Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 9

Chapter Book 9: 34: First Line 1

Dyon’s actions were swift and decisive.

Aside from the six pseudo dao experts, the strongest warriors of this universe were of the middle celestial tier, a fact Dyon was aware of long ago. However, despite this overall strength being relatively weak, they still vastly outnumbered Dyon’s people.

Just because Dyon took control of this universe, it didn’t mean he had suddenly gained ten billion warriors. This was one of the hidden troubles that came with trying to conquer territories.

To some, who ruled them didn’t matter. But, there were no shortage of ambitious or loyal individuals who would actively work against Dyon. As a result, one of the most important parts of Dyon’s war plan with the quick and systematic assimilation of these individuals. This was why in the past, his first target would have been the Uidah thanks to the seeds he had long since planted, but now had shifted to the Five Beast Clans thanks to the existence of Monet.

Dyon understood that he had no need to control each individual. Taking control of ten billion people with just thirty million under his charge was a foolhardy affair. Instead, his task was to home in on the Clan heads and Sect patriarchs. 

When the Mortal Alliance army descended, they focused in on the human tribes. As humans in a territory ruled by beasts, they were obviously far inferior in strength.

At the same time, Dyon and Monet swept through the beast territories, forcing leaders and elders into submission one after another.

After that task was completed, Dyon used his own sealing abilities on the human leaders.

In reality, Dyon was aware that he could have appealed to humans differently. He had compiled countless pieces of information pointing to the oppression and racism they faced at the hands of beasts. But, Dyon decided against it.

From the very beginning, he wanted to set a precedent of equality. Even if the humans would have some grievances in this regard, Dyon didn’t believe their short-term happiness was worth damaging the foundation he was trying to build. As a result, soon after the beast leaders were enslaved, so too did Dyon seal the human leaders as well.

Like this, in less than a single day, a universe fell to its knees.

Dyon simply had too much information. He knew exactly which planets were inhabited, exactly where their leaders could be found, and knew exactly what means they had to counter before they were even aware of his appearance.

But, Dyon didn’t rest, nor was he content with just these results. The true battle was yet to come.

Dyon relocated all life in this universe to a single planet, renaming the universe: Universe One, and naming the Planet, Planet One-One.

The movements were incomparably smooth, as expected by the Array Alchemy Faction’s work. They deployed several sets of teleportation arrays and systematically tagged, recorded and helped billions to mass migrate before handing the remaining tasks off to The Association led by Clara.

The total fighting force of Universe One was about 100 million, more than three times the size of Dyon’s current army.

Dyon appointed Demon General Giralda, Damaris’ sister, as the commander of the beasts who made of 70 million of that portion. Though Dyon was confident in Monet’s ability, he still felt that a Dragon would be best to rein in control of so many beasts.

Giralda’s troops now contained several generals and captains beneath her, including the beast babies, Damaris, the Dream Panther Glorianice and the mute Ryu.

The 30 million humans were split amongst the remaining the Demon Generals. As Dyon didn’t believe his army size was large enough, he had yet to appropriately organize his troops as they would be into the future.

Instead, he kept things simple. Arranging denominations of five, ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand and finally, a million.

The one thing Dyon was most confident in was his soul. Even though the new troops weren’t aware of his tactics, he could still manipulate them all to the finest detail. With each squad of five containing at least 1, and usually 2, original members of the Mortal Alliance army, strict quality control was kept.

In addition, Dyon wasn’t stingy. He continuously made grand displays of wealth, ensuring that new troops became hyper aware of the potential rewards that lay at their feet should they perform well.

This tactic was particularly effective against territories in the outskirts who had little ties and loyalty as they were very far from the core power of the Five Clan Beast Alliance. josei

In just three days after conquering Universe One, Dyon marched forward once more, leaving behind Clara, Meiying, a squadron of Array Alchemy Faction members, and one of Glorianice’s Pseudo Dao sisters to arrange the matters of Planet One-One properly.  

According to Dyon’s information, the former overseers of Universe One had an obligation to report back once a month. Currently, there were a little less than four weeks to that time limit thanks to Dyon’s timing. Dyon’s goal was to sweep away 13 of the Five Clan Beast Alliance’s 18 universes before they could even raise their heads up.

The number of gates heading toward the center of a quadrant drastically increased. Universe One already had three times the number of Chaos Universe, at 15 total, connecting to three separate universes.

Dyon, without much hesitation, split his army and himself in three.

In just four days once more, those universes fell under his fist. By the second week, Dyon’s armies had weaved and pincered several universe, taking control of 9 universes.

By the time the leaders of the Five Clan Beast Alliance felt that something was wrong on the fourth week, Dyon had already completed his goal, forcefully holding 13 universes under his control.

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