Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 6

Chapter Book 6: 345: Climbing (2)

Dyon’s eyes opened for the first time in months. The situation around him was still quite chaotic, however.

He still sat on the back of a golden dragon. Although it didn’t have the life-like characteristics of a true dragon, it was good enough for transportation and could actually be quite fast if Dyon negated some of the resistance effects around it using his wind will.

Dyon’s main mind hadn’t focused much on what was happening around him while he cultivated, except for replacing clones that died, he didn’t act much personally at all. So, when he saw Clara standing next to him, pale faced and bloodied, his eyes filled with rage.

Clara hadn’t even noticed that Dyon awoke as she was too busy pulling back on her bow string.

Her long, jet-black hair whipped in the valiantly as she unceasingly shot arrow after arrow. She didn’t seem to notice the fact the skin on her fingers had been ripped down to the bone, or the fact her energy reserves were running on near nothing for the past few days.

From the beginning, Esmeralda had seen this, but she had done nothing to help. Although she knew that Dyon would be saddened and enraged by seeing his wife in this state, she also knew that Dyon’s wives needed to grow stronger too. If they didn’t fight and put themselves in danger, how could they continue to stand by her treasured disciple’s side?

Of course, she would have never allowed Clara’s life to be in danger, nor would have Clara’s two new masters, but they all felt that Clara needed some room to grow.

Although in her battle against Dyon a few months prior, Clara seemed to defeat Dyon easily, her wind will was still too weak to inflict severe damage onto Dyon. This wasn’t because her comprehension was weak, but rather because wills significantly lessened in power when manifested within one’s divine sense.

The problem was that Clara didn’t have a weapon at the time, nor could she project the wills from her body to inflict the damage output she needed. This was why she needed more practice with her bow.

This wasn’t to say Clara was weak, obviously. She had found against King level characters and even defeated an Empress level character in Chrysanthemum. However, just like Dyon, she hadn’t used her battle prowess, but rather, her intelligence. In addition, had it not been for the supreme level treasure Dyon gave her, she would have lost that battle after Chrysanthemum called for reinforcements.

In the end, this tempering was good for Clara who was the least experienced in the matters of the martial world among Dyon’s three wives.

Still, even knowing this, Dyon was heartbroken.

He stood quickly in an act of rage, his eyes flashing with a gold murderous intent.

There were thousands of beasts surrounding them, almost all of whom had cultivation at the Peak Saint level. However, the reason they had lasted so long was because they were led by three beast kings, each of whom had stepped into the 1st celestial stage.

Unlike humans, the “grade” of a beast was dependent on its talent. This meant that an earth grade beast would be weaker than a heaven grade beast if they had the same cultivation.

The ubiquitous beasts were of the high common grade, but the celestial beasts? They were lower earth grade beasts, making them far more powerful than their common grade counterparts.

Dyon stared at this wave of beasts, his gaze piercing through each and every one.

It was at that moment that the three leading beasts realized something was wrong. However… It was too late.

Tens of thousands of golden arrays appeared in the air, spinning viciously to the point where their once clear and defined symbols became nothing but a wheel of gold. josei

Dyon’s Master’s eyes widened. ‘He’s applying energy manipulation techniques to his weapon’s arrays? Genius! I never thought of that…’

At that moment, arrays that were only meant to contain the power of an 8th stage saint suddenly rivaled peak saints…. And maybe the worst part was that they far outnumbered the number of beasts!

Hell rained down from the skies, shattering the momentum of the beast herd and massacring the legions of the celestial beasts as though they were nothing but weeds in the ground.

The three celestial beasts roared.

A massive, horse-like creature with skin as red as blood slammed its hoof into the ground, projecting a protective array onto its fellow clansman.

A disgusting, wrinkled vulture swept down from the skies, using its metal-like wings to deflect the javelins that fell from the skies.

At the same time, a jet-black wolf, standing more than twenty meters tall and a hundred meters long howled at the coming onslaught, using its sound-wave attacks to protect its own.

However, none of that mattered.

Dyon’s eyes flashed with gold once more, forcing him into an absolutely selfless state.

The wave of his attacks seemed to completely ignore the acts of the beast kings, passing by their protective measure with an eerie ease.

Dyon’s hands clapped together as he roared into the skies. Spreading his arms out, three blood red arrays appeared before him, exuding an aura that projected a single word to everyone’s mind: Judgement!

Three streaks of red blasted across the skies, leaving rings of fire and wind in their wake before mercilessly piercing into the skulls of the three celestial beasts.

Absolute silence reigned the world for but a moment before cacophonic sounds of the air being obliterated filled their ears.

The three beast kings fell from the skies, each missing an entire half of their heads despite their enormous size.

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