Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 770

Chapter 770: Just fight for face (two more)

Chapter 770: Just fight for face (two more)

The atmosphere in the court became more and more irritable. Luo Quankun scored 400 yuan to win the handwriting that I don't know who wrote it, while Du Chen's father spent 300 yuan to buy his son's masterpiece. josei

The whole hall seems to have entered a 400 yuan curse since the first pencil drawing was taken. As long as the price reaches 400, there will be no one to bid for the price, and Ma Xiaohong's face is not very attractive.

Finally, someone in the rear was polished patiently by the sleepy atmosphere, and asked in a loud voice, "When will the shooting of the second and third Wei Sheng models start?"

"Hurry up, what are you going to do with the finale?"

After hearing these words, Ma Xiaohong couldn't help but curled his eyebrows and smiled weirdly, turned to look at the several tables of young people that hula la, feeling strange and scared. Aside, Ma Xiaohong’s father, Ma Zhen, also frowned, but he did not look back at those **** from beginning to end. He could not help but whispered to his daughter at this moment, "Students in your school, usually Do you have a lot of contact with these people outside?"

With that said, Ma Zhen took a picture of a handmade toy at a price of 300 yuan. After entering the venue, he observed that the price has been basically set, and Ma Zhen then took the meaning of something. Principal Fang Chen couldn't help frowning when he saw this. It seemed that although some parents from the family were invited, they were really unwilling to do their best in the event.

Ma Xiaohong hurriedly shook his head when he heard the words, "We are a key high school. Oh, that was called by a new exchange student. I heard that she was still speeding outside." Speaking of this, I thought it would not be the speeding party. Right?

The clamor continued from the rear, but Ma Xiaohong had already moved his mind. If these people were the speeding party, they might have a bit of money in their hands. I heard that Wei Sheng was pretty good at the Wulong Mountain race, and these people clamored to shoot. Her exhibits...

Thinking about this, Ma Xiaohong had already beckoned to a few students in H Province who were on the sidelines. Yang Miao came over. After she gave a few words in a low voice, Yang Miao was taken aback and nodded hastily.

Then, after a hand-woven exquisite Chinese knot was auctioned off.

The host on the stage took the new exhibit, "Let’s take a look, huh? This is interesting. This is a sports car model made by Wei Sheng from the second and third class of high school. You can take a look. It’s very realistic." He said. Yang Gao deliberately teases the gloomy atmosphere in the court, but the effect is not good.

But as soon as these words came out, the group of ‘hustle’ sitting behind craned their necks.

Immediately afterwards, laughter rang out from the crowd, "Okay, I'll photograph this object. Why don't you rob you of me today for your face?"

A man at the next table lit his cigarette and smiled, "Master Zhang, today I have pushed several million-level customers to come here on a special trip. You just told me to go home with a word. Isn’t that reasonable?"

"Heh! Xie Cheng, I heard that your club is about to be played pornographically by you. If the million-level customers don't hurry back to receive them, why are you running here to make fun?"

"Liu Likun, didn't you just take down the land in Xicheng to build a golf course? It's all left over from Lao Tzu's play, so you dare to yell at me?" The young man called Xie Cheng was already angry.

Someone immediately agreed, "Two years ago, Shao Liu was playing in the mud behind my ass. Now that I have climbed up, and one person has been able to ascend to the sky, I have to respectfully call Liu Shao, thank you. I can’t resist the old."

The back suddenly burst into loud noises, but all these voices raised their voices, and the content of the conversation was enough to make the dazed people in the field look back in surprise.

"I'll give out fifty thousand!" Suddenly some of these young people held up a placard.

However, this voice obviously didn't startle others around, and some even said with a smile, "Don't tell me, if you want to play, let's play bigger. How about 100,000 calls, not less than 100,000 each time?"

In the later group of young masters, some of them fell silent, but some also laughed and applauded to agree.

Wei Sheng couldn't help being a little bit stunned. Huo Feier curled his lips and shook the mineral water bottle in his hand. "There are rivers and lakes where there are people, no, there are rivers and lakes where there are these people. Look, you're getting angry again, right? ."

"It doesn't count as fifty thousand just now, everyone, let me start with a sample! One hundred thousand!" A young man in a royal blue suit and long-faced leather shoes stood up, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and was there with a sign in the other. It swayed, quite high-profile and eye-catching.

"Two hundred thousand!" Xie Cheng, who was wearing a crocodile leather waistcoat, raised the sign in his hand.

Whether it's Principal Chen or the host in front of him, he is already dumbfounded, asking his heart to say that this is for real or is it a fool?

The gold medal reporter Ma Zhen had already turned around in surprise and looked at the group of people carefully. He hadn't seen the people behind, but he saw a young girl who was smiling and cuddling next to the man. Isn't it true that she has been following her recently A certain third-line actress who was rumored by the young masters in Beijing?

Seeing Wei Sheng's surprise, Huo Feier couldn't help but smile and soothed, "The nightclub in the capital is a little bit more stalled. The price of two bottles of wine at night is more than this price. This group of people can make a special trip here to shoot your model. Today It’s certainly not the money for a meal."

At this time, the price has been bid up to 300,000 yuan, a paper shell model, even Wei Sheng thought it was exaggerated.

But she also knows that this group of young women is fighting for fame and status, and now it doesn't matter whether you are plastic or paper, in fact they are fighting for face.

Just like the rumors at this time, whoever can invite this racer will have a face, and some people may even have never watched a car race, but they know that this is a matter of earning face. It is passed from person to person, and Wei Sheng is on fire , And things spread, this auction is on fire.

"Why don't I know you anymore, eh? A hundred thousand calls are really one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand up? Five hundred thousand!" As he said, the man got up and mentioned a **** bag under the table. Desktop, unzip...

The audience was in an uproar!

There are huge red bills of one hundred yuan in it, stacks full of money, but the man continues to laugh, "I can’t swipe the card, right? The cash you brought today, if you guys have no objection, I But just cash transactions?"

After all, this man looked around triumphantly. Of course, all he looked at was the group of young people sitting behind and behind the door, but he didn't even put the others in the front row in his eyes.

"Fun." Li Lu curled her lips.

Principal Chen saw that the other party was taking out the money, so he could not help taking off his glasses and taking out the lenses to wipe them carefully. His eyes turned tumultuously, and asked Chen Kaiyi next to him.

"Sophomore, Wei Sheng."

"The exhibits belonged to Wei Sheng, the second and third high school?" President Chen didn't pay attention earlier.

Director Chen sullen his face and nodded heavily.

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