Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God

Chapter 1241 Take Me

Chapter 1241 Take Me

Whether it was the deep ravine of white, gorgeous flesh, or her toned and soft belly, or the faint outline of her shaven treasured place below… Each lit a heat that Dyon couldn't temper alone.

White flames blazed in Dyon's eyes, causing a glint of surprise in Amphorae's features. She could actually feel her holy will being amplified… But it was a supreme law! Was that even possible?! However, the truth was right before her, how could she deny it? josei

The moment the white flames invaded her body, the endless pleasure seemed to surge forward exponentially. No matter how elegant and refined Amphorae was, she could no longer hold back her fits of moaning. They escaped her lips time and time again, without any sign of restraint.

Under her stupor, she vaguely felt a pressure release from her chest and her hips being pulled up ever so slightly so that a small and delicate piece of fabric could slide down her thighs.

Dyon almost became afraid. He had never seen anything more perfect in his life. The feeling of being unable to control himself shook him to his core, so much so that he lowered his head and hid his eyes within Amphorae's bosom, wrapping his strong arms around her waist and immersing himself in the soft cushion that surrounding his face and a fragrance that could intoxicate the gods.

Amphorae stroked Dyon's hair like a loving wife.

"Today, had you shown fear toward my blood lust, I likely would have severed this life from the past. My past life couldn't even be considered that… I was nothing but a hollow shell, a dressed-up doll with her life planned long before she was born. It wasn't until this life that I came to understand who Amphorae Pakal was and is… Who Amphorae Sacharro was and is…

"You've shown me that you're worthy of being my husband. You're still that man willing to face the greatest of dangers with a posture firm and strong, a back as wide as the world and eyes as piercing as heaven's sword. You're still my King, my Emperor… My first and only love." Amphorae smiled lightly, her hips shifting ever so slightly.

A moan escaped her lips as she felt the heated rod that was Dyon's member slide along the slit of her treasured place.

"Take me…" The words had just barely left Amphorae's lips before she felt a spear pierce her and a pleasure that made her shiver with ecstasy.

Dyon caressed Amphorae's body as though it was as fragile as a porcelain doll despite the fact even his strongest attack wouldn't be able to harm her.

In the end, he fell into a bout of pleasure that lasted several days. Unfortunately, he was unable to tame this wife of his, but that was only to be expected. That said, the roars of a dragons and the calls of a phoenix sounded through Soul Rending Peak for several days, causing their disciples to accumulate months worth of cultivation in a fraction of the time…


In the Golden Flame Quadrant, a gathering of geniuses the likes of which only happened on rare occasions was taking place.

After news of the Golden Crow Sect's struggle with the Flaming Lily Sect was publicized, it was only logical that many would start investigating why such a balanced relationship had suddenly turned sour. It was a confusing time for many until information about the existence of the Golden Flame Mystical Realm finally surfaced!

Dyon may not know, but those who grew up in the martial world knew very well. The Golden Flame Quadrant was known as the best quadrant to find special flames in. Usually, these special flames were used by those not lucky enough to be born with flames with their own characteristics in order to bring their power to a new level.

According to legend, special flames converged in this quadrant because it was the birthplace of the Sovereign Flame, a flame that lorded over all others as their ruler.

This so-called Golden Flame Mystical World was a world with this Sovereign Flame as its central core, just like the infernal core of the Demon Sage's world and the life stone of the Celestial Beast's world. As a result, it came to be known as a holy land of flames.

At the same time, flames were known as the bringer of life, especially for humans. Legends across time told of legends that marked the beginning of the rise of the human race as the invention or bestowment of fire to them. In fact, it's because of this that the flames of the phoenix could embody life, death and reincarnation.

Because of these truths, a world with the Sovereign Flame as its core was also a hotbed for spiritual vegetation to grow. It was even possible for long since extinct treasures to appear once more in this world!

After news of this could no longer be bottled up, the Golden Flame Quadrant was forced to share, not out of willingness, but out of necessity. One would think that they would be protected by the rules of the tower quadrants. Wasn't it against these rules to attack one another across quadrants? Plus, wasn't the Mystical World the legacy of their quadrant? What right did others have to ask for a share?

However, such rules were dead and people were alive. There were no shortage of "exceptions" to this rule made whenever greed overtook reason. People were hypocrites and would take advantage of others whenever they could, yet rage when the same was done to them.

However, this Mystical World did provide them with one saving grace. Those allowed to enter were limited to those who had flame intent of the 7th, 8th or 9th level. This restriction forced many geniuses to give up as the those who could follow the flame path so far were rare!

In fact, among the geniuses who had reached such a level, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that 70% of them were concentrated in the Golden Flame Quadrant!

As for the others, many of them were from quadrants too weak to demand anything of the Golden Flame Quadrant. As such, it was only the remaining geniuses from strong quadrants that could demand respect that came here. And, even then, out of respect, they had to pay exorbitant prices to earn a 'place'. This was the Golden Flame Quadrant's method of saving face. After all, one had to remember that quadrants ranked 4th to 9th were basically equal in power.

At this moment in time, many of these geniuses and their elders stood in the expanse of space, several thousand miles away from a blazing star. Even as celestials, withstanding the heat of a star was too much for them so they could only stand this far distance away. Only dao formation experts of a high level could even think about approaching the surface of a star. Even then, reaching its core only meant death for anyone below the half-step transcendent realm! And, this was of course only a measurement for those who delved into fire dao. Other experts would still be severely lacking!

Unfortunately, this was the place of the Golden Flame Mystical World's entrance, just a few dozen miles from the surface of the hottest star in the quadrant! In fact, this was the hottest star in all the tower quadrants!

Among the geniuses there, many young men couldn't help but take small glances toward the violet dressed women of the Flaming Lily Sect, an undisguised lust in their eyes. If they were here, they too were geniuses. So, why couldn't they pursue these women? In fact, only they could!

At the center of these women, stood three disciples that stood above the rest.

To the left was a fiery red-headed Lolita, who, despite her small frame and flat chest, wore armor that only barely covered her nipples and nether regions. To her back, there was a blazing set of red-metal wings forged of Red Mercury, making them incomparably light and flexible, not to mention tough. However, the most surprising part was her right hand that held a massive hammer twice the size of her body!

This young lady was only a pseudo-celestial, but was in line to become the third legatee of the Flaming Lily Sect, Serbona Malleus.

To the right, there was a quiet and refined young lady with flowing black hair. At times, this sea of black would flicker to life with a flame of grey before dying out once more. She couldn't help but give off an air that involuntarily repelled others despite her astounding beauty.

This young woman was the first legatee of the Flaming Lily Sect and was already a peak celestial. The only thing holding her flames back from entering the dao realm was her cultivation! Yandevere Estona.

However, the woman in the middle was the one many could only glance at from the corners of their eye.

This woman stood tall, her chest was proud and her curves were outrageous. Yet, there was not a hint of seductive air around her. Instead, she was calm and inviting, warm and elegant. Her purple hair flowed to the small of her back as though a small and steady stream of air swirled around at her beck and call.

Her features were the pinnacle of perfection, a truly suffocating beauty.

She had only just broken into the celestial realm but had already climbed to the 2nd stage after all 9 of her meridians were filled due to the blessings of the heavens.

This was none other than Madeleine Sacharro! Second Legatee of the Flaming Lily Sect!

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