Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 2

Chapter Book 2: 60: Princess Acacia

In the end, Dyon couldn’t be bothered to think about it any longer. He remembered that feeling of helplessness when Thor stood before him at the legacy world opening. He knew at that time that he stood absolutely no chance. And now, he had gotten a reason for it. That was all.

To Dyon, the reason was irrelevant. It was only a matter of time before this Thor character was beneath his feet… just like everyone else would be.

And those who were by his side on his rise up, would always be there too.


Soon, Elder Flyleaf reached an odd area. It seemed to be forested just like every place else, but Dyon’s sharp senses were catching something strange.

Before Dyon could think about it further, Elder Flyleaf took out another array plate, causing a mirror to reflect both of their images and a doorway to be formed.

Dyon was intrigued by this array. He had never seen one like this, even in his master’s memories. From his analysis, it was even more complex than human facial recognition. The array reflected every atom and particle making up the bodies of Flyleaf and Dyon, then projected their mirror image. This meant one thing: cloning techniques could never fool this recognition-lock array… unless you had the exact body of a person allowed to be here, you would never get in.

This was because cloning techniques already used the mirror image of the person in question. Which means that when that mirror image was once again reflected by the array, everything would be backwards… immediately letting the array know there was something wrong. And even if one mastered their disguising technique to the point of not using mirror image tactics, it was near impossible to fathom the expert that would be able to change every particle of their body to be the exact match of another person.

This made Dyon think of something else. This array was far too advanced for the level of array alchemy in the Elvin Kingdom…

Seemingly understanding Dyon’s thought, Elder Flyleaf spoke as they walked down a long reflective corridor, “that array was actually one of the last things left to us by the ancient clans… as you can see, we used to be much better at our secondary professions. All we can really do now is manipulate this one to remember new people.

Don’t worry, you haven’t been added yet. So, you weren’t scanned against your will. It’s just that I’m one of the few allowed to bring guests since part of my job is recruitment, so the array has a built in +1 feature.”

Dyon nodded, but then thought of something else, “then who exactly is part of this alliance? I assume this is in retaliation to the major families, so you must have some good support, right?”

Elder Flyleaf sighed, “if the support was as good as you say, we wouldn’t want to make you a core part of our plans.

I’ll tell you the truth now. The king isn’t missing per se. It’s more that he left for a specific reason. The reason itself is only known between the king and the grand elder counsel… that counsel being Grand Elder Kroak, Cormyth, and Deryth. However, they aren’t willing to tell us the reason…”

Dyon’s eyebrows raised.

They weren’t willing to tell the reason? This meant… that those grand elders still put tradition above everything else despite what they said. Or maybe, the reason was so damning, that it threatened the structure of what the Elvin Kingdom was built upon.

However, the choice of these stubborn elders was stifling the kingdom.

Because they weren’t willing to rescind the law, the Norville and Sigebryht families felt they had to use underhanded means. And at the same time, that meant that those fighting off those two families in this alliance also lacked the true support of those Grand Elders.

On one side Grand Elder Deryth was still remaining neutral. On another, Grand Elder Cormyth was playing a game of hedging bets. On one hand he nurtured Zaltarish, or used to, and yet on the other he fought for Headmaster Grimbold to head the Mathilde academy. And on yet another side, Grand Elder Kroak was trying to maintain the status quo… but, clearly, the Norville and Sigebryht families weren’t going for that.

Dyon couldn’t help but inwardly curse. Damn fogies spend so much time debating and inwardly warring with themselves that they’ve fixed nothing. It’s almost like the only reason they stand on opposing sides of the debate is so that they can do nothing but argue the semantics. And yet in all this time, they’ve accomplished nothing while they still have orphans running around in forests alone.

Grand Elder Cormyth felt bad about the orphans, sure, but did he do anything about it? Obviously not. He didn’t confront Zaltarish. He didn’t visit the orphans. And he obviously didn’t ask Dyon how the kids were doing or if they were even alive.

Grand Elder Kroak and Deryth weren’t much better. Deryth pretended to be on the side of true reason but was doing nothing but wasting away his last days. And Grand Elder Kroak was supposedly on the side of the king, but wouldn’t tell the alliance why the king had disappeared? Not even the king’s own daughter knew? What kind of ridiculous nonsense was this?

