Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman

Chapter 256 - This Helicopter Of Yours, Can I Borrow It?

Chapter 256 - This Helicopter Of Yours, Can I Borrow It?

Chapter 256: This Helicopter Of Yours, Can I Borrow It?

The supernatural world! This person’s from the supernatural world!

This was his second time bumping into someone from the supernatural world. Old Jiu kept his eyes locked onto Gu Xiqiao’s body. The force emitted from her body clashed strongly with that of the man-eating flower.

The six golden needles surrounding Gu Xiqiao’s body expanded, each giving off a tremendous amount of energy.

The leaves on the man-eating flower trembled. Each of these leaves were the size of a fully-grown human’s face. It’s pink petals slowly opened up, revealing at its core, a bunch of needle-sharp barbs.

It had already developed intelligence. The man-eating flower wanted to escape but it didn’t want to leave behind the tasty food morsel either. Thus, using its original body, it made a final stand against Gu Xiqiao. On the other side, with six thick and unbreakable green vines, it tangled Old Jiu and the others up into a human bundle.

“You repulsive monster! Give me back Old Ba!” Shi Yi mercilessly stabbed into the green vines with his knife. Although his heart was shaking with fear, his courage had grown significantly when Gu Xiqiao showed up. Now, the only thing he had on his mind was to kill this monster to avenge Old Ba.

Peering up, he came face-to-face with the jade-like face of Gu Xiqiao’s. She glanced at him. “Your strength, are you trying to scratch its itch?”

After saying that, with a swift move, she threw Shi Yi into the top of the pit.


Perhaps out of embarrassment, Shi Yi remained silent.

“Miss Gu! Come save me please!” The menacing green vines had now wrapped itself around Shi Wu’s throat. He screamed with all the energy he had left in his body. “I’m gonna get strangled to death...”

After she had dealt with Shi Yi, she dropped right in front of Shi Wu. With one hand squeezing the ever-living crap out of the green vine, she threw Shi Wu upwards with the other.

After expanding quite the amount of effort, Shi Er managed to slice off a piece of skin from the green vine. A smile broke across his face when he noticed that Gu Xiqiao had come to his rescue. “Miss Gu, you will forever be my idol from here on out. Big Boss ain’t even worth a cent compared to you!”

These six men were all successfully hauled to safety before Gu Xiqiao could tighten her fists. This was her first time seeing such a bizarre-looking creature. She was excited as it seemed like she could go all out in this battle.

Jiang Shuxuan stood idly nearby with his hands behind his back. He squinted as he observed Gu Xiqiao’s every move. At the same time, he raised a barrier around the men who had just been saved.

As soon as Gu Xiqiao released her powers, the man-eating flower seemed unstoppable. The six golden needles she held were treasures, passed down the Jiang family through generations. It was not very far below Jiang Shuxuan’s Seven-Frosted Blade. It was definitely a rare sight to see someone extract their powers completely. It seemed like Gu Xiqiao paired quite well with this item.

The man-eating flower’s weakness was metallic items. Right before it grew stronger, Old Jiu and gang managed to harm it using nothing but short fighting knives. There was no doubt that Gu Xiqiao and her golden needles were capable enough to take down this monster.

It was as large and as solid as two large trucks combined but it took Gu Xiqiao less than a second to reduce the monstrous being into a dead pile of matter with her six golden needles.

Countless green vines, thick and strong were all crushed into dust.

The man-eating flower wanted to make its final attack but unfortunately, Gu Xiqiao was already holding onto its stalk with a death grip.

Next to the sand pit.

“Miss Gu, she...”

“She’s the one who I said is from the supernatural world.” Old Jiu peered down at the bottom of the pit. The landscape below was completely unrecognizable but they all could feel the waves radiating from below. Still, they were completely excluded from the fight. In fact, when a piece of green vine came flying out of nowhere, before it could get out of the sandpit, it bounced off of a clear wall of sorts.

Shi Si wiped his face. “Isn’t she a mechanical engineering student at A University? She’s the one who built Jiji.”

When did she become a member of the supernatural world?

Old Jiu took in a deep breath. “For one, she’s really smart. Even in the supernatural world, she remains at the top of the pyramid.” Among the group of six, he was the one who had the most extensive understanding of the supernatural world.

When he said that, everyone turned to look at Gu Xiqiao with amazement in their eyes.

To them, the supernatural world was something so far away it was impossible to reach.

