Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 6

Chapter Book 6: 248: Contract (1)

Dyon sighed. “Nevermind then.”

He really couldn’t understand Evangeline’s motives, but the fact she used the Nine Cloud Yang nectar on him was enough to make him believe that she wanted to help him rather than hurt him.

At first, Dyon thought that Evangeline had just stumbled upon the poison, and not knowing its value, used it on him because it was convenient. josei

Just for perspective, a Planet level spiritual plant had its age calculated in millions of years, sometimes even tens of million. Just the idea of a plant taking that long to mature should make its value obvious.

There was only one category of plant above it on the mortal plane, and that was the Star level spiritual plant. But, those were so rare that they might as well be extinct. For all intents and purposes, the highest level of spiritual plant available to them was of the planet level…

Even Eli who was blessed by the heavens would need tens of thousands of years to nurture a garden of Planet level plants, and that was if and only if he focused on a single kind.

However, when Dyon realized Evangeline’s level of array alchemy, he began to question many things. There was no way someone of her level would not understand the value of the Nine Cloud Yang.

“Big brother, big brother.” Little Yin’s adorable voice woke Dyon from his thoughts. “Form a contract with us!”

Little Yang grunted. “One of the abilities of our Celestial Hamster race is to mitigate the risk of using a time will. If we grow powerful enough, you’ll be able to do something no human can do on their own: use time will as the supreme law it’s meant to be. However, we’re still to young right now. Plus, from what we can see, your understanding of time will is still at the pitiful will level.”

Dyon laughed. “I never spent much time on time will because it uses a ridiculous amount of stamina while being nearly useless.”

Dyon could still remember the last time he used time will in battle on its own. He had just exited the Demon Sage’s legacy world and had to fight 11 geniuses at once. He still cringed when he thought about how much stamina he wasted using time will to slow projectiles shooting toward him. Definitely a waste.

“Of course it’s useless to you. If a human wanted to use time will on another human, they’d have to pay a massive price. Time will is wasted on humans because there needs to be a massive power gap for it to be used without side effect.” Little Yang explained.

When he heard this, Dyon couldn’t help but think of Gin who was currently locked up in the Demon Sage Tower. He had given up his natural talent, reducing his tails from 8 to 7, just to slow Dyon’s flow of time of a fraction of a second.

The most shocking part was that Gin was a beast, not a human. On top of that, he was a beast who resonated well with time will. One could only imagine the price a human would have to pay to accomplish the same feat. It would definitely be more than just a bit of talent.

Truth be told, Dyon didn’t have to imagine. He had seen it happen already in his fight with Zabia. It took Zabia burning his soul to accomplish the task, if it wasn’t for Dyon, he’d be dead.

This was all to say that time will was not a joke, other than using it on a small scale and on inanimate objects, you were seeking death in delving into its mysteries. Yet, the Celestial Hamsters before him were actually promising a future where he could use it freely, without concern, as long as he had them by his side. How amazing was that?!

“Don’t get too excited,” Little Yang interjected again, “If you can’t find a method to comprehend time will properly, its all for naught. It’s already impressive enough that you learned it to the 3rd will level, going any further is next to impossible, let alone breaking into the intent level.”

Dyon smiled, but didn’t think too much of it. What was the amount of time he took to learn it to the 3rd will level? A week at most.

He learned time will after Madeleine’s elder brother “killed” him. In the two month span he spent “dead”, not only did he learn time will, he learned wind, fire, sword and celestial will. In addition, he spent a month of that time learning how to fuse constitution awakening pills for the sake of Madeleine.

Of course, this was with the help of the Celestial Deer Sect training rooms, but it wasn’t as though those training rooms had disappeared. They were still there.

In this life, the one thing Dyon would never have to fret over is comprehension. If he decided to divert his time to learning time will, he would do so with ease.

Dyon didn’t bother to explain though, right now, he didn’t have the time to brag about himself. “Alright, how do we form this contract?”

The only beasts Dyon had a connection with were Ri and Zaire. But, Zaire had connected to him as a member of his kin, not a beast to master relationship. As for Ri, it was as husband and wife. Both connections were based on the soul. Plus, the Celestial Hamsters had their own special rituals, after all, they only contracted with those humans they’d help become the rulers of the world.

The eyes of Little Yang and Little Yin began to glow, a bit of strain appearing on their small faces as a drop of golden blood was extracted from each of their foreheads.

Without needing an explanation, Dyon closed his eyes, forcing his own blood essence to appear.

The moment the three drops of blood fused, their connection would be inseparable.

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