Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 2

Chapter Book 2: 62: Listen

Days later, Dyon awoke to find himself lying on a bed of grass. Suddenly, he felt bad, ‘I didn’t give them good places to sleep! I’m such an idiot.’

But, before he could get up, he noticed something weighing on his chest.

There, an adorable five-year-old girl slept soundly, her small hands gripping Dyon’s shirt. Next to her laid Little Black, taking a leisurely nap without a worry in the world.

A dull pain invaded Dyon’s heart, ‘I’m really not good enough to you, hm little Lyla?’ Dyon gently stroked the little girl’s long pink hair.

“mm,” Lyla stirred, feeling a familiar touch, “big brother?”

Suddenly, she started awake, grabbing onto Dyon’s neck and sobbing.

Dyon held her for a long time. It seemed she wanted to say something but couldn’t get the words out. He could only sigh.

“It’s okay Little Lyla, big brother’s okay. He’s not going anywhere.”

Dyon gently circulated his celestial will and aurora, improving the little girl’s mood until she finally calmed down enough to wipe her tears and smile.

“are you sure you’re okay, big brother?” she said softly.

Dyon pinched Lyla’s cheeks, causing her to giggle, “this is just a small injury, don’t worry about it.”

Lyla shook her head quickly from side to side, “that’s not what I meant..”

But, before Dyon could ask her about it, there was a sudden rush of kids.

Dyon smiled at the sight, even noticing Ri watching from nearby with a smile on her face.

“okay, okay. I’m back now, did you all have a fun time?”

Nopos shook his head, water flying everywhere since they had just been playing in the lake, “big brother, we had a lot of fun. But you sent too much food!”

Dyon was stunned for a bit, before he broke out into laughter.

Just like that, Dyon spent a good long while playing with the children. Then, he made up for his mistakes by diligently making living quarters for everyone.

The inner world of the spatial ring was massive. Even the Celestial Deer Sect ruins were miles away from sight. If Dyon wanted, it would be no problem to even create an entire country here. But, a single building for the kids near their favorite lake was enough. And this one, he made even more fun and elaborate than the original orphanage.

When Dyon was done, he went around to the demon generals to see if they too wanted living arrangements of their own, but they only shook their heads.

“we’re used to campaigning, successor. Hard beds and barely pitched tents is what we’re used to.”

Dyon shook his head in disagreement, “campaigning with me will be different. With my aurora, what in this world can’t I make you?”

With a laugh, Dyon ignored the wishes of the generals, directly making each of them their own well-furnished tents. It took days, and often times he would almost pass out from exhaustion, but he found this to be worth it.

Soon, Dyon was in his own tent looking around with a content smile on his face.

The tent itself was about 40 meters squared and had a ceiling reaching at least 4 meters tall. The hard grass had been replaced by soft carpet, and a comfortable king-sized bed stood at the edge of the room. Dyon picked darker colors for his tent, trying to avoid any blinding lights.

Suddenly, Dyon had a thought, ‘maybe I should make the kids computers… it would help improve their reasoning abilities, and it would be fun, no?’

But, before Dyon could finish that thought, he heard the flaps of his tent open.

He looked up to find Ri. Dressed in lowcut sweat pants and a black sports bra, her hair still waved around with distracting purity.

But, at this moment, she was glaring at Dyon, “you make everyone tents but me? What are you getting at here.”

Dyon grinned, “can’t you see how large this bed is? Why would I need to make you a separate tent?”

Ri rolled her eyes, “I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work. You’ll be taking me with you as well.”

Dyon suddenly had a pensive look on his face, getting up to stand so closely to Ri that they nearly touched.

Dyon spoke softly, “you know… I’ve figured out a lot of things over the past week… things that have made me question a lot of what I know, and a lot of what I hope for.”

Ri looked up at Dyon, hands on her hips and still unyielding. But, she listened intently.

“When the time is right… you’ll know what I’ve come to know too… But, the question is: would you still be willing to come with me after that?”

Ri stared at Dyon for a good long while, before she finally said just as resolutely, “you’re taking me with you. Make me a tent. And, whatever you’re planning on doing on the outside. You’re taking me with you then too. Don’t think I won’t kick your ass into submission. OP manifestation or not, I doubt you’re a match for me.”

Looking at Ri’s defiant will, Dyon smiled, suddenly tilting her chin up.

Ri was startled by his sudden change but didn’t make a move to stop him for reasons even she didn’t know.

Dyon’s voice was gentle, soft and honest, “you know… if I hadn’t met Madeleine first, you probably would have won the competition.”

Ri didn’t even know how to process Dyon’s words. What competition? Madeleine first? Ri felt that she was just a girl of normal appearance. And yet, despite the fact Dyon had seen what the Elvin Kingdom had to offer… despite the fact she was sure he was being bribed with endless beauties… despite the fact his fiancée was peerless among women… he said these words to her?

An odd look appeared on Ri’s face, “what are you talking about?”

Dyon grinned, “the competition to be my first wife of course.”