A couple of minutes later, Gu Xiqiao, alongside Jiang Shuxuan came up to them. “Hurry up and leave, this place will collapse at any given time.” The power she had exerted during the battle was too great for this place to handle.

She pulled Jiang Shuxuan away after that.

Yellow sand filled the air in the pit. However, not even a grain of sand was stuck to their bodies. Old Jiu and the others were shocked to see them practically unscathed. They were at a loss for words. Obediently, they trailed behind Gu Xiqiao.

They continued walking for ten minutes before the sand beneath their feet started moving. Shi Yi, who was falling behind the group suddenly realized that the pit behind him was growing exponentially. Countless particles of sand were sweeping inwards and it didn’t seem like it was going to stop soon. He let out a weird scream as he ran forwards. “Good god! Save us Miss Gu!”

No wonder Miss Gu ordered them to leave immediately. This place really was falling apart!

It was after they ran a sizable distance did their pace start to slow down. Old Jiu and co kept staring at Gu Xiqiao, all while glancing at each other.

Jiang Shuxuan glared at Shi Yi the tenth time he looked over at Gu Xiqiao. Squeezing his wrist tightly, he threatened, “I’ll gouge your eyes out.”

Shi Yi was caught off-guard.


‘You think I’m afraid of you?! The only person I’m afraid of is Miss Gu!’

Jiang Shuxuan glared at him with a pair of hostile eyes that were as cold as ice. Shi Yi felt a chill crawl up his spine, making him shiver for a second. ‘Damn! You’re not as powerful as Miss Gu but why the heck are you so terrifying?!’

“Miss Gu.” As the leader of his group, Old Jiu was the first to open up. “I didn’t think that we’d bump into such a powerful fighter in the middle of a desert. Sending the most powerful assets the military possesses might not even make a dent in the man-eating flower. Jiji has provided us with a massive supply of water. I thought you were only a machinist but to think that you’re also someone from the supernatural world, you really made me perplexed...”

“It’s shocking.”

“Miss Gu, you’re probably a part of the Big Three families in the ancient martial arts world, no?”

Old Jiu shook his head. “I don’t know about that. But, not even the core members of the Big Three are comparable to Miss Gu.”

“Old Jiu once said that people from the supernatural world are only slightly stronger than those from the secular world. Apart from the top dogs, most of them can’t even match the firepower of our modern military. Miss Gu, you really...”

“Your military firepower?” Gu Xiqiao glanced at the man who was speaking. Rubbing her chin, she continued, “Aren’t you guys just a bunch of bodyguards? When did you all turn into soldiers?”

Cough cough! Old Jiu and the others cleared their throats awkwardly. Shi Yi promptly changed the direction of their conversation. “You said you were from A University?” The two were speaking bullcrap in a serious manner, so perhaps the absurdity could be canceled out?

Gu Xiqiao peered back at him and produced her student ID card. “Did I make a mistake? Am I not from A University?”

“Nope, you’re speaking the truth.” Old Jiu slapped Shi Yi and made him go away before flashing an apologetic smile at Gu Xiqiao.

“Stop acting like that. Careful or I’ll let Dog Feed tear a chunk off your bodies!” She shook her hand.

It was only at this moment that Old Jiu and co discovered that the man-eating flower was still alive in her grip. However, it had shrunk significantly and no longer appeared so terrifying. In fact, it seemed pretty adorable. Adorable as it may be, they still harbored feelings of fear towards it.

In order to keep up the act, Dog Feed bared its fangs towards Old Jiu and the others.

“Let’s all be more friendly towards one another, unless you’re interested in losing a piece of your skin!” Gu Xiqiao patted Dog Feed’s petals and it retracted its razor-sharp fangs immediately. Then, it smiled warmly back at Old Jiu.

Satisfied, Gu Xiqiao patted Dog Feed’s head.

Old Jiu was wide-eyed. What in tarnation? This flower had turned into a freaking demon! Wait, no! This thing was already a demon to begin with!

“Is someone missing from your group?” Gu Xiqiao pursed her lips. As soon as they heard her question, Old Jiu and co bowed their heads solemnly. Their faces were filled with nothing apart from pain and sorrow.

This was especially so for Old Jiu, whose eyes have turned red.

Jiang Shuxuan looked up at these men.

Then, he reached out his finger and tapped Dog Feed’s pink petals. He narrowed his eyes as he barked out an order. “Hurry up and spit him out.”

