Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 7

Chapter Book 7: 47: Mortal Clan (2)

Clara’s face twisted as he looked at this chieftain who couldn’t have been more than 18 years old.

It was obvious to anyone who thought for a moment that the leaders of these tribes would be those who could cultivate. Those of the older generation wouldn’t have been able to benefit from the breaking of the seal…

This was part of what made Clara so angry. Not only had many of the women been pushed down to the level of second-class citizens, the same was true of the older generation.

Those slaving for the rich, plowing the fields, and begging in the streets, were all without fail members of the older generation. It was their hearts that had reached out to Dyon, begging to be saved after hearing his melody…

Clara’s expression darkened as she stood. Her movements were so quick that no one could react before her slender hand had wrapped fiercely around the chieftain’s brawny neck.

“Those like you… Do not deserve to cultivate.” josei

The chieftain paled, suddenly realizing that he couldn’t breathe.

“You’re not even halfway through the foundation stage, yet you dare to lord over others?!” Clara’s temper flared. But, she had never killed a human before… No matter how she looked at it, she couldn’t bring herself to kill a boy who wouldn’t even be old enough to go to college yet in their world…

The other “elders”, each teenage boys ranging from 13 to 17 years old themselves, didn’t dare to move.

Picking him up by the neck and throwing him out of his chair, Clara glared at those around the room. “Go and gather everyone here. AND I MEAN EVERYONE!”

With a wave of her hand, the chieftain’s treehouse was obliterated. What was once a beautiful feat of engineering that spanned almost ten ancient trees was flattened by Clara in a moment.

Did these boys understand engineering to this level? No. Obviously they didn’t. They relied on the older generation when it benefitted them and tossed them away when it didn’t.

What happened when you gave rebellious teenage boys “superpowers”? This was exactly what happened, and it sickened her.

Who knows how many young girls they had ruined? Lives they had taken in anger? How many families had they torn apart on their power trip?

Young or not, Clara would punish them thoroughly after taking an accounting of their deeds.


Over the next week, Clara’s name came to be known across that first forested Legacy World. Her appearance no doubt caused anger and animosity to stir, but she was simply too powerful for them to do anything.

That said… The only ones who felt this way were the few lucky enough to learn to cultivate. As for the disenfranchised and unfortunate, Clara’s appearance was akin to an angel descending from the skies.

Unlike those foolish teenage boys, Clara made full use of the older generation, even leaning on them.

She found former intellectuals, engineers, doctors, artists, and like. These were the people that carried the torch of what it meant to be of the mortal world. In addition, she needed them for when she went to other regions, after all, Clara didn’t know how to speak every language of the mortal realm.

“Some of you might remember who my husband is,” Clara said with a smile, “The son of the late General and Saintess Sacharro. It was his melody that you heard resonate in the skies. He wanted to see if any of you had survived and he was elated to find out that you had.”

Being of the American Region, many here remembered Dyon. Plus, even across the world, Dyon’s name wasn’t an unfamiliar one. To hear that one of their own was so powerful, it made the eyes of the older generation light up.

After years of being oppressed by their own sons and daughters, some were apprehensive about finding out about yet another powerful young man. But, looking at how Clara was treated, it became obvious to them that Dyon couldn’t be categorized along with those tyrants.

“I won’t lie to you all,” Clara said seriously, looking out and into a crowd of a few hundred thousand, “The martial world is far more dangerous than these Legacy Worlds. You all were able to gather here so easily because I could single handedly kill more than 95% of the threats, however I couldn’t replicate even a single percent of that in the martial world.”

A murmur swept over the crowd. Why should they leave then? Wouldn’t it be better for them all to stay in this world now that it had been made safe?

Clara smiled bitterly. “It would be safer for you all to stay here, but is that the life you want? To be holed up, never to leave? The beauty of our clan has always been about its will to reach out and into the stars, has it not? I’m giving you that opportunity now…

“Not only for you, but for your children, and your children’s children. Don’t you want the world remember what it means to be a member of the Mortal Clan?”

The word Mortal was one looked upon with disdain by those of the martial world, yet Clara saw it as a point of strength and so did Dyon.

“This is what we’ll rally around,” Dyon said, “We’re Mortals… And we’ll embrace it!” 

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