Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Without waiting for the rest of the pirates to consider, on the Pirate Ship with the word ‘Brother Hao’ written on its sail, one silhouette jumped out directly from it. Huge power erupted from both legs, and the ice block of more than ten meters around the silhouette broke instantly. The cracks spread on the ice surface for hundreds of meters before it stopped.

This seems to be a signal. Because after that, more than a dozen silhouettes jumped off the Pirate Ships. Every time they landed on the ground, there were huge movements, like a demonstration to the opposite Marine.

How could Marine lose to pirates in an imposing manner?

At the same time, all Marine generals also jumped down from the bow.

The two sides stood on the ice like this, staring at each other.

A distance of one kilometer is trifling for them. But, for both Marine and pirates, they can reach them at their speed in tens of seconds.

When the two armies rushed forward, the powerful Marine generals and the pirate captains had already reached the center of the ice sheet with extreme speed.

Before the physical person arrived, the attacks had arrived first.

The various powerful attacks violently collided in the center of the battlefield, and the powerful shock wave vented on the extremely thick ice. Soon, the center of the battlefield was blocked by thick ice fog, and the figures of both sides were also hidden behind the ice fog.


[TL note: Ice Time Capsule (Aisu Taimu Kapuseru): Using his powers, Kuzan sends a wave of ice along the ground. Anything it hits is frozen in place. A “time capsule” is a container storing a selection of objects chosen as being typical of the present time, buried for discovery in the future.]

Several ice balls rushed out of Kuzan’s ice-changing palm, passing through the thick ice mist. The air formed into small ice particles under the extreme cold temperature. There, a fuzzy band of ice appeared in the air.


A ball of fire flashed in the ice mist, and then an explosion sounded. The thick ice mist was instantly washed away, and the two sides silhouetted immediately came out.

At this time, the two sides were only a few dozen meters apart, and behind the pirates, an ice sculpture stood standing behind. He was frozen while running in a hurry.

The pirates behind watching this scene; their faces could not help showing a look of shock. —You must know that this Pirate bounty gold reached 120 million but was solved that easily. This is the combat power that an Admiral should have.

Although their comrade was solved by one move, it was still not enough to scare away the captains, especially Shi Zhihao, the most powerful among them. He could also do this kind of thing.

Dozens of meters, both parties can reach each other in an instant.

Not much to say, the Marine generals have chosen their opponents long ago, and the pirates did the same.




A series of collisions sounded, accompanied by countless explosions. Fortunately, Kuzan’s “Ice Age” formidable power is big and strong enough. The ice layer is very thick. Otherwise, this first wave of impact would destroy the ground.

Shi Zhihao looked at the tall Vice Admiral in front of him with a cautious expression on his face. Then, without saying much, his right hand clenched a fist, his power gathered on his right arm.


His speed has suddenly increased, about twice as fast as before, and there is a pale red on the right fist, which is difficult to find if you look carefully.

The fist that was shook violently rubbed against the air. There was an abnormally high temperature on the whole fist, and there was a faint heat.

Shi Zhihao’s fist hit Kuzan’s lower abdomen accurately, but Shi Zhihao’s face was not showing joy. He quickly retracted his arm.

—There was no drop of blood flowing out of Kuzan’s abdomen. Instead, a lot of transparent ice appeared, which sealed Shi Zhihao’s fist. The hit Kuzan also slowly began to change, leaving only an ice sculpture in place. Kuzan had already avoided him. josei

Shi Zhihao wanted to take his fist out, but Kuzan’s ice was not so easy to be pulled out, and Shi Zhihao did not dare to smash the ice. In a short time, Shi Zhihao felt that he gradually lost feelings on his hand. This is a symptom that the blood is frozen.

At this time, if the ice cube is broken, his arm will probably break, and he will become one-armed. This is not what Shi Zhihao hopes to see.

On the ice surface, not far from Shi Zhihao’s feet, a block of ice rose slowly. Kuzan’s figure slowly appeared, but only the upper body appeared. His lower body remained in the ice. Slowly opened the hands that were longer than ordinary people, exhaled the cold breath continuously, and hugged Shi Zhihao.

Shi Zhihao’s face turned pale upon seeing this, but he still couldn’t move, and he shouted in a low voice, “Double Outburst.”

The light red light on his body suddenly deepened a bit, and the slow flow of blood on his right arm also added up, and a trace of white gas rose from the ice-covered place on the right arm, but this was not enough. It was not enough to break free of Kuzan’s ice.

At this time, Kuzan’s shoulder was only ten centimeters away from Shi Zhihao, and Shi Zhihao was surrounded by his hands.


With an angry shout, Shi Zhihao’s pale red body deepened again, turning into a pale red color, and white heat radiated from all over his body. Before he floated far, at this temperature, he was frozen into ice particles and fell to the ground.


[TL note: Ice Time (Aisu Taimu): Kuzan touches his opponent to freeze them into a human ice statue. The victim in question can remain alive in their icy prison for some time, in a state of suspended animation, but any decent hit will shatter them to pieces. If the ice is melted quickly and carefully, a victim can return to normal without lasting repercussions. However, the ice can also be shattered from the inside out, shown when Donquixote Doflamingo almost immediately broke loose from being frozen; this, however, was mentioned by Buffalo to be due to his heart not being frozen, and Kuzan had not been in direct contact with Doflamingo when freezing him. The technique keeps its original name in the FUNimation dub.]

Kuzan’s arms tightened suddenly, but unfortunately, the speed was a little slow. Shi Zhihao had already freed his right arm.

Seeing a flash of white light, Shi Zhihao’s figure had disappeared before he could see what was born, and it was several times faster than Shave.

