Rebirth In the College Entrance Examination: Making a Fortune with a Rough Man

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: 76 Make Friends

Chapter 76 76 Making Friends

In the first class on the first day, everyone came very early, full of enthusiasm and excitement, as well as longing and expectation for the future.

When Yuzhi arrived, most of the people were already there. They were sitting neatly in the classroom, and a few groups of three or five gathered together to communicate. No matter where the people came from, they were all people with the same dream at the moment.

There is no place in front, Yuzhi walks slowly to the back.

The outstanding appearance and temperament once again attracted a lot of attention.

She also didn't pay attention to it, and she felt every scene and thing in the university with all her heart, and everything made her feel agitated.

Meng Wenjun didn't come today, her face was still swollen, she didn't have the face to come.

Puppy-legged Wang Cuicui came, and when he saw Yuzhi, his eyes looked like he was killing his father and enemy, very fierce.

Yuzhi was so focused on experiencing college life that she didn't notice it at all.

I picked a middle point and sat down where I could see the podium clearly, but there was no one there.

Sitting next to her was a girl with a round face. The girl’s family background must not be very good. Her clothes were covered with patches, but they were washed very clean.

Because of the cold wind, the cheeks were flushed, peeled, cracked, and finally turned into layers of black shells.

His hands have chilblains, with black and red blood scabs.

There are cracks on the palm and fingertips, exposing the bright red tender flesh inside.

With a slight movement, the pus and blood flowed out, which hurt even just looking at it.

But the girl didn't feel inferior because of this, on the contrary, she was very calm, and put it outside openly, so that if people saw it, they would see it.

Seeing that Yuzhi was going to sit next to him, he immediately raised a smile.

"Hello classmate, my name is Xia Xiaoyue, do you want to sit? There is no one here."

Reaching out her hand without hitting the smiling face, this girl has very clear eyes, neither humble nor overbearing, no scheming, not to mention Yuzhi is not a lonely person.

Seeing this, he also returned a smiling face: "Hello, my name is Yuzhi, and I'll just sit here."

"Yuzhi, that's great, hurry up, sit down quickly, I wiped the stool, it's clean."


Yuzhi was not polite and sat down.

Xia Xiaoyue is very familiar, and smiled and chatted with Yuzhi: "Where are you from, Yuzhi? I'm from Suibei Province. Our place is always cold, colder than the imperial capital."

"In Jinji Province, our place is slightly better than here."

"Jinji Province? I only read it in books. If I hadn't been admitted to university, I wouldn't even be able to leave our Shangada. It is not convenient for us to get to the imperial capital. When we come out of the mountain, we have to walk two day, and then go to the commune, county town, and then to the provincial capital to take the train, the train takes four days, and you will suffer on the way.”

Yu Zhi also felt a little tongue-tied when he heard it. He thought that the Cooper Brigade was far enough away, but he didn't expect that there were more places.

"People in your area don't study much, right?" Jinji Province, their location is much better than Xia Xiaoyue's hometown, because of poverty, remoteness and backwardness, there are not many children who study, let alone such a remote place.

Xia Xiaoyue smiled and nodded again and again: "No, it's just me. I can come to the imperial capital to study, but our entire commune contributes to the travel expenses. I am the pride and hope of our Ganshan commune."

Xia Xiaoyue seemed to have opened up the chatter box, and said in a low-pitched voice: "We are poor in Shanga, and we are also backward and ignorant. We don't know anything except walking around the pot in the field every day."

"Most people, from birth to death, don't even come out of the mountain nest. The place that children look forward to most is the commune that adults often say. In children's cognition, the commune is the most prosperous and richest place. .”

"If it weren't for a group of educated youths who came to us one year ago, I would be like everyone else, and I would never leave the mountain nest until I died, and the commune would become the place I most look forward to."

"I work hard every day to keep my stomach full, get up early and stay late, and live a life that can see the end at a glance."

It sounded very sad, but Xia Xiaoyue said it with a happy face. There was no sadness or disgust in her eyes, nor was she sad or inferior. She really didn't care.

In her opinion, the ignorance, poverty, and hardships in the past are all the wealth she has obtained today, so she cherishes and is grateful.

"When the educated youth came, I was fourteen years old, and my family members began to tell me about my husband's family, but when I saw those educated youths, they could read and write, count, and read. I knew many things that I had never heard of before. things, the whole body is bathed in the breath of books."

"I saw a different life from them. For the first time, I knew that people can still live like that. I was very envious. At that time, I made up my mind to become like them and live in the mountain nest. , our ancestors have lived differently from generation to generation, and we must live a different life.”

"So, I begged my parents to let me go to school. But there is no food at home, so there is no money for me to study. I have to help the family to earn work points. It is impossible to study."

"I don't want to give up, I begged several times, promised not to delay work, not to earn less work points, and, I only need one year, if I can't keep up with the progress of my peers in one year, I will never mention going to school again .”

"My parents actually loved me. Seeing how stubborn I was, they gritted their teeth and agreed. That year, except for holidays, I stayed at school and studied day and night with the help of my teachers and classmates."

