Rebirth: King to Superstar

Chapter 31 - Meeting The Young Miss Again

Chapter 31 - Meeting The Young Miss Again


"He? I don't know him. He suddenly started coming with the young miss a week and it seems like he is drooling over her. It's none of our business what the rich people do. That's why only when they come I try to flatter them." The boss shrugged. He didn't want to piss anyone influential off, so it was ok to act like that for some time.

"That woman doesn't give a shit about that guy. He looks like a dog, going after her all the time." Gah Soo laughed.

"Do you know their names, Boss?" Joon-won finally asked a question. He wanted to know more about the people who might bring trouble for him and stay away as far as possible from them.

The boss shook his head. "No, Joon-won. They never told me their name and only said they were students of Arios Drama University and also in the same major as yours, Acting. They should be in their 2nd year now so your direct senior. Be careful Joon-won, I don't know why that girl suddenly asked me about you but it doesn't look like that guy will take the disrespect you should quietly." He was still worried about his worker.

Joon-won nodded and got back to work as customers got into the store. The boss excused himself and everything returned to normal. After his shift was completed, he reached his class and got inside. He already noticed that the drama was much faster than the last two days, as they were already near his scene. He walked up and sat in his seat with Jung-hwa beside him, reading a script.

"You don't have work tomorrow, do you?" Jung-hwa lifted her head and asked.

Joon-won shook his head as he went through his script. Jung-hwa went back to reading her own script. After a while, he was called up and completed both his scenes quicker than yesterday as the actors are not as awkward as before. He noticed Jung-hwa was able to adapt to the changes and be in flow with the other actors in the scene.

Before he went back home, Joon-won looked at her and asked, "Are you going to go back home this summer?"

Jung-hwa looked up, surprised by the strange question, and nodded.

"I plan to go for the first 3 weeks of our 2 months' holiday. My dad demanded, and I need to go back. Why? Did you change your plans and also coming back?" Firing off questions once again.

He shook his head and said, "No, No. I might need some help after you go there. That's why I'm asking you." He couldn't go back because of the plans he made, and the summer was an important time. So if things became more difficult with Yun-hee, he couldn't ask her to check what she has been doing lately.

"Oh, what kind of help are we talking about? I'll be free for most of the time so it'll be ok."

"Not now, I'll ask if needed." He had no intentions to reveal what things were happening in his house to others.

After the small talk, he decided to not go home and went straight to the library. His body was sore from yesterday's sudden workout session and he pushed it through work in the morning and practice in the afternoon. Now it was aching a little. So he went to the library to increase a bit of his knowledge of the world once again while resting a little.

Reaching the library, he noticed the same middle-aged woman behind the counter and walked up to her. He handed in his ID and signed his name on the register. Walking up to the same world history, he took out another book which looked better than the previous one and started reading it slowly.

Time flew as the sun was going down. He closed the book and stood up once again. The current book was more detailed than the previous one, which gave him more information about the world.

Walking out of the library, he went out of the university and saw the young miss he saw in the store as she stood beside a good-looking car. He didn't want anything to do with her and slowly walked away. The young miss obviously caught Joon-won's figure as he walked away and remembered him from the store, as a smile formed on her face.

She got inside the car and slowly drove towards him. Getting closer to him, she rolled down the window, took off the sunglasses she had on, and said, "Get in. I'll give you a ride home." With a charming smile on her face.

Joon-won couldn't help but curse his luck. He never thought in a million years that his luck would be so bad for the woman to identify him, even when his back was facing her.

He looked at her and said, "No, need. I'm fine by walking home. Please carry on with your work and not get involved with someone like me." And walked faster.

He finally noticed her looks when he turned towards her. She was definitely the most beautiful woman he saw after getting to that world. She had long blonde hair with alluring blue eyes and a face that can catch anyone's attention.

But all of that didn't matter to him, as he just wanted to not have any contact with her.

"Hahahahah, what a cocky boy. Do you know that you're the first man I invited into my car?" She raised her eyebrows, looking at him. She found this man more amusing. He gave off a different feeling back in the store, which caught her attention, but she forgot about him after that. But now he seemed very different, and she wanted to know more about him.

"Why would I know if any man got into your car? That's none of my business, and today's the first time I saw you. Also, don't think every man is the same because if you did, some things can be shocking. Getting confident only because you look good. Now don't follow me or I'll call the police," He sneered and tried to threaten her. He knew the police won't be of any help but it wouldn't be bad for him to try.

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