Chapter 24 - 24. Magic Book (2)

Chapter 24 - 24. Magic Book (2)

Elder Chen, who saw the pages of the book that was already full of writings and pictures, couldn't understand at all. His eyebrows are knit together in confusion, trying to flip a few pages but it's still the same. It's not that he doesn't know how to read, it's just that "what type of letter is this I've never seen letters like this before, "he said while massaging his temples which didn't hurt.

This was the first time had happened to him because so far he had never found a typeface like the one in the book. ​​



"So what's your name?" hearing the voice of Elder Bao who was still asking the young man, Elder Chen shifted his gaze.

"Hey, you two. Stop babbling and come here," he said.

They heard Elder Chen's voice and immediately walked towards the old man.

"Huang bao, take a look you understand this writing?" asked Elder Chen, pointing at the book page which was full of writings that he did not understand at all.

Trying to open a few pages, Elder Bao looked page after page.

"Tch .. a librarian like you does not understand the writing of this? Huh don't joke," he said sarcastically.

"It's not like that, this is the first time I've seen writing like this. Try to explain what is written on the pages of the book." Said Elder Chen, feeling sure that Elder Bao knew all the contents of the book, even though he did not know where his best friend learned about writing that had not been. he had ever seen previously.



"I also don't understand," said Elder Bao as he folded his arms casually.

The corner of Elder Chen's lips twitched at Huang Bao's narrative, he immediately had the feeling of wanting to bury the old man standing beside him.

While the young man who saw the picture on the book page was silent and looked like he was thinking about something.

"Uncle, look. Isn't this picture very similar to the runes over there?" He said pointing his index finger at the crystal shell he was cooped up in earlier.

Sure enough, Elder Chen realized that at once. An idea suddenly popped into his head. Maybe this youth's blood could be a clue to him. The mark that filled the girl's body could be related to the Soul-Spirite Rune.

"Son, can you shed your blood on this crystal stone only three drops," said Elder Chen closing the book cover.

"But uncle, it's useless, I've tried before. And there is no explanation regarding the rune".

"Do you know how this book works?"

"I know very well, uncle. You think where I was all this time do not forget that everything I did in this place did not escape my supervision," he said, smiling.

"Err ... Alright. Then how many drops of blood did you use?" asked Elder Chen, never expecting that he had always been watched while at Zolyrous.

"Just one drop"

"Hemm ... it seems you don't know too much. You have to know, the difference in the number of drops of blood you use will affect the information that the magic book will provide one drop of blood will give you only ten percent (10%) of the information, two drops of blood will give you fifty percent (50%) of the information, and three drops of blood will give you ninety percent (90%) of the information. Meanwhile, the remaining ten percent (10%) will only be a mystery."

Hearing the explanation of the old man who was standing nearby, without thinking for a long time, the young man immediately shed his blood on the gemstone on the cover of the book, and suddenly something like before happened.

Writing accompanied by several pictures quickly filled several pages of the book. the young man who saw the writing stopped at the sheet which he did not know which page was amazed and he could not wait to know the entire contents of his book.

"A man of mixed blood, Demon and Wizard, son of the supreme ruler's Lord Gu Yi and Queen Yu Yi. Nobody knows of his presence in this world except for him, an elf who has the heart to save the souls of Queen Yu Yi and her son by sacrificing his soul in a bloody event that occurred 700 years ago ".

it was the writing in the first paragraph that was printed on the book, the same writing they had known so far.

Elder Chen and Elder Bao looked at each other, then stared in horror and amazement at the young man who was standing not far from them.

The feeling of amazement was not that the young man was the son of a ruler. But rather the writing that said that 'an elf saved Queen Yu Yi's soul', it meant that Queen Yu Yi whom they thought had disappeared or in other words was killed without leaving a trace is still alive.

Instantly a feeling of emotion filled the two of them knowing that their Queen was not dead.

"Uncle, don't look at me like that," said the young man, feeling strange about the look the two old men had on him.

"Ah yes little uncle, is the Lord Gu Yi that you mentioned earlier is him, my father? Is he still alive?"

"Yes .. yes, he's still alive."

"Then, what about my mother? Is after the events of 700 years ago, she's all right?"

Immediately Elder Bao shifted his gaze and looked at Elder Chen, a gaze that seemed to say that 'you should answer'.

Receiving a glare like from Elder Bao, Elder Chen rolled his eyes in embarrassment.

"Yes, she's still alive. That's what it says there," said Elder Chen while pointing his index finger at the book.

"However, we don't know where she is right now," for an instant, a sad expression was visible on the young man's face.

"Uncle, little uncle, can you tell me what happened 700 years ago?" said the young man again.

