Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 762

Chapter 762: News interview (three shifts)

Chapter 762: News interview (three shifts)

The western earthquake event in this comfortable and ordinary high school in Beijing is like a stone thrown into the sea.

But it wasn't just a cluster of inconspicuous water splashes, on the contrary, it stirred up waves with one stone.

The first person who learned that Yang Miao was from Xinglang County, H Province in the west was Cheng Lin. After washing up that night, there was no one in the corridor. When Cheng Lin went out to get hot water, she heard Yang Miao calling her home in a safe passage.

She hurriedly stepped on her slippers and got into the bedroom as quietly as possible, and said mysteriously to Wei Sheng and Lu Shishi, "Yang Miao's hometown is the hardest hit area! I heard her calling home in the stairwell!"

Lu Shishi, who was flipping through the magazine on the bed, immediately got up cross-legged, "True? I said she was in a bad condition these past few days."

Wei Sheng was stunned, and put down the Lotte Metropolis Daily. “She would go to the newsstand in front of the school every morning to follow the latest situation of the disaster.”

The newspaper has now faintly revealed that Wancheng Group will cooperate with Yiwei Real Estate to enter the capital real estate circle. However, the report is a bit catchy and unclear, and the purpose is only to make a stand. For the time being, Wancheng Group will send a special team to negotiate about the land for new real estate. It only needs to slow down the process without delaying the western bidding.

Since experiencing the Wulong Mountain competition earlier, the head teacher Jiang Yuchen's management of Wei Sheng is not as strict as other students' management. Several times of absenteeism caused Cheng Lin to take a fake, Jiang Yuchen also sold his face more or less. It is believed that Wei Sheng was training outside, but in short, there was no clear criticism. josei

However, in the past two days, Wei Sheng did not dare to go home and go to bed again, only because the president Ma Da, who said the words, really approached Teacher Jiang, and Teacher Hou Jiang approached Wei Sheng and ordered two things, one It is to cooperate with the school news agency to do a weekly one-star interview, and then to tell her not to stay away for no reason in the near future.

In the two days of staying at school, Wei Sheng did not leave the morning exercises every morning. Although the morning exercises are no longer regular, as long as they live on campus, they will generally not fall behind.

During the period, she saw Yang Miao washing up in the morning. The first thing she did was to go to the newsstand outside the school to pay attention to the disaster. Once Wei Sheng walked with her to the newsstand in person. At that time, she saw Yang Miao after reading the disaster. The report was very worried, and she also said that she was soft-hearted and cared about the disaster, but she did not expect this matter to be related to her.

"Then why did she never mention it?" Cheng Lin put the kettle next to the iron cabinet.

Lu Shishi thought about it carefully, touching his chin with a serious expression, "The school has recently made donations and is doing something about the'Caring for the People's Broadcasting in the Disaster-Stricken Area', I'm not ashamed to say."

"Everyone is in the same dormitory..." Before Cheng Lin finished speaking, she saw Lu Shishi winking at herself and making a silent gesture. After listening carefully, it turned out that the sound of footsteps from far and near came from the corridor.

Yang Miao is back.

As soon as Yang Miao opened the door, Cheng Lin couldn’t help asking, “How is your family’s situation? Are your parents and relatives all right?”

Yang Miao was stunned when he heard the words, and then he looked at the crowd's expressions a little dodge, and he seemed to think about it, and finally shook his head, "It's all pretty good, it has been transferred to the rescue center."

Cheng Lin nodded when she saw that she was unwilling to speak more. Perhaps some people's character was just unwilling to show their weakness or pain in front of others, or Yang Miao just didn't want her roommate to worry about it. In any case, Since she didn't want to talk, others wouldn't ask too much.


The cooperation between Yiwei Real Estate and Wancheng Group is still being included in the process in an orderly manner, but it has only slowed down, and Liu Jianren has rushed to the western cities to investigate the details of the bidding. Small real estate developers are not cold about this kind of public welfare activity. From a certain perspective, this project is somewhat sensitive, and obviously there is not much oil and water to fish.

According to the current year and month policy and the local policy situation, the government organization will appraise all houses in the city, divided into three categories: red, dilapidated houses; yellow, can be used after reinforcement; green, can be used directly.

The identified victims can choose to live in reconstruction houses, or receive a one-time compensation.

When class was about to start at noon, Wei Sheng returned from Luo Quankun’s team. In the near future noon and after school, Wei Sheng will go to Luo Quankun’s team to stroll around. One is to understand the current situation of the team and occasionally speak to help guide the team members. Very convinced, he clamored for Wei Sheng to drive around to show them all day long, but Wei Sheng didn't dare to make a big deal about it.

As for lunch, it was instant noodles that was eaten side by side with Luo Quankun.

The sky was gloomy at noon, and when stepping into the school gate, the school news agency was still broadcasting the disaster area over the school through a loud speaker.

"The earthquake caused strong tremors in Menyuan County, Haibei Prefecture in the north, Delingha City in Haixi Prefecture in the west, and L City, the capital of Province G in the east. The epicenter is located at 35.3 degrees north latitude and 99.5 degrees east longitude, as tested by the Seismological Bureau of Province H. There were three aftershocks of magnitude 5 or above from the neighborhood until around 10 o'clock yesterday morning. The situation in the disaster area has been reported. I am the host..."

This made Wei Sheng frowned.


At the end, it was still a harsh ringing sound, hovering over the school for a long time.

Then Wei Sheng was blocked by Ma Xiaohong at the entrance of the teaching building, "Let's go, go upstairs with me and complete the interview. It will be broadcast next week."

After saying that, Ma Xiaohong led the way, and looked rather impatient, seemingly too lazy to blame Wei Sheng for not being punctual.

In fact, she had already notified Wei Sheng in his bedroom yesterday. Wei Sheng was appointed by the head teacher, but he felt somewhat disgusted with Ma Xiaohong's approach. He not only investigated himself, but also reported that he was absent from sleep, and the interview was not regarded as respecting his wishes.

While tearing apart the sugar paper, she smiled and followed Ma Xiaohong into a long vacant classroom on the third floor.

In the classroom, groups of members of the second-year and third-year news agency were sitting casually on abandoned tables and chairs and chatting. Seeing Ma Xiaohong bringing Wei Sheng into the door, someone suddenly complained, “The big star spectrum is too big. Which of the Zhouyixing interviews did not take the initiative to wait in the interview room?"

"Why didn't you change your clothes? Why don't you comb your hair first?"

"Hurry up, my background is ready, Xiaolin, you hold the camera, I have to light up with her."

"Hurry up, there are still classes in the afternoon."

I saw a white background paper spread on the blackboard. There is no lecture desk in the classroom, but two chairs and a study table are placed at the lecture desk, and two bottles of mineral springs are placed on it. water.

After entering the door, Ma Xiaohong sat on one of the chairs, then waved to Wei Sheng, motioning for her to sit on the chair beside him, ready to start the interview.

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