The man-eating flower trembled in fear as it left Gu Xiqiao’s hand. The tiny little flower proceeded to expand to the size of a car. Slowly stretching its bloody maw open, a black being drenched in slime was spat out.

Jiang Shuxuan held his arm out to block Gu Xiqiao so that none of the slime splattered onto their bodies.

“Ah, what the hell is this!” The black figure that was spat out got onto its feet. Desperately wiping the slime off his face, they could see his expression darken rapidly. “It stinks! Can someone tell me what on earth is this crap?!”

“Old Ba!”

“Old Ba...”

Old Jiu and co looked over in disbelief.

Old Ba’s still alive?

Gu Xiqiao looked at Dog Feed in disgust. “Brother Jiang, why’s Dog Feed so darn repulsive?”

“Don’t let it enlarge the next time.” Jiang Shuxuan patted her head before scanning Dog Feed from head to toe. He started having the idea of altering Dog Feed. The first thing he’d change is its habit of drooling. It was exceptionally disgusting to him, who was a clean freak.

Unamused, Jiji stared at them both. Was there really no problem with calling a flower “Dog Feed”?

It couldn’t help but compare its own name to the flower’s. In any case, Jiji sounds better than Dog Feed, right? Dog Feed? Not even a clown could come up with such a preposterous name!

Dog Feed: “...”

‘Why do you want to hurt me like this?’

Gu Xiqiao eyed Jiji, which prompted it to reach out and spray water all over Old Ba’s body. “Let’s wash you down, shall we? You stink!” said the robot.

Old Ba, who had barely regained his senses was frightened one more time. What in the world is this thing?! Don’t tell me this robot is also another demon!”

The area they were in was actually a fair distance away from the boundary. Gu Xiqiao waited for them to pack up their things before leading them out.

With food, drink, and a shower, Old Ba started realizing that this situation was getting further away from the idea of survival in the wilderness. It felt to him as if they were on vacation instead!

“You guys have been enjoying yourselves for the past few days?” Old Ba was getting increasingly envious. He recalled that initially, he had been slaving away so intensely that he didn’t even sleep a wink at night. Now they’re lazing around so casually?

Shi Yi responded with a grin. “So-so.”


Old Ba thought to himself, ‘I should totally beat the living crap out of you guys right now.’

It didn’t take them long to arrive at the boundary of the desert. There was a team of soldiers stationed there with carrier vehicles, a helicopter, some tents and...heavy armaments.

Old Jiu’s eyes lit up. “Old Ba! It’s Old Qi and the boys!”

Gu Xiqiao strolled casually in front of Jiang Shuxuan. This desert-crossing trip was

Old Jiu, you guys managed to find your way out so easily?” Liu Zi and the rest were in the middle of assigning tasks; each of them held a map out in front of them. They rushed towards Old Jiu excitedly the moment they caught sight of him. He appeared way too clean for a survivor out in the desert. Wait a moment, were you guys struggling to survive out there or were you guys actually on vacation?!

With a face devoid of emotion, Liu Zi opened his mouth. “How could you deceive us so heartlessly? We went through hell to come here after receiving an emergency signal from you guys! Big Boss had even assigned heavy weaponry to us! We’ve churned our brains out trying to come up with a rescue plan for y’all and here you come waltzing back! Oh how I want to strangle you right now!”

Old Ba patted him on the shoulder. “Well, I was one step away from meeting the maker himself.”

Liu Zi eyed his spotless clothes and grunted coldly. “You take me for a fool?” What a waste of emotions! What a waste of time spent searching high and low for him!

“We’ll leave that for another day.” Old Jiu waved his hand casually. “In any case, the reason why we’re alive here right now is because of Miss Gu.” He then spun around to peer at Gu Xiqiao and Jiang Shuxuan.

Liu Zi gazed in the direction Old Jiu was peering. He was shocked to see the both of them standing there. “You guys wait here. I’m gonna report this to Big Boss.”

He darted into his tent swiftly. A handful of minutes later, two men emerged from the tent.

The man leading in front was a tough guy sporting a military outfit. His facial features were handsome and no doubt, it was Ying Xu.

He first noticed Old Jiu and his men, and then the duo who were standing nearby. Seeing Gu Xiqiao was shocking enough but the tall figure standing next to her? His pupils dilated from surprise.

“Miss Gu... and Admiral?”

Gu Xiqiao directed a smile at Ying Xu. “This helicopter of yours, can you lend it to me?” She turned towards the helicopter with eyes full of interest.josei

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