Watching the constantly changing emotions on Dyon’s face, Elder Flyleaf could only chuckle bitterly, sighing, “don’t blame them too much… you’re still too young and too naïve…

The Grand Elders, more than anyone else, can’t pretend that they were that much smarter than the ancestors… so they feel they have no right to change their rules. They believe that since the ancestors chose this path, we should follow it, because, ultimately, it’s the path we would choose too. They’ve lived so many years… seen so many things… they have the perspective the ancestors would have had…

Every time we ask them why, they always tell us that even if we knew, it wouldn’t change anything. We would still be powerless to change it. It would only make us doubt the ancestors… which was something, although they admit to doing themselves, they weren’t willing to allow us to do as well…”

Despite Flyleaf’s words, there was nothing Dyon hated more than wise old people… or more importantly, old people who thought they were wise. But… Dyon’s talk with Elder Flyleaf had revealed some important things to him… things that Dyon felt held the answer to everything… he just had to piece them together properly.  

Elder Flyleaf watched Dyon ponder everything he had said, ‘what a serious kid…’

“Anyway, as of now we don’t dare touch the sub-families because they’re technically under the jurisdiction of the guilds… As any good government knows, it’s best to separate business and law. Although I am a member of a sub-family, my actions don’t speak for my family and I mostly work on an individual scale.

All this said, the major families are the most important to swing. As of now, the 3 families of the Acacia Academy are with us.”

“Business and law? That’s only secondary to separating religion and law… and yet your Grand Elders don’t seem to have done that…”

Elder Flyleaf sighed, ‘it seems changing his opinion on the grand elders is going to be difficult.’

But, Flyleaf couldn’t help but admit that Dyon had a point.

In the human mortal world, in a country Dyon knew as America, one of the most important doctrines was the separation of church and state. This was so much more important than the separation of business and state that despite countless conspiracy theories and documentaries showing the effect large businesses had on law, the country itself still continued forward. Why? Because the separation of religion and law was maintained.

And yet, the grand elders were allowing their idolization of their ancestors to affect their decisions in the now. For them to be watching their Kingdom crumble before them, and still be unwilling to change the rules?… Dyon could understand the frustration of the families vying for the throne.

Suddenly the end of the long corridor snapped Dyon out of his thoughts. Well, it was more accurate to say that it was the loud discussion.

After Dyon’s eyes adjusted to the bright lights, he found 3 waves of colors in a distinctly human world-like structure. The silver of the Eostre family. The gold of the Ingram family. And the green of the Conventine family.

And yet, in the midst of all of this, sat the most eye-catching sight of all.

Currently, Dyon stood on a high up platform made of metal. It stretched out a long way to either side before turning into two staircases.

Below this structure, was an oddly futuristic throne room… or maybe it was just the overuse of an unknown silver-like metal that made it look as such. Dyon’s aurora immediately picked up that this metal was not normal at all, and yet for it to be used so extravagantly, could only mean that the ancient Elves were quite wealthy. But, ignoring this, the rest of the structures were oddly intriguing as well.

The sides of the room had seats going up at least 20 levels; and in the center was a long walk way to a throne. On which sat a figure Dyon couldn’t take his eyes off.

Elder Flyleaf chuckled watching Dyon’s reaction, “I hope you’re not placing our princess in your heart right now… remember what I said…”

Without waiting for Dyon to scowl, everyone seemed to have heard Flyleaf’s words, causing the atmosphere to quieten down almost immediately… hundreds of eyes focused on Dyon.

And yet, he only had eyes for one person.

On the throne at the end of the long pathway, sat a girl with a delicate figure. Dyon couldn’t see her face because of an elegantly embroidered silver mask, but the gentle slope of her small, yet sharp, nose, the softness of her pink lips, the fairness of her skin… were exposed and all beyond words.

Her dress was a light blue, gently hugging her outrageous curves. Her hair was a deep blue that rivaled even Uncle Acacia, and her eyes seemed to penetrate everything to fall into Dyon’s.

The look she gave Dyon made him almost forget the anger that was boiling inside him. It almost made him forget everything… until a beautiful dark-haired girl with golden eyes and crystal framed glasses erased all the feeling Dyon had just had.

Immediately, Dyon frowned, “I see you elves are really fans of your suggestion techniques…”

Dyon’s voice was faint, but in the quiet room, with everyone’s cultivation as they were, who wouldn’t hear him?

When had Dyon ever almost lost his mind simply looking at a beauty? He may be enamored for a moment, but it would never cloud his judgement. And yet, he felt willing to do anything for this princess just now. And although it was for only a moment, it still made him feel uncomfortable.

