Rebirth of the Heavenly Empress

Chapter 758

Chapter 758

Chapter 758

Su Lun and Su ruohua were taken to visit here. Su Huiqing failed to find them, but she was given time to deal with a few things. However, when she first arrived at her exclusive studio in the building, the people outside stopped talking.

"What?" Su Hui leaned back.

"No Nothing... " The guard tangled for a moment, then looked at the door of the office, and finally said nothing and left in a hurry.

I can see that the pace is a little messy. josei

Su Hui leans to feel his chin and then opens the door. He just wants to let someone stop the guard. But after opening the door, he sees a familiar figure.

"Why are you here?" Seeing the figure, Su Huiqing was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

Suddenly, there was no one to stop the guard. Inside the door, a clear figure was sitting on the chair, facing her. However, the other party had his head and was looking at something. He could not see his face clearly, but could only see the outline.

When he heard the sound, Yu Shijin raised his head. He pursed his lips and did not speak.

But Su Huiqing could clearly feel that his eyes were darker than before, and she didn't look very happy. The cold light reflected by the sunlight made her squint.

She only heard the other side's cold voice, "know that Junke?"

Su Huiqing first thought for a few seconds, wondering why Yu Shijin suddenly came here. She suddenly heard his voice. She didn't respond for a long time. She just looked up at him, "OK."

The expression on his face showed no joy or anger.

"How much do you remember?" Yu Shijin took a deep breath.

Su Hui chuckled, but there was no smile in the corner of her mouth, "no more, no less."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Yu Shijin knew that she should remember a lot. He was heavy and didn't know what to say. He just reached out and lit a cigarette. The smoke was swirling around his eyes. His eyes were dark and cold.

Su Huiqing didn't stop him this time. He just leaned by the door with a pale expression.

"I remember that there were two explosives at that time," Yu Shijin's voice finally sounded after a long time, "why did you put up the last one?"

Su Huiqing didn't answer immediately. She just went to his desk, took out the cigarette in his hand, crushed it and threw it to one side. Her movement was very smooth, "that's it."

But the slightly drooping palm is tightly held.

"Yes, you can." Yu Shijin raised his head and Su Huiqing could see a trace of blood light on the bottom of his eyes.

How to say, after getting along with Yu Shijin for a long time, she probably knows that this person usually looks cold, but she doesn't get angry many times. Now it is obvious that he has a cold look on his face.

"At the beginning She took one to save her brother Su Huiqing pursed her lips. She didn't look at Yu Shijin, but she was glad that she went to Mr. Zhuge this year. Otherwise, she didn't know how to recover those memories.

Some memories are unforgettable once they come to mind. Su Hui thought, her eyes began to lose, "do you remember my code name? When you went to the island with overseas people, I had already made a secret hot weapon. The only thing I needed was a key to get out, and finally the door you came to open. "

Yu Shijin's fingers tightened slightly. He glanced at Su Huiqing, but could not see the light in her eyes.

"I was very grateful to you at that time." Su Huiqing chuckled, "thank you very much. It was the first time I saw light in more than ten years."

How much influence did the ten years have on her? So big that she forgot everything on the island, even how to get out, but also couldn't forget how she spent every day as an experimental body.

What is the meaning of her life if she is abandoned by her family for more than ten years?

Angie only stayed in the laboratory for a few years, and suffered less than one percent of her, but in the end she was unable to resist torture and suicide.

Junke was the first friend she knew. Junke came here to train with Yu Shijin, but she was caught by a single experimental body. The sunshine Junke asked Su Huiqing to take off her guard. Finally, Yu Shijin broke the defense and rescued them.

The experiment on the island is very realistic, and no overseas people will come to rescue them. Yu Shijin's actions have angered the people behind the laboratory, especially Su Huiqing, an excellent experimental body, so a large group of experts can't catch up with them.

Finally, Junke and her were surrounded. Su Huiqing was still awake at that time. She had two hot weapons in her hand, which were enough to let them leave safely.

But no one thought that the boss of the laboratory caught them and asked Junke, "are you familiar with number 15?"

Su Huiqing didn't look at Junke at that time, only thought Junke should know how to answer is the best for them, but what she didn't expect was that Junke took away her hot weapon in that second and left by herself.

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