Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 7

Chapter Book 7: 58: Rodents (4)

“Wow.” After Dyon finished teasing Head Bai, he finally took a look around the Bai Holy Land only to see a scene that could only be described as breathtaking. Yet, as beautiful as it was, it was just as difficult to explain…

It was as though every brick, every patch of grass, every delicate curve or sharp turn, was perfectly laid. It felt like even if Dyon tried his best, it would be absolutely impossible to improve anything. This was the true essence of architecture…

Dyon looked toward Meiying, “You did this?”

Meiying blushed before nodding and then, to Dyon’s confusion, shaking her head. “My mom did more than 80% of it, I only did some…” josei

Dyon almost couldn’t believe his ears. The firecracker that was Meiying could speak in such a soft voice?

“It’s beautiful…” Dyon might have never meant something so much in his life. His sincerity made Meiying’s heart tremble as a small smile crossed her delicate features.

Even Head Bai remained silent. Maybe under normal circumstances he’d be pissed off that Dyon immediately assumed it was Meiying who did all of this and not him, but when it came to his late wife… Head Bai didn’t like to joke around.

A normal person might see how beautiful the Bai Holy Land was and admire it without truly understanding. However, Dyon was different… He saw this place as it should be seen. The architecture itself was cultivation.

Dyon suddenly laughed to himself. “And here I thought I understood architecture because I read a few books decades ago.” He paused, lost in thought. “Yes. It has to be you. It can’t be anyone else. Will you help me, Meiying?”

“Help you?” Meiying looked up at Dyon with reddened eyes.

“Is architecture something you love?” Dyon responded with his own question.

Meiying nodded seriously.

Her Feng Shui abilities were often seen as evil. Meiying quite literally had to kill her own mother to receive them, something that cast a shadow over her young heart even to this day.

But… Using it in this way brought beauty to something Meiying usually only saw darkness in.

“For as long as you love it, I’ll give you all of the materials you can dream of and all of the time in world.” Dyon smiled warmly, rubbing Meiying’s head. “You can build to your heart’s content.”

Meiying burst into a fit of tears and dove into Dyon’s arms.

Those Bai family members around couldn’t help but sigh. Meiying had always been the little violet devil of their clan, always running around, causing mischief and cussing her elders out… This was the first time they had seen her so vulnerable…


Dyon sighed to himself as he walked into Belmont Palace. If even Meiying could cry, the world really was too evil. He couldn’t help but think back to his comprehension of his black flame…

He didn’t ask about Meiying’s abilities or the history behind them, but the pain it caused was obvious.

Dyon swore to himself to never force Meiying to use her abilities for something she didn’t want to do. The ability of the Feng Shui Compass will was so potent that in combination with Dyon’s understanding of array alchemy, forging unbreakable war machines to sweep the martial world would be as easy as just thinking of it…

But, when Dyon saw the kind of pain Meiying felt in connection to that will of hers, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. She already tied so much evil to her abilities, Dyon refused to be responsible for more.

What kind of man would he be if he had to hide behind the abilities of a little girl? The martial world would kneel before him in one way or another!

Plus, the abilities Meiying possessed even without going to such an extreme already caught Dyon’s attention.

She and her mother were able to forge a city to such perfection that it actually accumulated devil qi to such a dense degree.

One had to understand that Dyon’s home universe had such a small quantity of devil qi that it couldn’t even be sensed by a dao formation expert. Yet, Meiying’s architecture was able to call upon it to such a level that it completely matched the density of conventional energy in the normal atmosphere!

That was a boost of several hundred times!

Imagine if such an ability was applied within an academy or a sect or a palace? The speed of cultivation would be blinding.

One had to also know that Meiying used the most normal materials. After all, for the same reason Earth wasn’t rich in beasts, it wasn’t rich in minerals and energy stones either. Yet, she still accomplished so much.

If Meiying never wanted to fight a single war, Dyon wouldn’t even blink an eye. Her value was no less than Eli’s… He could only imagine what kind of result of her Feng Shui combined with Eli’s Botany abilities would bring…

“What do you mean the catacombs are infested?”

Suddenly, Dyon’s thoughts were interrupted by a fiery conversation.

“I mean exactly what I said! I tried to go down there to retrieve the Ancestor Relics for our move, but I was actually attacked by a swarm of rodents!” Stella’s irritated voice responded to Sarid.

“How could the Belmont Catacombs have rodents?” Sarid looked at the violet haired girl throwing a tantrum before him.

“The Belmont Catacombs have always had rodents, it’s just that we usually send teams to wipe them out every so often. How could those furry bastards not love the warm, damp and dark tunnels down there?

“But, because of the war, over the past decade or so, we weren’t able to send these teams as frequently, so they steadily grew! Now I can’t even take a step without those bastards nibbling at my legs! I’m a Princess! Not an exterminator!”

“Rodents you say?” Dyon walked into the room leisurely. However, the bright smile on his face didn’t match the grossness of the situation at all…

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