With how Dyon had been approaching the last few days, he wouldn’t forgive any offense lightly. Especially one that involved swaying his mind.

And yet, despite this, the sweet voice of the princess seemed to cut through everything, “Dyon Sacharro I presume? I apologize for the suggestion technique… but it’s a part of the mask I wear to protect my identity… it was left by my father before he took his leave. After all, even I don’t want to remain stuck here every minute of everyday.

By making anyone who focuses on seeing through it too long fall for me, it’s the best form of protection. I hope you didn’t take too much offense.”

The brows of some of those in attendance furrowed. The princess was apologizing to a kid that was even younger than her? And for a reason that technically put her in the right? Was this Dyon child really that important?

Dyon said nothing for a long while, before simply nodding, “if that’s the case, then it’s not a problem Princess Acacia.”

Dyon felt that the words of the princess were amiable and understanding. There was no reason for him to harp on this for too long. He could only blame Elder Flyleaf for hoping he would fall into this trap.

Unwilling to stay here for much longer, and wanting to get this over with, Dyon spun his wind will around him, leaping to place a foot on the rail before gently falling.

Everyone gave Dyon an odd look. They could clearly feel that the level of wind will he had used was at the first level… yet they knew that a first level wind will shouldn’t be able to support an entire body, let alone fall from that height undamaged. It seemed they would have to give this child a second look.

Elder Flyleaf took the normal way, smiling to himself as Dyon leisurely walked down the aisle and towards the princess.

Everyone assumed that Dyon would eventually stop at an empty seat in the stands… or maybe at least respectfully bow to the princess before doing so… but neither of these things happened.

Instead, when Dyon was about 5 meters from the throne, he stopped, a golden array flashing beneath him. He sat cross-legged, the center of everyone’s attention. One of his elbows rested on his knees and supported his chin as he looked the princess in her deep blue eyes, “so… princess. What did you call me here for today?”

In the crowd, Jade sat with some of her family, giggling at Dyon’s antics. It was clear he was testing the character of the princess… but at the same time, she had a feeling that even if Dyon knew who the princess was intimately, and was aware that she was a good person, he would do things this way anyway.

A light smile played the soft lips of the princess, but the answer didn’t come from her.

Instead, the black-haired and blue eyes Aeson Acacia spoke from the stands, “where is Ri?” he said faintly.

His words didn’t seem like they were meant to be powerful… but, Dyon felt his array nearly shatter.

To make a peak practitioner defensive array almost collapse with just words… this Aeson wasn’t simple.

Dyon didn’t seem too bothered by this question, instead focusing on the princess more intently, “so all this time your cousin had been disappearing, I presume she was dealing with the tasks you asked of her, hm?”

The princess nodded, sending Aeson an apologetic glance, it seemed Dyon wouldn’t be as easy to handle as they hoped, “indeed. My cousin is quite talented and is tasked with training many of the suitable orphans we’ve picked up over the years. At one point, it was also her task to train Aeson, so he cares for her deeply. So, I hope you forgive him for his straightforwardness.”

Dyon nodded, “with her personality, I don’t doubt that she would be a great sergeant.”

The princess smiled, but before she could speak, Aeson spoke again, “and with your personality, it’s no wonder you make enemies wherever you go. Is anyone safe following you?”

Dyon said nothing for a long while… but the feeling of dripping killing intent came off of him in waves.

His demonic will condensed into a blood red light and his black flames began to dance across his once bright gold array. It was clear his mood of effecting the purity of his array.

Everyone understood Dyon’s anger in this instance. There was not a single person here who was unaware of what happened to the orphanage Dyon had built. And yet, Aeson, in a fit of anger for having been ignored, poked at Dyon’s ultimate sore spot.

The princess could only send a dissatisfied glare at Aeson, but there was nothing she could do. She had already apologized for the sake of Dyon twice already. How many more steps could she possibly take?

Suddenly Dyon spoke, “I’m beginning to understand now why the elves have fallen to such a point that they think building plans around a human boy who’s been on their island for less than a month is the best course for their future.”

Dyon’s voice was deep. So deep that just listening to it was like falling into an endless abyss of anger, sorrow and disdain.

But, that didn’t mean that those who heard his words would take to them kindly. His words caused a surge of anger. But, he wasn’t finished yet.

“it’s clear by your position so close to the princess that you’re somehow considered among the best this alliance has to offer right now, and yet you’re truly this stupid?”