Before Kuzan finished looking for Shi Zhihao, a white light flashed, and a red, steaming figure appeared behind Kuzan. His right fist was slightly raised towards Kuzan.

Kuzan complexion slightly changed. Obviously, Kuzan was surprised by the strength of this Pirate. But, before Kuzan could act, he kicked back with a well-charged kick. —Like the cracking sound of broken glass, countless small pieces of ice flew in the air with a punch, like a goddess scattered flowers.

Before, Shi Zhihao could just punch through with a single punch. Now, with his single punch, it turned into countless broken ice. In just a few seconds, Shi Zhihao’s strength increased several times more than before, but he still missed the target.


On the side, the other Marine generals were also fighting the pirates vigorously. The physical skills, sword technique, and fruit abilities were dazzling.



A huge force suddenly came from the giant hammer above. The Vice-Admiral Momonga’s legs couldn’t help but bend. His right hand holding the sword couldn’t help but tremble, and the ice beneath his feet sank a few centimeters under this huge force.

With a snap, the Vice-Admiral Momonga held the sword hilt in his left hand. Then, with both hands full, the western sword in his hand, he used them to stop the downward trend and gritted his teeth. Then, with both hands, he gradually pushed up the giant hammer above.

Seeing that the giant hammer in his hand rose instead of falling, the big man hurriedly used force, but the giant hammer was still rising, and Vice Admiral Momonga’s legs straightened.

Just when Vice Admiral Momonga was about to push the giant hammer away, one silhouette appeared next to him. With a long white sword in his hand, a cold glow on the smooth sword blade in the moonlight, and the bright red blood is dripping along the sharp blade slowly on the ice mountain.

There was a terrifying murderous aura exuding his whole body. The several wounds on his body highlight the murderous aura on this man, which shocked the soul.

This strong murderous aura was certainly felt by Vice-Admiral Momonga. When he turned around, he saw the man behind him, the Marine Rear Admiral, was lying on the ground not far away.

But looking at the blood flowing on the ice, you can probably guess that even if this Marine Rear Admiral is alive, he has more air intake and less air vent.

Looking at this man, the big man showed a hint of joy on his face and shouted: “Military officer, quickly get rid of this Marine Vice Admiral.”

Both the man and the big man came from the Blue Pirate Group. The captain is a rough man named Bodili, who is good at using a sledgehammer. The man is a military adviser named Drew. He is usually very elegant, but once he fights, the second personality buried in his heart will come out and become extremely bloodthirsty and warlike.

The man held the long sword and moved straight towards Vice Admiral Momong. The sharp blade slashed the ice and made a zhi zhi sound.

The long sword was lifted upwards, a sword gas stormed out, and an ice mist filled the place where it passed, leaving only an icy zone more than ten centimeters deep.

Seeing the sword aura’s attack, the Momonga’s arm strength suddenly increased. Then, he pushed the giant hammer in one fell swoop and hurriedly withdrew the long sword backhand horizontally as a block.


Momonga’s body immediately exploded, pushing it straight for more than ten meters, leaving two deep marks on the ice. This sword aura dissipated.

“Vice-Admiral Momonga, I’ll help you.”

As soon as the voice fell, a slash came and directly pushed back the big man. Momonga tilted his head to see. It turned out to be the Vice Admiral Bastille, who had solved his opponent and came to support.


On the other side.

Thousands of Marine soldiers collided with an even greater number of pirates. Since 80% of the pirates, who are considered cannon fodder, joined the battlefield, the number between the Marines and pirates instantly became extremely large.

The number of Marine soldiers was slightly higher than those of pirates, but now the number of pirates far exceeds Marine. Thousands of people can fight on flat ground, but it is not based on the number to determine the victory.

From high altitude, you can see that although the Marine only has thousands of people, but their formation is not messy at all.

The pirates are completely fierce, rushing without formation.

When the two sides reached a hundred meters gap, the Marine suddenly stopped. The guns and shoulder-resistance artillery that had been prepared were raised together.

What it feels like to be confronted by thousands of guns and hundreds of cannons?

The pirates in the front row experienced panic. Their whole bodies were instantly soaked in a cold sweat. They wanted to run away, but they can’t. Who knows how many pirates are behind them? They only knew that they rushed forward desperately, pushing the Pirate in front, and couldn’t stop even if they wanted to.

In the horrified eyes of the pirates, thousands of Marines pulled the trigger together. The ice field of the dark night was suddenly filled and illuminated by countless rays of light.

Thousands of bullets penetrated the human body and produced a continuous series of “puffs”. This is the unique sound of metal penetrating the human body. It is accompanied by a strong explosion and screams. What beautiful music.

With the gigantic performances of tens of thousands of people, the soundtrack of hundreds of lives, and the strong rumbling sound, this is a rare music event in the world.

In this wave of attacks, hundreds of pirates were killed on the spot, and thousands of pirates were injured. Unfortunately, the number of pirates was still higher than that of Marine, but it is a rare achievement to achieve such a result.


No one knows who made that sound, but then thousands of ‘kill’ were roared. The Marines took the weapons in their hands and slew towards the opponent like a rainbow. The Marines’ powerful attack caught the pirates by surprise. Most pirates were blinded at the time.

By the time they reacted, thousands of Marines had already advanced more than ten meters away, and the pirates had to hurriedly resist.

This great battle of tens of thousands of people has finally reached its climax at this moment. At the moment of the collision, hundreds of silhouettes fell, which also meant that hundreds of lives had disappeared.

This is war.

There are no lonely heroes, and there is no such magical scene in TV and movies that rushes into the enemy. Thousands of people don’t hit you with a bullet.

There is only one purpose in everyone’s heart, and that is to kill the enemy desperately. So the matter of being alive has been handed over to God at this moment.

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