Reaper of the Martial World

Chapter Book 9

Chapter Book 9: 73: Federation (3)

No one could have imagined Amphorae’s answer.

“These events? I don’t see anything wrong with them.” Amphorae seemed calm, as if it was only natural.

King Star frowned. “Do you take us for fools?”

“It’s easy to take simple matters and spin them as you choose to make us appear to be at fault, especially when you have hidden motives. Explaining these matters is uncomplicated. My husband is the Successor of the Celestial Deer Sect. Aren’t his actions of caution obvious to anyone who understands what this means?”

Those below were stunned. Celestial Deer Sect? Can you really so blatantly admit such a thing?

There wasn’t a single soul here who didn’t understand the ramifications of such a title. Not only was it shocking, it explained everything so simply that King Star almost blushed in shame.

“As for how my husband exited Celestial Corner without the barrier fading, isn’t that even more obvious? He simply passed off his Key Wielding responsibilities to someone else. Since that someone else hadn’t completed their trials yet, it’s obvious that the barrier would stay up.”

Hearing this, King Star’s ability to maintain a neutral faltered. She really was making his questions seem silly.

“Finally, what do you mean, close relationship? Is it anything odd for a Higher Existence who’s touched the highest floor of the Epistemic Tower to be familiar with its tower spirit? Your concerns are laughable, but I do have some concerns of my own that I’d very much like to get off my chest.”

Without waiting for King Star to respond, Amphorae continued.

“The sudden appearance of your Star Clan has always filled me with questions. Many here might not know, but the Sacharro Clan is well aware that there are 5 centers of power outside of the tower quadrants. The Devil Quadrants, the Nephilim, the Sapientia, the Transcendent Beast Alliance and… The Sprite Alliance.”

King Star’s face darkened as those ignorant many were shocked by this news. josei

“Thousands of years ago, your Clan suddenly appeared and conquered a quadrant of ours more swiftly than any of us could react. You used the guise of ignorance in order to justify your actions, claiming you believed to have found new territory and thought to make it your own.

“This seems fine on the surface. After all, since you weren’t part of the tower quadrants, how could you know about its system and its rules. From then on, the Star Clan became a new member of our cluster and after consolidating your gains and become a Second Grade Comet Clan, you also became the perennial first place quadrant.  

“Well… Everything would be fine if you weren’t once part of the Sprite Alliance.”

King Star’s facial expression twisted.

“And even that would be fine… If it wasn’t for the fact the outer powers are very much aware of our existence. The only they haven’t split out 100 quadrants amongst themselves is twofold.

“First because that would lead to an inevitable war amongst the 5 of them and second because the Faith available within our universes is not worth their effort. In comparison to the universes and quadrants they control, we’re nothing but a single drop in a vast ocean.

“So, now is as good a time to ask as any… Just why is it that the Star Clan hid such things? What are your motives? … How can we trust a Clan we know next to nothing about?”

Hearing his words returned to him, King Star’s jaw tightened. It wasn’t until he took a deep breath that he was able to slowly unclench.

Closing his eyes, he opened them once more to reveal irised filled with a soft calm.

“Since the Sacharro Clan has been so straight forward with their struggles, the Star Clan will be as well.

“Our Star Clan suffered great humiliation at the hands of the Sprite Alliance. Because we were located in a suspended quadrant, we were located quite a distance away from the outer powers, but were lucky enough to be relatively close to the tower quadrants.

“Back then, we sought to take advantage of the situation and eventually return the humiliation handed to us, but we never expected the tower quadrants to band together at they did. So, we were forced to take a step back.

“It is our mistake in this matter, but the martial world has always been ruled by whomever has the largest fist. Though in the past, we acted dishonorably, we hope to make amends by doing everything openly from now on.”

It was an interesting turn of events indeed. Of those here, who had ever heard of a powerful Clan admitting their fault? This event inadvertently led to many gaining a better impression of the Star Clan.

In truth, even Amphorae was quite surprised. She expected to be asked to prove that they were once part of the Sprite Alliance. After all, with the Five Blade Clans as precedent for sprites existing without the Alliance, it would have been an easy argument to make. She never expected for King Star to admit things so openly.

‘This Star Clan will be a troublesome enemy…’ Amphorae remained calm, but her thoughts were very different.

“I believe the Federation will be much closer now that we’ve have these talks.” Amphorae said lightly. “Shall we begin the first true parliament, then?”

Like this, the first meeting of the Mortal Plane Federation began. It seemed quite amicable, but slowly brewing conflict was obvious for anyone who looked.

In a hidden void, Apollos’ immature eyes narrowed. ‘Celestial Deer Sect…’

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