"Mmm .... Regarding that, maybe later, and not now". replied Elder Chen. It's not that he doesn't want to tell it, it's just that when he recalls his original purpose here, telling stories now might not be the right time.

After saying that, Elder Chen returned to focus on the magic book page. Neither did Elder Bao and the young man.

Skim through page after page, and observe picture after picture. Elder Chen acquired new knowledge regarding the Soul-Spirite Rune.

As long as one's soul is sealed by the Soul-Spirite Rune, during that time, not only will it help develop and shape the physical body, the Soul-Spirite Rune will also help improve the sealed soul's cognitive abilities. and the Soul-Spirit Rune can only be used on souls who have not yet been born into this world.

This made the two old men amazed again, that this young man's soul was sealed when he was still in the womb.

Knowing that they did not stop and continued to open sheet after sheet, until the page containing the same rune image as the one on Fu Xie Lan's body.

'Soul Cover Rune' reads the caption on the image.

Soul spirite rune is a derivative of the Soul cover rune.

His guess was right, it turned out that the two seals were related.

The Soul Cover Rune is an ancient seal of the Elf race, and can only be done by those who are pure blood of the Elf race and have reached the Auspisium state.* Auspicious, in this case, is when a person can see future events.

It should be noted that when a person's soul is divided/separated for some reason, and that soul is still in the same world, then one soul will experience destruction, while the other soul will slowly shrink and disappear as a result of imbalance.

Soul cover rune is a seal that can prevent this from happening, where this seal functions to seal the same two souls in human bodies who are indifferent worlds for the two souls to remain alive. Soul Cover Rune has no side effects as long as the two souls are kept separate.

However, this seal has a weakness. When the two souls reunite in the same body, the body that houses the souls will continue to experience excruciating pain. And when the Silver Blood Moon happened, this seal would self-destruct. In other words, the souls that were sealed before would disappear and become nothing.

The Soul Cover Rune has three knots.

The first knot will be untied only when both souls return to the same body and survive the pain of life and death.

The second knot will only be untied when the body that holds the soul returns to life from the dead. In other words, she must first be killed and then resurrected.

When the two knots are untied, the mana needed by the soul body will increase as the number of knots untied to restore that soul.

While the third knot will untie itself when Silver Blood Moon occurs. Which meant destruction for that soul, no matter how much mana was absorbed beforehand.

The two seals are interconnected, so when the first knot of the Soul Cover Rune is untied, the Soul-Spirite Rune seal will automatically open as well.

Reading all those writings, immediately made Elder Chen's brain work fast. josei

"Is not all of this too coincidence the seals on the girl's and this youth's bodies were interconnected. Meanwhile, Queen Yu Yi's soul is known to have disappeared. Can .... Can that girl? No, no. Queen Yu Yi's physical body has not been found. There is no way in that girl's body is the soul of the Queen" he thought denying some of them somehow as if they were true.

Elder Bao also had the same thought.

The two of them looked at each other then shook their heads as a sign that this could not be happening.

Elder Chen read through the last sentence on the magic book sheet containing the writing, then closed it and returned to applying protective magic.

The three of them then left Zolyrous with feelings that were difficult to decipher. Elder Bao decided to take the young man to Lord Gu and tell him everything. As for Elder Chen, he wanted to go back to check on Fu Xie Lan's situation.

However, Elder Bao who was followed by the young man had not even stepped away from Elder Chen's private room and stopped at once. The young man who had followed him for some reason suddenly turned around and ran like a person in a trance.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" shouted Elder Bao trying to follow from behind.

While that young man kept running and ignored Elder Bao's screams.

"There's no mistaking it, this is your aura mom," he thought excitedly as he ran towards the origin of the same aura as his mother's. Don't ask why, it's because he was ever in the woman's womb. He knew his mother's aura.

His heart was beating fast. He missed this moment very much, the moment when he first met his mother.

Previously he had indeed felt his aura. But very vague. Plus the information he had obtained at Zolyrous completely killed his belief.

But it wasn't anymore, her mother's aura was now very clear and dense. Make him excited again. He kept running, past Elder Chen and into a room that was already visible to his eyes.

The door was forced open by him. A little girl who seemed to be in pain, slumped on the floor entered his vision. No, it is his mother.

Right, his mother.

"Mother, hold on," he said immediately approached and helped support the body of the girl he knew was his mother.

Meanwhile, Elder Chen and Elder Bao also entered the room a few seconds later.

Flashback off.


* Auspicium comes from the Latin words auspicious and auspex. It means "someone who sees birds". Suspicion can also be interpreted as seeing, observing to make a prediction, or observing to make a prediction.

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