Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 9

Chapter Book 9: 28: Fated (1)

Dyon awoke from his meditation.

He hadn’t spent the last nine months doing nothing but cultivating, those days were behind him. The reality was that Dyon was confident in conquering Celestial Quadrant even back when he was a lower Celestial. To him, his personal strength was irrelevant. The fact he grew this strong before the campaign began only more firmly placed the nail in the coffins of his enemies.

Knowing this, Dyon didn’t cultivate like a mad man. This was no longer his martial way. He had promised himself long ago that he wouldn’t blindly seek power at the expense of his family.

So, not only did Dyon’s strength grow greatly, he did many other things as well. He spent time with his wives, watched his little girl blossom into the beautiful flower she was, and oversaw the growth of his soon to be Mortal Empire.

Like this, just three days were left until they beat their war drums.

“Lord Husband.” Amphorae smiled lightly, greeting Dyon.

Amphorae had spent a lot of time by the side of the Pakals. Among those who would fight in this war, aside from Thor and Alidor, it could be said that the Pakals had the greatest motivation.

They were chased from their homes, forced to take up residence in an all new universe, purely because they didn’t agree with the Demon Sage’s name being disparaged. It was no wonder they wanted revenge against those they once called clanmates.

As for Amphorae, she had rightfully taken up a position as Clan Matriarch, though, this was only temporary. She had every intention of handing this role off to her father once his body was finally reconstructed properly.

Unlike Ri, Amphorae didn’t feel any sort of responsibility toward the Pakals. It wasn’t long after her birth that her father entered the Timeless Library, resulting in the downfall of his then King God Clan. For much of her life, she had been alone and was more worried about her personal strength.

This sort of detachment only grew after her memories of her past life reawakened. For obvious reasons, Amphorae didn’t have much good will toward the large Clan structure. After all, it was another large Clan that forced her into such a loveless marriage with Dyon, though that wasn’t entirely his fault.

Still, in her last life, being dutiful toward her Clan led her down a road of pain and sorrow. So, it was no wonder she didn’t want to repeat that once more.

Pakal territory on Soul Planet oversaw the ocean and Amphorae’s personal quarters were no different. Large, seamless windows looked out into the dark waters that partially reflected the dull moonlight. Amphorae, who hadn’t been expecting Dyon’s visit, had been meditating upon a sturdy platform standing above a formation etched with transcendent stones.

Dyon had personally drawn this formation for her. It was a planet grade formation that increased the density of energy. Rather than relying on energy stones to cultivate, energy stones were used as a catalyst to more quickly gather energy. This sort of treatment was the kind only the Emperors of large Clans received, but considering her husband was a Planet Lord, there was no reason Amphorae couldn’t enjoy this sort of luxury herself. josei

Of course, the room had no need for a bed. Amphorae was a dao expert and of course had no need for sleep. Plus, there was the Soul Palace. As a member of the Sacharro Clan, Amphorae only came here for work and had no thoughts of pleasure… not that she had received this sort of pleasure from Dyon in a long time.

The truth was that after his embarrassing performance the first time, Dyon had avoided that level of intimacy with Amphorae. Coupling this with the fact he spent so much time with Alauna and it had been years since Dyon had been intimate with any of his wives, actually.

But, today, the fire that was in him wouldn’t be doused.

Amphorae, who was surprised Dyon was taking so long to answer her call, went to turn back, only to find two sturdy arms wrapping around her thin waist.

To her, these arms felt far different than they had in the past. Though she had laid in Dyon’s arms before, this sense of security… It was too drastic a change.

Amphorae was shocked. Until now, she hadn’t truly understood the kind of comfort a man could bring her. She grew up without a father, and was suddenly given a husband who was by far her lesser half. To suddenly feel secure in his arms… Her heartbeat quickened.

Seeing the slight blush on Amphorae’s face, Dyon lightly swept her red hair, highlighted by beautiful gold strands, back, revealing her tender neck.

His strong fingers glided along her shoulders and outlined her collarbone, slowly pushing the strap of her dress and bra to the side.

Suddenly, Amphorae felt nervous. She had only had sex with Dyon once before, but she was in such a dominating position back then that it didn’t really feel like she had given a part of herself away.

Though the martial world was conservative, there was no shortage of women who snorted at such ideals. These women felt like when they took men into their beds, the choice was their own. They weren’t losing something, they were taking something.

Of course, despite what Dyon had assumed before, and maybe still to some extent now, Amphorae’s only man in this life and the last was Dyon. But, her mentality was similar to these women… She hadn’t felt like she was losing anything.  

But now… Something felt different. She felt like she was falling, like it was no longer in her control.

And somehow… It felt so comfortable.

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