Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 625

Chapter 625: White T-shirt, big pants

Chapter 625: White T-shirt, big pants


Indeed, she and Kong Zhandong solved Di Yawen's problem earlier, and the lion opened his mouth to make a request. Di Yawen agreed, but the two sides had not had time to finalize the details due to the rush of time.

And this is not a trivial matter. After Kong Zhandong goes back, he will naturally have a meeting inside the door, or discuss with the old man again to see Di Yawen thoroughly implement this matter. For example, the port is free, and for example, 50 million orders per year. For example, promise to befriend the Manguda family.

Kong Zhandong was preparing to accompany his father to the general meeting last month, and now it is indeed time to come back and perform his duties in the Philippines.

After hanging up the phone, Cui Xian had come out of the bathroom, wearing his own white nightgown, made of thin cotton that absorbs sweat. While wiping his hair, he looked sideways and asked Xiang Weisheng, "Just calling?"

Wei Sheng nodded, "I made a long distance for work."

Choi Hyun just smiled slightly.

At this time, the door of the room was knocked, Cui Xian was standing outside the bathroom and turned to open the door. Then Fan Xiang and Zhou Jianxin strode into the room.

Fan Xiang looked at the room and smiled, "How about it, my buddy has specially selected a good scene for you. Isn't it satisfied with this trip?"

Cui Xian smiled and nodded, while drying the towel on the towel rack in the bathroom, "How is the schedule arranged?"

Fan Xiang said, “You don’t need to ask the regular ones. We are all our friends. When the time comes, everyone will stay for two more days if they think it’s good. If it’s not easy to lift their feet, then leave! My group is basically our free group. My brother said that he would guide us all the way."

After he said that, he smiled embarrassedly, "You are giving me a lot of face this time, and our leaders are all admiring me now, this love buddy keeps this in mind!"

Naturally, Fan Xiang’s organization of a group is not simply because he wants everyone to gather for fun. He pulled such a group of people to form a group abroad, which also helped the travel agency. Friends because of his money to get together, of course, is considered to be a profit for him.

After all, in this society, sometimes the money may not be able to make up the popularity. If you want to treat a dinner and make a phone call, you may not be able to pull two idlers, let alone let everyone pay for him to make up this popularity.

"Out of the society, people who play vain are getting more and more slippery." Cui Xian laughed and made fun.

But he told Fan Xiang to blow his beard and stare, "Brother really didn't play with you. I'm honest, you have looked at the current situation. Let's get off the plane today and have several groups together? Now the 20th century is no better than the 90s, I I feel that the tourism industry will be prosperous in the future! I don’t read it early now. I came out just to find a way to travel on my own in the future! You are all contributing to the future of your brothers. Can I play with you?"

Wei Sheng couldn’t help but admired Fan Xiang a bit. Now the domestic tourist photos are not as developed as later generations, but some signs are faintly emerging. Fan Xiang has good eyesight, and he can afford it. If it is really as he said, Then this kid might still be able to achieve great things.

Wei Sheng couldn't help but want to go back and call Cyril to find out if there is a figure named Fan Xiang in the tourism industry in later generations.

Zhou Jianxin kept looking at Wei Sheng from the moment he entered the door. At this moment, while Fan Xiang was talking to Cui Xian, he couldn't help but leaned over to sit down beside her, "I want to say that when I saw you this time, it changed from the year before. It's so big! Now it's really amazing, remembering that it will be dry..."

"Cough!" Cui Xian couldn't help frowning and coughing heavily, and then Fang Zhou Jianxin knew that he had spoken impudently, and how could anyone comment on other girlfriends here.

He chuckled, "Don't mind, but I am too impressed with you, and your boat is so good! By the way, Fan Xiang, we have a boating project this time, and the entire speedboat will let Wei Sheng take us to play. Huh? I haven't been that exciting since then!"

Fan Xiang immediately snapped a finger, "Okay! Brother asks you to do it all! This time, if you want to eat or play in the Philippines, please mention it. Then, Zhou Jianxin and I will withdraw first, and you should take a break. When I wait for a treat in the evening, the big guy will have a good meal!"

After that, he winked at Zhou Jianxin, who sneered at him, "Then it's settled, you two should go to bed." After that, he smiled and stepped out of the room.

When these two went out, Wei Sheng and Cui Xian were also more helpless.

After that, Wei Sheng changed his shirt and shorts and went directly into the bed to sleep. He really couldn't open his eyes right now.

Cui Xian couldn't help reminding, "After tossing all the way, you don't plan to wash and sleep..."

"Wake up and wash again." Wei Sheng is not as particular as he is. At this moment, it is a train and a plane. After a rest, it is really sleepy and can't stop it. After a while, he basically went to see Gong Zhou.

Cui Xian looked at the big bag that Wei Sheng had uncovered after opening it. He couldn't help but smile. He simply gathered up the baggage she had just rummaged for clothes and threw it all over, and then got into another bed.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already noon, and the sun was extremely hot.

Wei Sheng was already sweating profusely when she got up from the bed. Rao had been opening the French window and she was still hit by water at the moment. She was wet all over her body. She simply took a shower. Because of the purpose of coming out to play, Wei Sheng This time, Sheng wore a short-sleeved shirt and large suit shorts casually, with specially prepared sandals on his feet, and went out with Cui Xian.

This dress is so simple that it can’t be simpler. It can be said that there is no girl's delicate appearance. It is really that she knows too much that the Philippines is hot and it was cooler than this when she came last time, because she is doing business. Therefore, the dressing is quite rigorous. I am afraid that only herself knows how much she has suffered. She can't help but wonder how Kong Zhandong, who is in suit and leather shoes, can stand it all day.

It's no wonder that even big guys like Di Yawen wear tank tops and **** all day long. I think the locals are quite used to it.

When I arrived at the lobby on the first floor, I saw that none of the girls in the team were as casual as Wei Sheng, especially Lin Sitian, wearing a goose-yellow waist-waisted long skirt, without losing beauty in the cool room, holding a small brown handbag in his hand and feet. Wearing stiletto high-heeled sandals, long hair shawl is really charming, it has become a very beautiful scenery in the team.

Pan Yu also wears a blue fringed long skirt, and her hair is tied into a ponytail to appear energetic and vigorous without losing the youthfulness of a girl.

The other two girls in the team also dressed exquisitely, even wearing light makeup.

It seems that Wei Sheng is the only one who wears a white T-shirt and a pair of panties. Although he looks good, it is not ugly to wear with fair skin, but it is still far from the dress of a few delicate girls, even Categorized directly into the team of boys.

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