Dyon’s words cut at Aeson. And unlike Aeson’s words, Dyon’s collapsed the section of seating Aeson had been on, forcing him to stand in a rage. But, yet still, Dyon wasn’t finished.

“you call me here, and yet the first thing you do is ask about Ri as though I’ve kidnapped her. Well, let’s take a look at your idiotic world for a second.

I came here of my own free will, and yet you still haven’t seen Ri. What could that mean to you?”

Aeson’s eyebrows furrowed, and his fists clenched.

“Since I’ve already called you an idiot, I didn’t plan on waiting for your answer.”

Black flames raged in Dyon’s eyes as he turned his head towards Aeson.

“It means that either I’ve clearly done nothing to her, and thus come here with no worries. Or, she’s in danger orchestrated by me, such that I can still come here with no worries.”

“you!” Aeson’s voice trembled with rage.

But, his voice seemed to have no power in front of Dyon’s deep fury, “and yet, the first thing you do is ask me where she is menacingly? Have you fully grasped how truly stupid you are?

If Ri was in no danger, and you pissed me off, you’ve just closed the door on a possible ally. An ally even your own princess sees fit to invite.

If Ri was in danger, and you pissed me off, you’ve just closed the door on Ri. Whether that be to her endless pain or her death.

Now tell me, what else do you have to say?”

The surroundings were silent.

Dyon’s every word made it seem as though everyone was beneath him. As though his words were law. As though if he thought you were in the wrong, you were without a doubt wrong.

“Nothing to say? Then how about you stop pissing me off and fuck off instead?”

Aeson glared at Dyon, but the princess’ words made him lose his will to fight, “go Aeson. You’ve done enough. If Ri was in danger, I would know. You know very well the connection between us. Don’t let your feelings jeopardize this meeting any further.”

The words of the princess were firm and unyielding, displaying the bearing of a true Queen.

Aeson’s position had raised steadily because of his talent… but he was still far from comparing to the princess. He had no choice but to bow and leave, sending a final hateful glance towards Dyon. But, all that look found was a dense killing intent. One that made his spine shiver…

After Aeson left, Dyon closed his eyes. The princess waiting patiently as he adjusted his emotions. Once the princess saw Dyon’s eyes open, she sent him a final apologetic glance before speaking.

“I’m sure you understand the reason for my asking you here. Before the events of today, you were just another talent we wanted to rope in by normal means.

You come from the human mortal realm, so without hiding anything, we thought that you came with no backing, and we could provide a good sanctuary for you over time.

However, we believe that with the unfortunate incident involving the orphans, you’ve become as invested as we have in stopping the Norville and Sigebryht families. As such, we felt it was appropriate to bring you in sooner rather than later.”

Dyon nodded. At first, he was worried that information about what had happened between him and the guilds had leaked in some way, but, it seemed like that wasn’t the case.

“So, I’ve only asked you here for one reason. We would like you to join us.

Your talent is a match for even the best the major families have to offer, and we can supply you with any materials and support you need.

Your human heritage is irrelevant to us. As you know, our best genius, Ri, is also half human. Why would we discriminate for something so meaningless?”

Dyon had to say… the princess’ offer was tempting. Despite the fact he had no need for resources because of Heaven’s Wine… to him, that was only a temporary solution. He had no idea how long he could continue to use that method before someone’s bottom line snapped. And, even if he could use it forever due to the magnanimity of the owner, limitless credit wouldn’t give him protection. 

So, Dyon asked a question, “what are your plans?”

The princess smiled, seemingly lighting the entire room, “our plans are for the long term.

Zaltarish is being groomed for the next kingship, and we’ve noted the underworking of a marriage alliance between those two families using him and Mithrandir Norville.

I’m sure you’ve seen the words in the sky above the castle…” the princess spoke with clear sadness in her voice, “so, you can tell the kind of pressure such an alliance puts on us.

Mithrandir is already an unparalleled genius in her own right. But, with the addition of Zaltarish, this is a couple the neutral major families might not be able to continue to ignore…

However, the pressure you apply as the sole holder of the innate aurora in the entire universe is something that doesn’t pale in comparison to the talent those two display. In fact, despite the bravado of Zaltarish’s manifestation, I’d dare to say that it pales…”

The princess paused before continuing, “I’m sure you’ve had many talks with my cousin… I love her like I would my own sister. We are close as could be and I know her like the back of my hand. There was no one more excited than her when she learned of your innate aurora.

The impact you could have on campaigns alone is staggering. To some, you may be the only hope us elves have of ever returning to our original universe.”