Ri looked up at the shameless bastard holding her chin and rolled her eyes. Slapping Dyon’s hand away, she pretended as though there wasn’t a faint happiness in her heart. But, she buried it deeply. This was not the time for such things… nor did she know if there ever would be.

Ri harrumphed, “no one wants to be the second wife to such an annoying bastard like you. Now make me my tent!”

Dyon sighed, suddenly remembering the words Madeleine had left him with the night before the legacy world opening. She reminded him that he would often have a massive impact on the lives of people around him without even realizing it… but this time, Ri made him pay attention… no one was more aware than he just how big of an impact he’d make on her life in just 2 months time.

He felt odd. He had Madeleine in his heart because she was strong willed, unyielding, and willing to sacrifice her dignity to pay back a debt she thought she owed him. And even now, she was working as hard as she could so she could one day be by Dyon’s side. And, by the stories Dyon was hearing, she had already surpassed him as ridiculous as that sounded.

But, then there was Ri. She obviously had a story, but he hadn’t yet grasped why he was drawn to her. Was it because his demonic will didn’t work on her so she seemed more real? Was it because her appearance was more like a beautiful mortal realm woman than someone from the martial world? Was it because she was understanding? Or maybe it was her fiery personality? Her intelligence? Dyon didn’t know. And he wasn’t willing to say any more than he already had on the matter until he did…

Whether in the end they would be words of friendship, or words of love… he didn’t know. But, he did know he had gotten a friend of a lifetime in Ri. And he wanted to treasure that.

Ri suddenly flicked Dyon’s forehead, “stop thinking about useless things,” she looked into Dyon’s eyes as though she could see through him.

Dyon smiled, grabbing Ri’s hand, “let’s go!” josei

With a flash, Ri and Dyon disappeared from the spatial world.


Far away from the castle, within the Acacia secret underground facility, a raging storm was building up as a heated discussion continued without end.

“we just lost one of our best geniuses for the future and you want to still talk about the princess’ reappearance?!”

It seemed like it didn’t matter who was speaking, the rage everyone was feeling was palpable.

“what are you expecting us to do?! Shrink back?! Were you expecting to win this kingdom back with no shed blood?!”

“How about we talk about something more important! Like finding out who killed Aeson instead of harping on the process afterwards?! Do you all think that just because he was an orphan, that he wasn’t one of us?!” this time Elder Flyleaf flew into a rage.

These major families were supposedly on the side of good, and yet they still put up barriers like this. He knew these words coming from a simple sub-family leader wouldn’t mean much, but, he couldn’t hold it in any longer.

An elder of the Ingram family bellowed at Elder Flyleaf, “since when was it your turn to speak in functions like this one?! You’re a glorified doorman, don’t overstep your boundaries!”

An elder of the Coventine family stepped in to strengthen the point, “and plus! Isn’t is the boy YOU brought here that’s responsible for all of this? You think a human can be trusted? You saw his devilish killing intent with your own eyes! And now you try and pretend like we don’t know who could be responsible?! Ridiculous!”

Elder Flyleaf shook with rage, but before she could answer, a young lady’s voice rang out. Her body was shaking, and she was pale under the pressure of such experts, but the tears glistening in her resolute eyes didn’t seem to care for her appearance or proper etiquette, “I won’t allow you to speak ill of Dyon! I know this had nothing to do with him!”

Everyone fell silent, looking towards a beautiful girl with silver hair and purple-blue eyes.

But, the silence didn’t last for long before a sneer came from the Ingram elder, “of course you’d say something so ridiculous. We found you warming his bed. If he wasn’t responsible, then where is he now?! Why hasn’t he come to defend himself!?”

Jade paled even further, before she felt a warmth envelop her, “who do you think you are speaking ill of my daughter! Watch your mouth, or else I’ll watch it for you. You dare pressure a member of the younger generation like this?! You think she’d be able to lie to her family about whether or not she retained her virginity?! How dare you say those words?!”

The Ingram elder continued to sneer, unperturbed, “Wyn Eostre… have you grown senile with old age? Why would you think we’d ever believe your words? We’re just supposed to accept that because the almighty Eostre family can play the fake role of True Empath that we should hang on their every word?! If it wasn’t for your shit family being so useless, how could our king still be missing! If you’re so great, how about you go and read the minds of the grand elders and tell us what the fuck is going on!”

Elder Wyn Eostre clenched his teeth with rage, “say those words one more time and see if I don’t decapitate you where you stand! Ingram family or not, your words have consequences!”

The Ingram elder stood taut, ready for Jade’s father to attack at any time.

To Wyn, it was the entire truth that his daughter retained her virginity. It was impossible for her to lie to him, for the same reason few truths escaped the Eostre family. And yet, they still slandered their family’s name? What good major families they were!

“ENOUGH!” Princess Acacia’s booming voice reigned over the hordes of major family members.

