Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 764

Chapter 764: Various methods (five shifts)

Chapter 764: Various methods (five shifts)

Participating in the charity auction is called free registration. However, in fact, each class requires more than ten students. The task assigned to each class teacher is that the family situation of the participating students is targeted. The first requirement is that Local students, in this way, parents can participate.

At this point, Wei Sheng was excluded.

After returning to the class from a meeting, the teachers in each class almost bluntly understood the school's intentions.

"Friday night the school will hold a charity auction. Everyone can make some small items to participate in. The selected items will be displayed at the auction. Then, who is the local in the class?" Jiang Yuchen Standing on the podium, crane your neck to count the number of local students.

She continued, “You can tell your parents about this briefly when you go home. All the funds raised from the auction will be donated to the disaster-stricken area in Province H. Those who are interested in participating in the auction will submit the list to me before this Thursday. Of course. If relatives and friends are willing to participate in this charity activity, the school is also welcome."

After Jiang Yuchen left, the school exploded.

"This activity has just finished in the experimental middle school next door, and I heard that a painting cost four thousand yuan!"

"I'm telling you, you are not allowed to say it out, my uncle told me last night, and now all the teachers in each class are trying hard." A little fat man said proudly without lowering the volume.

Wei Sheng didn't remember what this classmate was called, but after hearing his uncle brag about being a certain school leader, he couldn't help but **** his ears to listen to the gossip.

Someone can't help asking, "What to test? Who donated more than?"

"Of course, there is a face! Whoever asks is generous, donated a lot, and the teacher has a light on his face!" The little fat man raised his voice, as if the drake who was using a voice changer was quite sharp, "just As I know now, it’s decided that Ma Xiaohong’s dad will ask the provincial radio leader to come over in the third year of high school. Su Shengli, the first grade of our second year, is his dad...

The little fat man's words were interrupted by Jiang Yuchen, who returned to the class again, but Teacher Jiang only beckoned to the room at the door, "Xia Fei, Wei Sheng and Luo Dinglei, the three of you come out."

The three looked at each other and stood up and walked out of the classroom.

As soon as the three of them left the house, there was an uproar in the class, and the little fat man took the lead and shouted, "Look at what I said! Start pulling people!"


What the little fat guy said was really good. Jiang Yuchen did not take the three to the office, but took out the teaching building to the tree-lined path of the playground, and explained the nature of this charity activity while walking, which was similar to what he said in the class. The general is the same.

Finally, she turned her head to look at the three with an embarrassed smile, "The teacher can't hire anyone in the capital, Xia Fei, can you ask your father for help when you go home? It's better to get a few comparisons... ..."

Xia Fei smiled sharply, "A heavy friend? No problem, leave it to me. Teacher Jiang, just put your heart in your stomach."

Jiang Yuchen smiled awkwardly and nodded.

She was also quite helpless in this matter. She didn't know what the school decentralized tasks to each grade was like, but the grade leader could speak very thoroughly, asking all the teachers to make great efforts in this matter and cannot be given by the experimental middle school. It's better than that. Colleagues speak bluntly enough, but they can’t be so blunt with students.

She looked at Luo Dinglei again, the latter jumped up like a handsome man, picked a leaf and put it beside her mouth, "Okay, I will let my second uncle come for this matter. I can't find any other relationships."

Jiang Yuchen turned his gaze on Wei Sheng again, and the latter groaned, "Teacher Jiang, I am a newcomer in Beijing, so I really don't have any significant relatives or friends."

Wang Tao is definitely a person who can tell, but if you ask him to come out, don’t you want to lift your veil? This is not worth the loss. If you donate money, you can also donate. It’s not a good idea to ask someone to come forward. When Jiang Yuchen wants to have a weight , Wei Sheng can’t invite Shao Chengdong, or Xia Fei’s father, Xia Qiguo, in S Sea, right?

Jiang Yuchen was a little disappointed, and Fang Luo Dinglei reminded him, "Aren't all of your friends very rich?"

Wei Sheng frowned and said that he was not very familiar with them either.

However, Jiang Yuchen finally handed over the task of organizing the third shift to the three, but the one who was most concerned about this matter was undoubtedly Xia Fei, who had always liked to show his face.

Later, Wei Sheng learned that this was the idea of ??the dean of education Chen Kaiyi, but the order and the down, the teachers of all classes followed suit, and in a unified way, the public welfare auction was directed to an activity organized by students in all aspects.



It’s the scorching sun in the afternoon. Perhaps the news agency’s president Ma Xiaohong now has a new job assignment, so at noon the school CD is playing melodious music on the loudspeaker, and the students may laugh and dance on the tree-lined road, or Gallop freely on the court, or take a nice nap on the desktop under the classroom electric fan.

Of course, it is also possible to gather together under closed-circuit television to watch the weekly star, and then burst into arrogant ridicule.

Wei Sheng stepped into the room with the ice cream in his mouth, and saw himself on the TV with a lollipop in his legs, and he responded to Ma Xiaohong one by one, "Senior sister, don't you know that you can't believe the rumors?"

"Then the elder sister wants to interview you. How old did you learn to drive? As far as I know, your age seems to be unable to get a driver's license?"

"So I didn't go to get a driver's license?" Wei Sheng smiled playfully.

There was another burst of laughter below the TV.

"Oh? According to you, racing is just your hobby and personal interest, so I am curious if you have this qualification to attend the official competition?"

"I haven't participated in a formal competition." Wei Sheng still smiled.

Loud laughter broke out under the TV again.

Of course, not everyone is very interested in the program. The representative of the Chinese class, Du Chen, is reciting English words and is rather disdainful. "Tragedy will destroy the valuable things of life for others to see, and comedy will tear away the worthless things. It's broken for people to see."

Lu Shishi turned back when he heard the words, "What do you mean? Are you a curse tragedy or a comedy?" josei

"I said it's boring." Du Chen raised his chin and turned his head to look at the weeping willows floating outside the window, quite a sense of loneliness and arrogance, lonely and arrogant.

And Wei Sheng, who was standing at the door, was slapped by the person behind him. Turning his head, he saw Ma Xiaohong’s undisturbed smile, but Wei Sheng now seems to have a little more hypocrisy in this smile. I heard that she specially invited several students from H Province, including Yang Miao, to conduct an interview with the affected people for the interview next week. This made Yang Miao really uncomfortable for a while.

"You are in charge of your class, right? Let's go, the heads of each class will report to me the registration situation together at noon."

While speaking, he jumped over Wei Sheng's shoulders to look at the TV, and the students who laughed from time to time under the TV, the smile on his face looked less brilliant.

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