Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 8

Chapter Book 8: 208: Elites (1)

As Dyon was laying his claim to the Ancient Battlefield, the Mortal Alliance wasn’t stalling in his absence, if anything, they were trying even harder.

Dyon had made matters clear during the last Mortal Meeting. This time, war would be happening whether they wanted it to or not come 2 years from now.

Before, Dyon didn’t really have the means of convincing them with reason. His only reason for pushing war beforehand was The Entity. He knew he couldn’t just sit on his hands, Earth was practically a ticking time bomb that only more strength would be able to diffuse. The issue was that anyone who had even the faintest inkling about how the minds of humans functioned knew that using a problem that wouldn’t manifest for several hundred thousand years as a catalyst for action would never work.

Because of the way Dyon formed the rules of the Mortal Alliance, he couldn’t unilaterally declare war alone. Though he had by far the most power, it was much more balanced than other quadrants. As much as he wanted to simply take the reins and control everything, Dyon knew that that method would be detrimental in the long run.

He wanted to foster an environment that gave his subordinates power and a path to grasp said power. Only by doing this would they try their hardest. Dyon couldn’t do everything alone, he needed powerful individuals under him, so he had no choice but to choose this approach.

Luckily, the Ancient Battlefield gave Dyon the perfect excuse. While he knew that it would only descend after 112 years, everyone else believed that it was right around the corner. Dyon used this to make the Clan Heads realize that there was no choice. If they didn’t raise their Faith quickly, their future would come to an abrupt end.

Like this, yet another fire was lit under the Clans of the Mortal Alliance. Not only did they have to worry about the end of the 1st Tier Clan probationary period that was rapidly approaching, they now also had to strengthen their foundations so that they could properly claim military merits once the war began. They all understood that war wasn’t only a place of death, it was a place to change their destinies.

The Clans that would rule the Mortal Alliance and the Clans that would end up at the bottom rung of their Alliance would all be decided with the next war. Did they want their descendants to live by walking on eggshells? Or did they want their descendants to strut with their heads held high? josei

This was the environment Dyon fostered.

The first Clan of note wasn’t a Clan at all, but rather a collection of them – The Elves.

Ri forced herself to leave Dyon’s side. Though she was worried, she knew that she was of no help simply watching him struggle.

Every time his brows furrowed, she felt a pang in her heart, but she steeled herself. Since she had decided to take on the role as Elvin Queen, she did as much.

Before Dyon’s appearance, the Elvin Kingdom was in shambles. Orphans were without homes, there were massive divides and competition between pillar clans, and an infestation of hopelessness infiltrated their culture.

The Elves had lost their pride.

Though Dyon’s father-in-law, King Acacia, blamed himself for much of this – and likely rightfully so – the reality was that this wasn’t entirely his fault. The Elves had lost their path long ago, King Acacia’s actions only worsened the matter.

Now, much of the administrative matters were dealt with thanks to the structure the Mortal Alliance provided, however, the Elves were still facing a culture issue that couldn’t be solved in a few days. Ri had a massive task ahead of her.

The first thing she did was rip down the prior structure and rebuilt it using Dyon’s vision.

Firstly, her father officially stepped down as King, doing away with the title. Ri was thus named Clan Matriarch.

The second aspect was a matter of optics and the first step in reforging the way the elves saw themselves. The Elves would no longer be known as the Elvin Kingdom, they would be known as the Elvin Clan. Not the Elvin Clans, but the Elvin Clan.

The third action Ri took was the disbanding of the various academies and guilds. Though she wanted the elves so have their own sense of pride and identity, she didn’t want this to be at the expense of the holistic culture of the Mortal Alliance.

By tearing those structures down and fusing the elves with the Alliance, the differences between greater and lesser elvin clans would become smaller.

These matters became easier with Little Lyla by Ri’s side. A True Empath and the Elvin Queen standing hand in hand made any discontent fall on deaf ears.

Despite doing this, Ri knew that these issues would be slowly fixed with the influence of the Mortal Alliance over time, this was just how Dyon and Clara designed to be. What the Elves needed most wasn’t just cultural reform, but strength.

What better way could there be for the Elves to regain their confidence if not by displaying their strength?

Luckily, Ri had the perfect method of doing so.

Elves were known for the beast taming abilities, but the duty of the Elvin Queen was a step beyond that. Not only should she quell the beasts under her command, but it was also her duty to nurture the growth the Elves.

That day, the projection of a mighty tree appeared on Planet Soul. What once was already an atmosphere filled with life and vitality took yet another massive step forward as the illusory image of the World Tree appeared.

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