Many elves sighed with emotion. Not all universes were created equal… if you fell from great heights, it would be almost impossible to make up. A prime example was the demon sage. When he came out of the Timeless Library, his talent hadn’t been reduced at all. So, why couldn’t he simply reclaim the things he had lost overtime?

The answer was simple… once you fell to low ranking universes, the gates fell in cultivation limits along with them. Meaning, you could no longer rely on yourself to improve, you could only rely on your subordinates. But, what did this mean? It meant that you only had one chance and one road to success. If you ever stumbled… it would be near impossible to catch up.

So, the elves were in an endless cycle. They wanted to return to their home lands but could only rely on their younger generation to conquer the gates. But, because they were in such a low-ranking universe, the gates capped at the peak of essence gathering… and at the same time, their younger generation kept declining!

And now, the opposing universe had grown innate aurora talents and were pressing against this universe endlessly. Although there were talents like Thor and Madeleine, there was also more than one gate in this universe… they couldn’t be everywhere at once… and their effects on a battle field could never hope to match someone with an innate aurora.

Finally, Dyon spoke, “so… your plan is meant to span decades. You want to use the time I have between now and before I enter the saint sage, to gain the elves a foothold in the next universe so you can slowly make your way back?”

The princess nodded, “contributions to campaigns, and especially contributions to gate conquerings are all kept track of via arrays provided by the guild headquarters. This is because they’re the only faction that has consistent communication with universes outside of ours.”

Dyon’s eyes flashed with something imperceptible… it was clear that the guild headquarters were all being monitored on a large scale… and it was clear that this connected back to the suppression of array alchemy.

The princess continued, “this is necessary because this universe had 5 total gates connecting to a single other universe,” the princess sighed, “this is both a blessing and a disgrace… a blessing because we have only one other universe to deal with… but a disgrace because connecting to only a single universe means that we’re so far to the edge, that that’s all we’re worth…

That aside… because we have 5 gates and multiple planets, gates aren’t exclusive at all. Meaning, although it’s rare, people from the other 4 planets can come campaign at our gates, and we at theirs. Combine this with a myriad of clans, families, and sects, and it becomes difficult to tell who is contributing the most.

As such, ranking systems were put in place for each gate using complex arrays given to campaign leaders. By doing this, should a gate be conquered, a universe would know exactly which clan contributed the most, and know exactly which clan would be heading the negotiations.”

A look of realization flashed across Dyon’s face… so they wanted him to campaign under the Elvin banner so that he could work his way to the top of the leader boards, conquer the gate, and allow the Elves to lead the negotiation for their foothold in the next universe so they could slowly make their way back…

“I see…”

The princess nodded, “so, what do you say?”

Dyon thought for a bit before nodding, “I’ll join you. I have no reason not to. I want to make it to other universes anyway… if you give me added protection while I do so, I have no issue with allowing the elves to decide the terms of the negotiation.”

The crowd was stunned. Dyon’s words were resolute and held no doubt. He didn’t say he would try his best. He didn’t use soft words like ‘maybe’, he only spoke in absolutes. Leaving himself no room to backtrack.

The princess’ eyes glistened, causing Elder Flyleaf who was near the back to smile knowingly, ‘it seems wooing girls really isn’t all that difficult for you, hmm? I guess I underestimated you.’ josei

Jade giggled, ‘won’t even let the princess go? And after all those things you did to me? What a bad boy.’

The princess smiled, “then it’s official. About 2 months from now, the youths of the major and sub-families will be holding a banquet. At that time, I’d like you to make your alliance with us clear. I want no room for doubt,” suddenly the princess thought of something, “oh, and see if you can get Ri to go as well… she usually hates these sort of things, but, it’s important that she’s there.

The last thing is for all of you,” she looked up with her deep blue eyes, “I’ll be making a brief appearance at this banquet as well. It’ll be short, but I believe it’s necessary. I think it’s time people knew that the king’s faction isn’t so weak as to allow his daughter to suffer or bow her head in fear,” turning to Dyon she spoke again, “once everything is settled properly, I won’t be protecting those who’ve offended you. You may do as you please with them.”

Dyon looked at this princess deeply. She really did have the bearings of a queen. She wasn’t so naïve as to believe she could have both Dyon’s and Zaltarish’s talent… despite how great that would be for the elves. And only Dyon knew how right that decision was.

The princess rose her voice in a final commanding tone, “within 2 decades, all 9 major families will acknowledge the rule of King Acacia.”