"When I go home during the holidays, I work hard and try to earn back all the work points I owe. My brothers and sisters at home help me, and my parents also try to let me work less and spend more time reading. The whole family They all support me."josei

Yuzhi understood that she grew up in such a loving family, which is why she has such a cheerful personality and pure heart.

Xia Xiaoyue continued: "The hard work that year was really hard, but it was very fulfilling, and the rewards for my efforts were also very gratifying. Not only did I keep up with the progress, but I also got the first place in the exam."

"In one year, I caught up with the progress of others in a few years. The teacher was shocked and very happy. He came to my house in person and persuaded my parents to let me read the continuing book. He also said that he was willing to subsidize my tuition."

"Actually, our teachers are not rich. There are old and young, and life is tight. The people in our village are not rich, and the commune that everyone in the village yearns for is just two or three thatched huts."

"My parents saw the hope in my eyes, saw the eagerness in the teacher's eyes, and knew that I could study. If I continued to read, my future would definitely be different. They didn't want me to live a life without a future like theirs."

"So, even if the family can't get rid of the pot, and they rely on a messy meal a day to save their lives, they desperately send me off. All brothers and sisters support me wholeheartedly."

"Later, when the people in the village found out about this, they took a handful of vegetables, a bowl of grain, and a few cents out of their own mouths to support me. Later, I became the only person in the entire commune who was admitted to university. .”

"The leaders of the commune organized everyone to collect donations for me and raise travel expenses for me. Because of everyone, I can sit here and continue to study."

“So, my dream is to return to my hometown after I finish my studies.”

Yuzhi was shocked when he heard that, never thought that there would be such a simple place and simple people.

She felt Xia Xiaoyue's pride and drive, her pride, hard work, and her perseverance.

Xia Xiaoyue saw that Yuzhi didn't respond for a long time, and she smiled embarrassedly: "Are you tired of listening? Sorry, I have been talking a lot since I was a child. My parents always said that I am a talker and can't keep my mouth shut."

"I just don't talk and I feel panicked. I've been in the dormitory for the past few days. It's been miserable for me. It's rare to meet someone who is willing to listen to me. I'll confiscate it at once. I'm sorry."

Yuzhi smiled and shook her head: "I'm not bothered, I'm just moved by your story. Come on, as long as your pure heart remains unchanged, you will achieve what you want."

"Hey, what's so touching about this, we are remote, and everyone just signs up for a group to keep warm. But thank you for your encouragement, I will definitely work hard, and I will not forget my original intention. You are so kind, thank you."

Yuzhi raised her lips: "I didn't do anything, why is it all right? What can I do to thank me?"

"You are willing to listen to me and encourage me. You are a good person. The people in our dormitory, seeing my rotten hands and face, torn clothes, and dirty words, all despise me, don't talk to me, and don't talk to me. Sit together and tell me that I smell bad."

"Only you don't dislike me. After so many days, only you are willing to listen to me. You are different from those people in the city."

Yu Zhi shook his head and smiled, there are not so many people in the city, but there are not many people as poor as Xia Xiaoyue.

After all, no matter how much you love your child, filling your stomach is the most important thing. No one gathers the power of the whole commune to send a child out to study.

Those who can afford to read have more or less families, and they still have some wealth, at least not to the point of no end.

It's hard to find someone who can be as poor as Xia Xiaoyue.

But she was not much richer than her. After all, in the general environment, there are not many rich people.

Thus, those who dislike Xia Xiaoyue actually have average family backgrounds.

They dislike Xia Xiaoyue, but they are just psychologically satisfying their vanity.

Thinking this way, Yuzhi felt that it was a wise move not to stay on campus. These people had too many ideas, and she couldn't get along with them.

Of course not everyone is like this, maybe Xia Xiaoyue is unlucky, and the dormitory I live in happens to be full of people like this.

"You are very good, you take care of your studies and life, and you get everything by your own efforts. You are worthy of learning and praise. You don't need to care about other people's external evaluation of you. You know what you have and what you rely on is good."

"Well, I don't care, I know what they are thinking, but with your encouragement, I am even happier. Yuzhi, which dormitory do you live in, I will go and play with you when the time comes."

"I'm not in good health, so I don't live on campus."

"Oh, no wonder I haven't seen you in the dormitory. Your body looks thinner. What strength will you have in the future? Tell me, I will help you, I am very strong."

"Okay, thank you."

On the first day of school, Yuzhi gained a friendship.

The teacher walked into the classroom, and the classroom was instantly quiet, and everyone watched with wide eyes.

In the first class, knowledge will not be taught, everyone will get to know each other first, and then make simple arrangements for subsequent studies, such as selecting cadres, receiving books, and cleaning.

University courses are not very full, and the first day is especially easy.

While others were busy recommending and showing herself, Yuzhi was earnestly memorizing the class schedule, which was the only task assigned to her by her family.

The bustle and bustle lasted until after ten o'clock. The books were distributed to each of them, and the teachers and classmates had a long talk. At the end, it was almost eleven o'clock, and school was over.

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