Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God

Chapter 969 Expensive

Chapter 969 Expensive

What was also lamentable was that he actually forced the swallowing willow mask to use a portion of its tribulation lightning. It was already depleted, yet now it was even more so. The only good news was that a saint wasn't enough to make it use too much of its power. That that didn't change the fact that Dyon was completely pissed off.

Even if he had to use all of trump cards, it would be worth it to teach this bastard a lesson!

The moment he thought this, he felt Ri lightly squeeze his hand. "He's not worth your time or your effort. He'll come to know in the future that he can only become a character below you."

Ri's sweet smile caused the angered hearts of those geniuses who had been forced to kneel by Anak to throb for a completely different reason. How could would it be for her confidence and smile to be directed toward them?

However, her words implied something spine tingling. Was she blinded by love? Or could this mysterious character really match up against Anak?

One had to know that Anak was already a Pseudo-Celestial, his cultivation had technically left the normal saint realms.

Remember, the foundation stage and the meridian formation realm both came before the essence gathering realm. But, both of those involved tempering the body and meridians with essence level energy. Wouldn't a true genius want to repeat these very steps with saint energy and then celestial energy?

Those who did so were known as the pseudo cultivators of the realm they were going to step into. And it was also because of this "re-tempering" that, despite having the body of a celestial, Dyon could still struggle against first and second grade saints.

Currently, Anak was in the process of repeating the 'foundation stage' with the use of celestial energy instead of essence energy. Technically, he was still a saint, but his body was elevating to the levels of a celestial. Cultivators who reached this level were known as Pseudo-Celestials.

With this level of power, not to mention his wills and technique, plus the fact Dyon's soul and energy cultivation were sealed, it would be almost impossible for Dyon to defeat him. As it stood now, there was a less than 1% likelihood that he could. It was unfair, but it was also the truth.

Of course, Ri would never bet against her husband. Dyon was a man who fought a celestial and a peak saint with the cultivation of a meridian formation expert and came out alive. Only a fool would bet against such a man, let alone his own wife. However, if Dyon revealed too many things, individuals like Aritzia would have too many clues and hints to use to put the pieces of the puzzle together. It just wasn't worth it.

Dyon continued to stare at Anak, his eyes nearly spewing fire.

It was at that moment that the entrance began to rumble. A vortex of icicles and snow warped into a violet portal. This was the final test, only those who could survive the violent churning would have the right to step into the Valley of Geniuses.

Dyon's gaze shifted from Anak to the swirling vortex of ice and snow. "Don't cross me again, or I'll kill you. There are some people even you can't afford to offend."

Without waiting for Anak's response or the crowd's reaction, Dyon stepped through the air holding Ri's small hand and disappeared into the tornado.josei

Many were shocked by his words, and even more shocked by his actions. Even though the vortex was only a small trial, it still shouldn't be so casually conquered. Yet, considering the fact his and Ri's bodies hadn't been thrown out viciously, it was clear that they had passed.

However, it wasn't long before they all understood. Alexandria was a beast meant to embody the very elements meant to be a test for them. Wasn't such a trial a joke in front of her?

The most poignant point was that Anak hadn't responded. Only a fool wouldn't be able to see the fury in his eyes, yet he, as a God level character among the greatest to ever live, actually withstood the slap to his face. It was too inconceivable!

What was unfortunate was that those here still didn't fully understand just what had made this mysterious masked man so angry. Could he really have only been pissed off that Chrysanthemum implied that Anak could take any woman he wanted? And thus took that as an insult to himself?

Chrysanthemum was no stranger to angering others with her words, but she usually did so deliberately. This was the first time in her life that she hadn't even meant to anger someone, yet had anyway…

There were some that thought of the possibility that this masked man might have some relationship with Madeleine and might even be Dyon Sacharro himself. However, that idea was shot down simply by virtue of the existence of the fog barrier. No one had ever heard of a case where a key wielder could exit a tower while maintaining this barrier. The idea of someone silently developing with the protection of the tower was more than just an advantage, it was blatant cheating!

But, how could they know that the tower had broken its own rules, making Dyon's trial tougher than it had to be? Instead of having a clean sweep of first places, Dyon would forever be stuck at 11th for the fourth trial, and that completely pissed him off. If he didn't deserve first place, that would be one thing. But, the fact he did deserve it, yet had it taken away from him was completely unfair.

Of course, that ended up being a blessing in disguise and led to the Aritzias of the world posit that he was very young and therefore not a saint yet. However, Dyon still took his pound of flesh as compensation. Now he would have time to clean up their Corner and fortify its defenses, lest others begin to believe that they could be bullied.

That aside, those who had recorded the happenings of the past few minutes felt like they had a blazing hot stone in their hands that they had to get rid of as quickly as possible. However, at the same time, no one wanted to miss the opportunity to enter the Valley of Geniuses. If they left to sell their recordings now, they would miss out on a once in a lifetime situation.

There was nothing that could be done. The Sapientia had kept a tight seal on the Internet, only allowing one way traffic with them as the distributer. Because of this, there was no simple way to send them information, it would have to be done in person.

Since it was like this, those who had recorded the events could only grit their teeth and enter the vortex. A few months from now, after the valley closed and kicked them all out, it wouldn't be too late to sell their information then. They could only lament the poor, uninformed souls that would offend Dyon from now until then.


The moment Ri and Dyon entered the vortex, there was a strong force that threatened to tear them apart. However, just how high were Ri's attainments in ice will? And just how tough was Dyon's body?

Others outside assumed that Dyon had only entered so easily with Ri's help, but this was a trial. Even if he was holding Ri's hand, the challenge was his own. They would find out this truth soon enough.

Just like that, the husband and wife pair glided through the storm. Ri was completely untouched, it was as though this was an attack of her own forming. Dyon, however, took some nicks and scratches, here and there, but only to his clothing. His skin remained unharmed.

Ri sighed. "Those robes were so expensive."

She didn't blame Dyon too much, though. Without access to his wills, his only option was brute force.

Ri couldn't help but remember the time where her affinity for ice will was poor. Despite that truth, because she was a martial genius, she had still managed to enter the 9th will level before even 18 years of age. However, now that she was constantly returning her bloodline to its origin with the help of her faith seed, her affinity had skyrocketed. Coupling that with the sovereignty path her Elvin Queen's Reign constitution gave her, ice will bowed down obediently to her whims. It was just a shame that she couldn't help out Dyon.

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