“long live the king!

Long live the king!”

“Now, let’s begin discussions of the measures we’ll be taking in the lead up to my appearance.”

With that, the hall filled with arguments and debates as various factions split into aspects of business, military, and even some arguing what the laws should be once the Acacias rules was re-established.

In the midst of all this, Dyon’s spatial ring flashed as he took out an ordinary common level ring. In fact, it looked almost no different from a human realm ring made of wood.

He flicked it towards the princess, allowing it to gently fall into her delicate and small hands.

“this is something Ri wanted me to give you. She’s currently in seclusion within her mother’s cave trying to awaken her manifestation, and she assumed you would call me over in her absence, so she gave me this.”

The princess nodded, smiling at Dyon as she kept the ring. She had no way of knowing that Dyon was lying.

Turning to leave, Dyon left behind words only the princess heard, “your plan of 2 decades is a bit too long for me… originally, it would have taken me 6 months to wipe out my enemies… but now, with your help, it’ll take me less than 3.

As a thank you… I’ll help you out. Also, since Ri is a good friend of mine, I don’t want to see her family suffer.”

The princess trembled at Dyon’s words. What he was saying was ridiculous. A half a year to solve a problem the elves had spent more than a decade on? No. Not half a year anymore… less than 3 months.

Yet, despite how ridiculous it sounded, the princess couldn’t find it in her to doubt Dyon’s words. She suddenly gave the ring in her hand another look, ‘is this really from Ri?…’

The princess looked at Dyon’s proud back… he had already used his wind will to climb to the top of the railing, walking through the corridor and out of the hidden facilities.


Dyon walked through the forest, suddenly feeling the need for a change of scenery, he walked towards where he thought the nearest coastline was.

He felt someone following him, but he immediately knew who it was and couldn’t be bothered to care.

Using his silencing technique, he covered both himself and his follower so they wouldn’t alert any nearby beasts. He could only roll his eyes inwardly. This girl was too reckless.

Soon, he leaned against the last tree and looked out onto a cliff. He had been hoping for a beach, but this wasn’t too bad either. The orange and red hues of the setting son lit the once blue ocean. As far as the eyes could see, gentle ripples played the surface of the water. The wind was subtle and gentle. Not too cold, and not too humid.

Suddenly a gentle voice came from behind Dyon, “there are no beasts this way you know… you didn’t need to silence me. And even if you did, did you really need to silence my voice too? Do you hate me that much?”

Dyon tilted his head back to look at Jade’s lovely figure. But, to his surprise, she was already wrapping her arms around him and pressing her face to his back.

Dyon pried the girl’s hands apart, pressing them against the tree and above her head.

Jade pouted as she looked up at Dyon with her purple-blue eyes. It was almost comedic how her arms were being pinned above her head, but the reaction of her chest was anything but.

Dyon couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the deep ravine as he looked down.

Jade blushed, “if you wanted to look again, you just have to ask… but, weren’t you more interested in getting me to my knees the first time we met? I’m sure that hasn’t changed, right?”

Dyon’s eyes widened in shock as Jade slide down the tree, allowing Dyon to keep hold of her hands.

The next words she spoke though, even left Dyon speechless.

“you were intent on keeping me silent before, right?” looking up at Dyon from her knees, “well, are you going to use some boring sound technique? Or are you going to put something in my mouth instead?”

Despite her question, Jade didn’t allow Dyon to answer. She had already used her teeth to pull his sweat pants down slowly.

Suddenly, Jade’s eyes widened. Staring at the sight before her, she laughed bitterly, “this isn’t fair you kn –“

This time Dyon didn’t allow Jade to finish talking.

His senses were invaded by a deep and warm wetness. The endless swirls and suction gave Dyon a feeling he’d never felt before.

His aurora and celestial will roared to life.

Suddenly, his pleasure was Jade’s.

Jade felt herself weakening as she felt the sudden change… suddenly her watery eyes reddened with a fervent passion. That dull and uncomfortable pain she was feeling became nothing but a pool of pleasure she wanted to dive deeper and deeper down.

In the end, she felt like she was drowning. And endless ravine gushed forth from Dyon. The only thing she could do was accept it. Her hands no longer hers. Her body no longer hers. Her feelings… no longer hers.

With that, she passed out…

Dyon looked down at the beautiful girl who laid on the soft grass of the edge of the forest shaking his head.

Carrying her, he sighed, “I guess I’ll bring you back…”

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