can force me to do whatever you like… but I’m willing to give myself to you to gain your favor, not as a toy for you to vent,” Jade’s eyes were resolute, but somehow also seductive.

Dyon’s eyes never waivered, staring directly into Jade’s, “did you think I was a good guy right now? Take off your clothes.”

Jade said nothing. Taking Dyon’s hand, she dragged him into the Library’s corridor.

In the darkened hallway, Jade’s back had somehow once again ended up against a wall. Dyon’s hand was placed firmly by her head as his eyes scanned her.

Suddenly, Dyon’s hand flashed gold, covering them in a concealment and silencing array.

Jade smiled gently, “it seems you still remember that I’m a lady…”

But, she said nothing more.

Her dress slowly fell from her shoulders, filling Dyon’s eyes with what was nothing short of the body of a goddess. Her breasts had a natural and alluring dip to them. Her nipples were such a delicate and gentle shade of pink that it was almost an offense to touch them. Her chest didn’t disappoint, bouncing lightly as Jade blushed furiously under Dyon’s gaze.

As Jade was about to reach down and take her white laced panties off, Dyon suddenly spun her around.

Jade moaned as her face was lightly pressed against the wall and her breasts were gently fondled.

Jade blushed as she felt something drop to her ankles… she didn’t need to look to see what they were.

Dyon lightly kissed Jade’s pointed ears, causing her to shiver in pleasure. Gently grinding against her plump ass, Dyon felt that he was losing control with every second that passed.

Suddenly, a raging tempest of Dyon’s celestial will and aurora flame blazed, as his hand invaded Jade’s delicate regions. 

Cries of pleasure rang out from Jade for what seemed like hours. She lost count of how many times she climaxed that day. If it wasn’t for Dyon holding her up with his free hand, she would have long since collapsed to the ground.

Her legs were weak, fragile and trembling.

Her fair skin was flushed a deep shade of red that glistened under the faint light of the corridor and her sweat.

Finally, Dyon let her go.

She fell softly to the floor, trying to catch her breath.

By the time she looked up, Dyon was gone.

Jade stared at the light of the array Dyon had left behind. One hand between her legs and another on her breast… she shivered under her own oppressive sensitivity. Her back arched violently for the last time that day, “Dyon…”

By the time Jade came to her senses, another hour had already passed.

Jade could only laugh bitterly to herself, “you say you aren’t a good guy, yet you did nothing but pleasure me for hours… you didn’t take my virginity… you didn’t ask me to please you… you just gave me what you thought I wanted and left…”

Touching her delicate regions again, Jade sighed, “it just doesn’t feel as good when I do it myself…” –> <img src=’′ alt=”…” class=”avatar-img rounded-circle border border-4 border-body”> <h6 class=”header-pretitle”> Author’s Note </h6> <h1 class=”header-title”> Awespec </h1> <h3 class=”header-subtitle text-white”>Tsk tsk tsk Dyon, you can’t just leave women in your wake like this For those who’ve been paying attention, you probably realized that Jade is being highly influenced by Dyon’s demonic will. Although she liked him for all the reason she said, her emotions, and her sexual drive, is being multiplied heavily under that influence. That’s why she was trying to seduce Dyon. It was even to the point where she masturbated once after he left and still wasn’t satisfied despite the fact she couldn’t stand. This is all obviously because of Dyon’s state right now. But, luckily, he wasn’t lost enough to actually take her everything. Let’s hope he can keep that up… GODDAMMIT DYON, READ MADELEINE’S MESSAGES :’( Follow me on twitter @Awespec if you’d like to interact</h3>

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