“Elder Ingram. Immediately apologize to the Eostre family. Insulting a virgin maiden of a major family is not a small crime. Do not hesitate to follow my orders or your punishment will be the crippling of your cultivation. You have 3 seconds.”

The hall fell silent… they had never seen the princess be so tyrannical… Despite the fact they acknowledged her as their interim ruler, many felt that it was only in name. But, they suddenly realized that in the 10 years the king had been gone… the little girl had grown up.

Elder Ingram trembled with rage, but didn’t dare disobey. Bowing, he said his apologies, “I spoke rashly… please forgive me.”

Wyn Eostre nodded, not wanting to offend the princess by holding a grudge.

With the matter settled, the princess spoke again, “whether or not Dyon was involved in this isn’t something that can be concluded upon until he’s been confronted. However, as of now, it is in our best interest to assume the worst-case scenario: Dyon has defected to the Sigebryht family and our location and plans are in jeopardy.”

A deep breath was sucked out of the air as the major families listened to Princess Acacia’s words.

“This worst-case scenario also includes the kidnapping of my younger cousin. Therefore, should Dyon be spotted, this must be handled with the utmost care. He is intelligent… he’s already told us exactly what offending him would mean… therefore, he’s near untouchable now. I’m not willing to give up on my cousin because with the loss of Dyon and Aeson, she’s our last hope.”

The major families were secretly impressed with the princess. She calmly spoke of the worst-case scenario as though despite all of this, they could still succeed.

Despite the words not being said, everyone inwardly thought them. The princess was noting down the worst case, because it was highly unlikely that it would be true. Because of this, whenever the real situation was figured out, it would mean that any case other than that worst one, would put them in a better situation.

It was a simple mind game… but one that would be effective nonetheless.

Despite this, Jade’s eyes glistened with tears. To everyone who could see her, they could only feel pity. It was clear that it hurt her to see someone she cared for treated like a criminal.

Suddenly, the princess waved her hand, “we aren’t in the state of mind to continue this discussion. Go home. Cool down. This plan was never meant to be completed quickly. When I said within 2 decades. I meant every word of it. This isn’t over. Not by a longshot.”

The princess stood to leave. Her long deep blue hair swayed behind her along with her clear blue dress.

Her back was straight and tall. It was clear to everyone that she wasn’t yielding under the pressure.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the princess looked down at an unassuming wooden ring, thinking to herself, ‘if I had believed you… Aeson wouldn’t have died…’ the princess chuckled silently, ‘the worst part is you knew I wouldn’t believe you, so the second step of your plan already hinged on Aeson’s death… just what level of foreplanning  and intelligence have you reached…

If you were right about that… does that mean…’



Large cacophonic sounds blasted the underground facility. The place shook. It felt like everything was coming down.


The missing palace guards Dyon couldn’t locate surrounded the princess, immediately moving her into one of the various escape tunnels.

The surroundings shook, the array just barely holding up.

And yet, what the guards and the princess didn’t know, was the sounds had long since stopped in the main hall… and only one group of escapees was followed…

One this was made clear… the perpetrators had no interest in the major families… they only wanted the princess dead.


The guards and the princess burst into the forest, breathing heavily.

The sounds of their footsteps rumbled in concert with an eerie feeling. They had one destination: Ri’s Mother’s Cave.

The guards knew very well that they wouldn’t be able to enter… But, they were willing to sacrifice themselves for the princess. Not only for what she had done for them, but also what her father had done.

But, it seemed they’d never get the chance… Before they could even orient themselves correctly, endless shadows seemed to fall from the sky to surround them.

They said nothing and made no sounds. It was as though they weren’t even breathing. But, one thing was clear: each and everyone was a high-level saint… they stood no chance.

They had played right into the hands of the enemy. They somehow also knew that in case of emergency, the major families and the princess would split themselves amongst tens of tunnels, hoping to protect the princess by forcing the pursuers to follow the wrong lead. And yet… they had seen through it so easily.

The princess trembled, clutching the ring in her hand, ‘I should have listened to you…’

Dyon had left the princess two paths. With one he wrote about how in the very unlikely chance that lightning struck the ground 5 times in a single space and she actually believed him about Aeson, everything would be easy… But, the second plan… the one she now had no choice but to follow… meant sacrificing herself for the sake of the kingdom.

‘I guess we all pay for our ignorance…’

The princess slipped the ring on, staring at the powerful experts in the most direct way possible.

The last thoughts the princess had before a raging tempest of energy ended everything, were her final wishes, ‘I hope I’ve helped you well Ri… live on… be strong… Dyon… I hope my sacrifice fulfills the role you want it to…’ –> <img src=’′ alt=”…” class=”avatar-img rounded-circle border border-4 border-body”> <h6 class=”header-pretitle”> Author’s Note </h6> <h1 class=”header-title”> Awespec </h1> <h3 class=”header-subtitle text-white”>Rule number 1: always listen to the boy genius, smh Princess Rule number 2: see rule number 1 Rule number 3: I apparently just create characters just to kill them now… so… don’t get too attached 😉</h3>

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