Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1340 - PDA?

Chapter 1340 - PDA?


As soon as Chi Shuyan brought up the True Buddha Lord, everyone in the living room focused on her. Ruan Shenglin wanted to say something, but hesitated. He looked a little anxious, but didn’t speak.

The village chief’s face darkened in a rare instance. “How many days will it be?” However, his eyes were still friendly. Coupled with his good-natured appearance, most people wouldn’t think much of it at first glance, and would only think that the village chief of Dashan Village was a good person.

But when Chi Shuyan saw the black aura around Village Chief Pan, her smile faded a little even as she continued, “Mm, it’ll only be a few days. It just so happens that someone from our party needs to go out for a bit. We all want to show full sincerity in inviting the True Buddha Lord in – it won’t be good to leave someone out. Village Chief Pan, don’t worry. We’re all willing to invite the True Buddha Lord in, and to treat it as the most important thing.”

Who knew if it was because of Chi Shuyan’s last sentence, but Village Chief Pan was quite pleased. A smile appeared on his serious face again, and he asked who was leaving and when they would be back. He also said that the scenery in their village was good, and it would be better if they could bring more people in with them.

Chi Shuyan saw Village Chief Pan looking at them expectantly, as if he really wanted them to bring outsiders into the village again. She felt it was strange, but she couldn’t say what was wrong. In the end, she nodded and agreed. “Okay!”


After she agreed, Village Chief Pan gave them three days and said, “By the way, how long do you plan to stay?”

Chi Shuyan and the others really hadn’t thought about how long they would be staying. Village Chief Pan spoke first. “It’ll be the birthday celebration for the True Buddha Lord in a week or so, and it’ll be especially lively. Do you want to stay and join in the fun?”

Village Chief Pan was very enthusiastic and friendly as he spoke about the birthday celebration. If it wasn’t for the fact that this village was a little strange, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming would have long been interested and said yes.

Afraid that they would say the wrong thing, the two of them looked at President Qi and Master Chi in front of them without saying a word.

Xu Tong, who had just arrived and didn’t know what was going on, was quite tempted by Village Chief Pan’s words. She looked at her husband from time to time. How could Ruan Shenglin dare agree? Just thinking about the True Buddha Lord that was worshiped in this village gave him goosebumps. He wished he could leave immediately, so he simply pretended not to see his wife’s gaze and waited seriously for Master Chi’s reply.

When Chi Shuyan and Qi Zhenbai heard Village Chief Pan mention some celebration, they subconsciously frowned. They could either leave immediately or choose to stay. There was no reason to refuse. The two looked at each other and finally came to an agreement.

Seeing that they were willing to stay for the True Buddha Lord’s birthday, Village Chief Pan’s face suddenly lit up. There was some rosy color in his cheeks, and his wrinkled face relaxed a little. He seemed to be in a very good mood as he nodded with a pleased expression. “Good kids! Good kids!”

After settling the matter, Village Chief Pan kept them for a while longer. They sat for a while before Chi Shuyan looked at the time and then took everyone away. This time, when she left, she took careful note of the fact that the village chief was the only person living in this large blue brick house. As they walked out the door, she whispered to Xiao Shan, “Use the next few days to help find out if Village Chief Pan has any other family members!”

Xiao Shan didn’t know why Master Chi was asking him to investigate this matter, but he still took her words seriously and immediately agreed.

The two were focused on official business and didn’t notice at all that they were getting closer and closer.

Seeing that his wife was getting closer and closer to another man, Qi Zhenbai’s eyes turned sharp. Xiao Shan inexplicably felt a cold gaze on his back. His body instinctively trembled. As soon as he looked up, he met President Qi’s sharp and cold eyes. His scalp turned numb and he shuddered in fright. When he realized what the issue was, he immediately backed away.

Only then was Qi Zhenbai satisfied, and his face softened a little.

Xiao Shan heaved a sigh of relief and couldn’t help but exclaim at Wu Haoming, “My god, did you see that? President Qi’s gaze just now scared me witless!”

Wu Haoming gloated. “Didn’t you hear Director Feng’s warning before he left? If you can keep your distance from Master Chi, keep your distance and don’t be clingy. President Qi is extraordinarily jealous.”

Chi Shuyan didn’t notice anything strange. Seeing the two of them whisper to each other, she couldn’t help but ask, “What are you talking about?”

Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan hurriedly shook their heads. Ruan Shenglin’s anxious shout suddenly came from behind them. “Miss… Miss Chi! Wait!”

Ruan Shenglin called out twice before Chi Shuyan heard him. She stopped and turned her head. When she saw the scene not far away, she couldn’t help but narrow her eyes. As the good old village chief saw Xu Tong off, his eyes kept sweeping over Xu Tong’s bulging stomach. His expression was as calm and friendly as ever, but his cloudy eyes occasionally flashed with excitement.

After confirming that she hadn’t seen wrongly, Chi Shuyan looked up again. The other party had already regained his composure, and his eyes were as warm and friendly as ever. Chi Shuyan almost thought that she had seen wrongly.

She was too engrossed in looking. One hand suddenly pressed down on her shoulder and the other pressed on the back of her head. Caught off guard, her head was pressed to the man’s chest. She instantly smelled the man’s familiar masculine scent, and she was a little stupefied. The man’s familiar magnetic voice rang out above her head. “What are you looking at so intently?”

Chi Shuyan: …

From afar, the two of them looked like they were acting intimately. Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan were given a shock. Ruan Shenglin, who was helping his wife over from afar, was even more at a loss. He didn’t know why Master Chi was suddenly doing PDA in front of Village Chief Pan’s house.

Village Chief Pan had followed them, and he chuckled amiably at Qi Zhenbai and Chi Shuyan’s intimate behavior. “So, the two of you are a couple? Are you married?”

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