Chapter 33 - 33. Artland World

Chapter 33 - 33. Artland World

Visible reddish-orange rays begin to decorate the horizon, the birds look contrasting and are flying here and there, maybe after they search for food all day, a cool breeze slowly blows away some of the hair of the girl who is focused on reading a book beside the windows, the silhouettes coming from the trees and buildings add to the feeling of peace at the end of the day.

Until the late afternoon, two people had not moved at all to leave the room since early morning. They are Fu Xie Lan and Wan Lie. She did not know how many books she had read, while Wan Lie is always by her side and waiting patiently for her. Fu Xie Lan didn't care if that young man would die of boredom from accompanying her. The only thing that interested her was that the contents of the books she read again made her feel like she was living in a fairy tale world. ​​

A 'creaking' sound that indicated that her stomach needed to be filled made Fu Xie Lan let out a rough breath, closing the last book she had read. Yes, she has finished exploring all the books, with her intelligence and ability to analyze them very quickly make her not have to read the entire book to know the outline. Wan Lie, who heard her mother's stomach sound, pulled the corners of her lips, smiled faintly, and immediately rushed out of the room to get food for her mother. Since this afternoon he wanted to offer food to his mother, but because he had promised not to make a sound so he decided to wait patiently.

While waiting for Wan Lie's food, Fu Xie Lan moved to the side of the window, took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly again.

"To my surprise, I was thrown into a world inhabited by those who have powers beyond reason."

After skimming through all the books, she concluded that her place was now inhabited by beings with different abilities just as Elder Bao had said since she first met him. This world they call the Artland World and is inhabited by various kinds of creatures.

The Vampire race is known to have very strong physical strength with incredible speed, they also have sharp senses.

Werewolf races are human and they can turn into wolves, hairy, and fangs. they have a sense of smell that is sharper than the vampire race, they also have the same stamina and speed as the vampire race, what is special about them is that they can regenerate very quickly.

Fairy race, their body shape is very small. but thanks to the help of a special pill that the Wizards produced for the Fairy race, their bodies can resemble humans. They tend to have transparent wings, can control plants and some of them are even able to communicate with animals.

The other race is the race of Neptune, they are called mermaids by the human race, have tails, and tend to live in waters. But many of them survived on the mainland, thanks to the help of special pills that the Wizards produced for their people. They can control water and move swiftly in the water.

The Lucifer race, their race is known to be very closed and doesn't care about what happens in this world. Their distinctive strength is fire. some of them are said to be capable of creating fires that are extremely difficult to extinguish. It is said that the fire is white because the temperature exceeds 2000 degrees Celsius, in other words, the heat of this fire is equivalent to the heat that is at the core of the sun.

While the Wizards were known to be smart and cunning. Able to manipulate/create anything using the mana on their body. They are even able to create a power similar to that of other races. The Wizard race is also known to be the strongest nation after the Demon race.

The human race, this race does not have any strength, is known to be very weak and their lifespan is very short. They don't use mana and only rely on physical strength.

And the last one is the strongest race is Demon. if the Wizards can manipulate anything using their mana in their bodies then the Demon nation can take someone's life without blinking, the hallmark of this nation is black smog and they are said to be able to summon fire from hell, black flames that cannot be extinguished.

Each race has its territory and leader, they are not kings or queens. They are the officials of the Demon palace and they are the ones who simultaneously convey the Lord's orders to each of the races. While the king in this world is only one. He is the Lord in power today. In addition, each race also has its academy. Like the Wizards, the Phoenix Academy was the Wizard's academy.

In this world, the source of the power of all beings comes from Mana (life energy). Apart from that one's mana usage was divided into three levels.

Mana at level one, those at this level were only able to control a small amount of mana, and it was only useful for their daily work. As for the natural mana in their bodies, they tend to be below average.

Second level mana, those at this level had a much greater natural mana than level one but tended to be limited. The point of being limited is that they can control large amounts of mana but don't last long.

While the third level, they are called the true people. The natural mana within them is so great that it can stop aging and become immortal. It should be noted that the higher one's mana level is, the eternal life is not impossible.

Which is naturally contained in a person's body can be due to two factors, the first is innate and the second is by cultivating what is around them to become their natural mana, but it is not easy and of course, necessary patience and toughness to do it. josei

The Academy itself was created with the aim of training and guiding them to control mana in their bodies. Everyone is even competing to reach the third level, but not a few of them choose to give up. One level difference is like the earth and the sky.

The system that existed in this world was not much different from his previous life, where the strongest would be respected. If you are weak, then your existence will always be ignored, underestimated, even many of them are forced to accept unreasonable treatment from those who are strong and powerful. They are forced to do it just to survive.

Fu Xie Lan's memory raced to the incident a few days ago, when her senses suddenly became very sharp and when those people called themselves a half grip. She was not a fool to quickly digest everything. She suddenly possessed strength like some of the creatures that inhabit this world. Is this a joke? She who is just an ordinary human suddenly has power. But, isn't having the ability of eyes like hers already beyond reason, right?

If those people's words were true, didn't that mean she was also able to control mana? But how? After all, she also did not know what level she was at.

Wandering through her thoughts without realizing that Wan Lie was entering the room with a tray of food.

"Never mind Mom, thinking too hard will not be good for your health," said Wan Lie after he finished putting the food on the table, he did not know how many times he had heard his mother exhale rough breath since entering the room.

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