Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 8

Chapter Book 8: 214: Pride (1)


As time continued to tick by, not only did Dyon continue his spree, his own strength seemed to continue growing without pause, and it was without a doubt due to [Devour].

The idea of Dyon being capable of quelling and devouring all forms of energy by using his soul as a proxy was one that should scare anyone on the mortal plane. One had to remember that a common grade technique mastered to the One with Self realm was a rival for earth and heaven grade techniques, so just what did it mean for a divine grade technique?

Though Dyon could use [Devour] offensively, he had no absolute need to do so. To him, even if it could only be used as an auxiliary ability, the results were astounding.

That was right… Dyon could now use his soul talent to influence his energy cultivation speed.

Of course, this didn’t mean that his qi cultivation speed had suddenly become equally as fast as his soul cultivation speed. However, it had increased to the point where Dyon was certain that no one without the Energy Core could stand side by side with him in this regard, even if that person was Madeleine – at least the current Madeleine who had yet to completely master her constitution, anyway.

As his armies crossed over to and conquered Regions, Dyon sat upon the male wyvern’s back like a motionless statue. If one looked closely, it seemed as though the red tinted aura of the Ancient Battlefield was constantly surging toward him.

The reality was that that was exactly what was happening.

When one normally cultivated, you would have to enter a serene state. Then, using your comprehension, you would sense the qi around you. This qi would then have to be filtered from the others – namely, if one was a Saint, you would have to ensure that you only absorbed saint energy.

Following this, one would accept the qi into your body. Depending on the grade of your meridians, some individuals could absorb larger amounts with a single breath, while others would have to take care to go slower so as not to rupture their meridians.

These steps didn’t mention matters like clearing meridians pathways or widening them to reach the next meridian.

However, Dyon was doing none of that. His soul became an overbearing thief, hounding the qi in the atmosphere and forcibly absorbing it into his body.

The qi that was too high grade for his meridians to absorb were directly taken into his soul. After all, enigmatic qi is what those who have entered the dao realm with their souls use to create planet and star qi.

Because Dyon’s soul was already in the dao realm, he could indiscriminately devour the qi in the atmosphere, using his soul as a buffer.

As a result, Dyon’s cultivation speed skyrocketed, even while being restricted to half his talent and being in the Ancient Battlefield. After so long being stuck in the 1st celestial stage, by the 6th month of his campaign, Dyon had entered the 2nd stage. By the 9th month, he had entered the 3rd, and by the turn of the first year, he entered that 4th and officially became a Middle Celestial.

Quite simply put… Dyon became a monster.

In this same time, the Titans wreaked havoc on the battlefield. Region after Region fell under their control, bowing under their might. In fact, if it wasn’t for the difficulty of crossing the natural borders that protected Regions, they likely would have conquered more.

13 Regions. 30 Fortresses. 600 Major Cities. 700 000 citizens and 20 000 Titans.

What Dyon had accomplished in just a year would shock those who heard about it, but for those who knew just how powerful his soul was, they could only shake their heads and lament that they weren’t born with such talent.

How could you fight a war against a Commander who could see an entire 10 000km landscape with absolute clarity? How could you fight a war a man capable of forging weapons and armor from thin air? How could battle a beast master capable of quelling the rage of the mighty wyverns?

The disparity between Dyon and the Tribes of the Ancient Battlefield was too large. As long as he wanted to, it wouldn’t be impossible to conquer every tribe there was. However, Dyon was aware that the Tribes weren’t the true powerhouses of the Ancient Battlefield. They were individuals who had lost their right to carry their Ancestors’ namesake.

The true enemy were the Failed Clans, and they were a mountain far tougher to climb.

Still, Dyon was prepared.

Over the past year, he wasn’t the only one to improve.

For one, while all of his Titans could use essence grade type qi, Dyon had finally nurtured 100 of them to utilize saint grade type qi. The result was astonishing, humans truly did have great potential. It wouldn’t be impossible for this 100 to face off against a female wyvern alone. Though they’d be unlikely to win, it would at least not be an immediate death.

Secondly, there were his beasts. After officially mastering saint grade type qi, Queen and the female cobra became monsters in their own right, rivalling even the Dyon of a year ago in strength. This realization was most definitely a reality check for Dyon.

The male bronzed and cobras finally comprehended the utilization of essence grade qi, bringing their strengths to another level. In fact, they were slightly stronger than the females back when they first mastered essence grade qi.

And finally… There were the wyverns. Unfortunately, of the 5 eggs, all of them were male. Dyon realized over this past year that he hadn’t been lucky to find the eggs, it was only natural he found them. In fact, giving birth was something the female wyverns did once a year. It was just that males were far more likely to be born and subsequently slaughtered by the alpha.

However… Not only had a year just passed paving the way for another round of births, but the strength of qi wielding wyverns made Dyon’s heart palpitate.

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